Birthday • 1991-01-28 Gender •
Female Location • what ever world dir en grey is from Member Since • 2006-05-26 Occupation • a somewhat hard working student Real Name • Alyse
Achievements • I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers Anime Fan Since • preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child Favorite Anime • I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth Goals • to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?" Hobbies • chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic Talents • I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh? wonderlandchic
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hello mother we're all going to die
for some reason Bunny is trying to make me have a phone conversation with her dog. I won't go into any further detail. Other then that my day was normal. I spit water all over britt, got into more drama, got the shit knowcked out of me by britt and then had to tackle my dog to get off my other dog. THey play around a lot, just to clear that up.
The guy that invented ramen died a dew days ago so I had som ramen in his name. Hope all of you do to. us otakus live on ramen. bye!
myspace page all totally pimped out!
today is just confusing and exhasting. we have this new test schedule that no one likes and it just keeps on getting more and more confusing, even the teachers don't get it. dumb school board, and their stupid head planning -_-
okie! I woke up to my shoe missing, so I ran arund my house trying to find it. My dog keeps on taking things out of my room and leaving them around the house. Now she has a fasenation with my shoes. So was was trying to find it with one shoe on and cussing out my dog. It was in the living room. I got laughed at by my dad. But that was not the hilight of my day, no no no. It was when I was walking to civics and this girl stuck her tounge out and started to lick this guys face. That was emotionaly scarring to see. Well that and GB got crapped on by a sea gull. Whee! We have entertainment now in B lunch! Feeding the sea gulls, and watching them fight over food! XD it's grrreat!
Steve found this guy's hat and poured ravioli all over it then threw it into a puddle. dont' know knwo what that was about. okie I leave now everyone have a good nite!
shake it like you've got something to shake
ok it is offical Bunny has gone to the chaolic side. She used to be atheist now she is all about jesus. I think I should of bought her some jesus band aids I saw at a shop yesterday. At least for Christmas I gave her a choker with crosses all over it.
jazz, hattie and me went to her house last nite and watched pirates of the Carribean. Still can't believe jonny depp is my mom's age and is still hot. Jazz kept going down her shirt when the little 4 year old was watching digging around in her bra. she kept on dropping food down her shirt XD lol! I think she may need a bf! XP
At the last bit of the movie her step dad came in and they got in a fight because she never told us what time to be home so they were fighting in the kitchen then she dissappeared and we couldn't find her. I just left by then ^^ feel bad for her sometimes her step dad can be unfair to her at times.
now it's raining and i have finally updated my Myspace. I feel accomplished. But now I have to go work on a bio project that she gave us on the last week of school. What a bitch she be.
I hated that play Doll House. I think it would of been better with mr. T in it. Stupid slutty nora. Comments (2) |
Saturday, January 6, 2007
If Hamtaro can do it anyone can! I mean come on he built a club house with a working TV!
wow I'm going to update when I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard. okie let's just get this over with! may-may has lost my lolita bible so I'm a little devasted right now and emotinally scarred from having to disect frogs today in biology. I was in charge of taking my pokey probe thing and poking the frog with it. It was exciting and that's probably the hilight of my day! XD I know kind of pathetic but you should of seen it! Juice was sqirting everywhere! okie I stop.
We ditched anime club again to go to pizza inn instead. We dug out money and got a large pizza to split. Then whole time kari had this baby simlator she had to take home for the weekend. There is a reason taht when I took the parenting class I didn't take a baby home extra credit or not. Then thing started to cry for 10 minutes. We were doing every thing to get it to shut the hell up. Kari was yelling at everyone and hitting people (basically she was a little stressed) and gar wasn't helping, he was hitting the baby. And this kids, is why you use a condom. XD
Got to go to bed going shopping in the morning. hugs and kisses to all and to all a good shut the hell up! (family guy reference! XD)
put the lime and the coconut and mix it all up
haha I feel so uncoordinated today! I can't spell and I keep on dazing out. Guess the ADD is really starting to get to me. Either that or latin is starting to annoy me. SO glad it's almost the end of the sememster but then I just go right back in for latin 2!
Yeah it's the new year! happy new year again! People keep on saying it to each other even though it's the 4th so I guess it's ok to tell people happy new year. Let's see, started off the first day back of the new year with amber glomping me and GB hitting on blondie. At lunch steve picked up katie and threw her on the picnic table, Got to see twin 1 high, coner attacking squirrels and being attacked m y some girls hair. So I guess altogether it's been an alright time at school.
Today was cosplay club so once again we're all to ADHD to get anything done. Somehow we got onto the topic of video games. And I am so happy now I'm not the only one that sucks at halo now! THis makes me feel better about my video game skills. I think it's got to be at negitive 3 now. About the same as my G-status. Keep it G yo! ok i'll stop before I get shot.
Oh look a kitty! damn I need to stop doing that, finals are coming up but I think the stress got to me first. Weird weather we're having lately. It was about 70 degrees today really adnormal for here. Global warming is getting to us.
Gar wasn't at school today! no wonder latin was so boring, that class has no life. I think the corner I sit in are the only ones that try to have fun in that class, but in the end get yelled at by the teacher. so going over to bunny's house tomorrow to watch movies but not before we go to pizza inn have to go there! may-may, if your reading this, I need my lolita bible back I really hope you haven't lost it yet. I"ll go gangsta on ya! okie I really need to stop that. bye!
happy new year!!!
wow, hard to believe that it's almost the new year yet here I am tired of raming through airport security drowning my life out on a computer lol! No my seriouly that's basically what I'm doing. Just got back from Philly and checking my email after a week of not being here. had fun but my grand mother had to go into the hospital, got my purse confinscated by security both coming up and back, Then had to wait on a plane for 3 hours because the flight got delayed. But it was fun! I hope everyone else had a great holiday adn soon to be a good new year. Year of the boar I think that's supposed to be a good year!
I'm kind of tired so I think I"m going to go curl up with my dog and go to sleep. Oh yeah that's another thing, my dog chewed up the whole house so now we're having to pick of the remains of the tv remote, books and even part of our wall. Again happy new year!
Mr. pac man needs to go into rehab
ok I"m going to out up a mood for once in my life.
MOOD: thristy/tired.
ok that was cool. adn I basically don't want to see another pizza in my life. I went to one of my old friends house to go to their birthday party. We went to pizza hut and had this crazy waiter. THe waiter started to fight with the cook in the kitchen about the bread sticks. that was funny! But in teh end we got them. I think the cook made the wrong order. Ok here is a fact of the day. Pizza hut was the first one to send pizza in the outer space to astronaunts. Pretty cool huh? I dont' knwo how they did that though.
I felt bad yesterday so had to cancel out on beth's party. I got pretty sad about that I wanted to go everyone was there. But I was dying of a head ache and in the end went over to hattie's house to hand out and watch TV so I wouldn't be bored all nite with my family. VH1 was having the best of 2006 specials. Some pretty funny things happened in that year. But man, this year has gone my fast. And so much to do with Brintney Spears to. I feel kind of bad for her babies more then her. How many times did she drop that poor kid? adn I know for a fact that us people down here in the south do not natrually drop our babies. That was a sad excuse right there!
Then today was my dad's birthday so we went out for pizza again. I seriouly felt sick after eating there. We were just leaving when I band was coming in to preform so missed them.
I got on the phone with jazz while she was having an argument with her brothers over the phone. Yesterday she nearly burnt down the kitchen because the left the burgers on high heat for an hour while talking to hattie. That girl sometimes is so oblivious to things around her. lol! LIke the time she got lost in the stairwell that was classic! I mean how do you get lost on a flight of stairs you either go up the stairs or down the stairs. Then she forgot where she lived. >_> I love her so much though ^^
Well I"m getting something to drink so see yall around!
happy birthday die! ha! and you call kaoru old! (yes I"m aware he will not read this and I"m talking to myself, shut up!)
*sigh* of all the days I get sick on the last day of school. Makes me sad but all well it was the last day of school after all! Right now I'm having to guard the Chrismas tree from my dog who was just chewing up a present.
OK so ar lunch the sea gulls are attacking we hate them yet we feed them to make them stay so I guess we're in a love hate relationsship ^^. Kim and meg brought in cookies so everyone was taking them this morning, Grant even tried to light one on fire, then he tried to light gar on fire. That guy is such a Pyro maniac, he was over 10 packs of matches in his pocket. O_O
I just got back from a date with gar. We wanted hattie and jazz to come but they couldn't so it was just us. Went to see may-may at pizza inn I think we got her in troubel with her manager >_> well she was the one talking to loud! At least she wasn't going on about how she fucked split in her back seat. I had to sit back there once to! Because gar didn't want to go home, he called his dad stupid so now he has to write an essay about how not to get angry or something like that. But better then may-may she called her mom a fucked up bitch then they got into a bitch fight in her room. 0_0 would of liked to of seen that. >_>
SO we ran around Barnes and nobles looking at the manga. Then we just left. May-may burned me the diru vulgar CD! so happy! But I haven't listened to it yet.
In civics (dang this post is going everywhere)we read dr Seuss, I don't think I spelled taht right but you know the guy that wrote all the messed up drugged out stories that actually make sense in reality. So that was fun! haven't had story time since hattie read the book about a witch that one time. Mean while Hablo wrote something on my hand in permant marker... and it won't come off >_>
OH yeah happy birthday DIE! and chi-yaun!
you go die with your sexy speech! YOu know calle me dumb from not knowing this but apparently Die is like a quarter german. I didn't know that. Comments (2) |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
why do the cows on barnyard have uters?
hey everyone! I'm bored and just haven't had the time to update so I make it up here. I dont think I will be able to update lately because of lack of time and interest. But thanks to those who have been commenting I"m past the 300 visit's mark! yeah I know not much to celebrate about but still an accomplishment for me. I want chinese food. Bunny made me hungry talking to her, then darrin and may-may call while havign a conversation to themselves about where they are going to get chinese. Now I"m just hungry. >_> time to raid the fridge I guess.
Alright so back in school, got my face pounded with a facial my mom forced me to go to, and karebear you are still emo, you can't deny it any longer. Oh! Today we got to disecet insects today and tomorrow we get a ice cream party! I can't remember if I said anything about this but we went ice skating with some friends on saturday. That was great but hattie wouldn't skate! Jazz just fell on hew ass every 2 minutes (^^ silly jazz) and gar kept on stealing everyone's hats off their heads. It was great and now on Thursday I'm going to beth's for her sweet 16, then the next day is my dads b-day. No time! 0_0 I feel like the white rabbit now!
May-may is hell bent on getting these diru tickets except we dont have a ride or the money. I finally got darrin to watch the new diru PV! I think she got scarred but hey if I did she has to too. For Chirstmas I preinted her out some diru captions we were laughing to hard this morning over them!
Yesterday we had the sub from hell for english class. First we walk in and ask her if she's the sub, her response: "no I"m not no fuckin sub! I hate that word!!" yes that is exactly what she said. THen I go out to the hall with adam to put my book away and he puts his in mine, adam almost gets written up for walking out of class if I hadn't fought for him. Then one guy laughs and he gets written up. It's crazy! This lady seriouly needed to get laid or something. THe today hattie and gar had a sub out of the homeless shelter, she was trying to mooch off money from students. ^^ fun times, fun times.
Now at lunch the sea gulls are back and swarming around up! It's like a replay of "The Birds!" I think they are adding entertainment for once in our lunch, we feed them, little do the people knwo that if you feed them they swarm even more. Alex figured this out and threw a bottle at them! That's cruelty to animals. And for some reason this reminds me that darrin still has my lolita bible adn she's leavign the country tomorrow. This is bad.
Yep I"m hungry so talk to yall later! not to long before Chrismas, it just doesn't feel like Christmas around here, it's going to be 70 degrees on chrismas morning. I'm telling you it's global warming!
sorry if I post up to much afi, but this just reminded me so much of grand theft auto, the way they push the guy out of the car. Quick to the jademobile! it just has to be said. Comments (4) |
Sunday, December 17, 2006
When the ice turns red eat it, it may be cherry flavor
wow this is what happens when you sleep the whole time when you get home from school, you have to much to tell! Let's see friday latin was as boring as hell but we made it fun by eating pop tarts, they were good to! ^^ yum yum eat them up!
THen rei had a cup cozy and was looking through it like a telescope, that was funny the whole class was laughing but I don't think they were laughing with him. Which was sad I thought it was cute. ^^ THen at anime because it's so boring now nobody was watching the anime. Jerry was drawing, chi, twins, and thunderstorm were outside spinning on this see saw thing and the freshmen group (to many to name) were drawing on cups. I think that is a sign to change the anime we are watching. One is death note and that is just about this pyscho emo dude that kills people and the other is black blood brothers. But I think the hilight of the club was when we watched hard gay. I love that guy. But I wonder if he's really gay.
So we left early and went out to Japan express to fill up on japanese fast food. IT was good, gar was giving his straw a blow job the whole time. Sometimes he is just embarrassing to take out to public but he's ADHD he can't help it. He just found out recently he was tested postive when he was 4 and was told when he was 16 for the first time he was postive. Kind of sad when your parents tell you 12 years later.
Went ice skating tonite had fun. But couldn't get hattie to come out, but soon... >_> Then gar was chasing little kids and stealing beetles hat skating around with it, lol I love him lots! IT was fun but my circulation in my foot was getting cut off because lightening storm tightened them to much. @_@ it hurt!
half asleep while I write this so good nite everyone! Christmas is coming soon so make Jesus a birthday card! I"m going to do it I swear, Chrismas mornign I'll be running out there yelling "happy birthday Jesus!" lol why not the neighbors alreday hate us! ^^