Birthday • 1991-01-28 Gender •
Female Location • what ever world dir en grey is from Member Since • 2006-05-26 Occupation • a somewhat hard working student Real Name • Alyse
Achievements • I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers Anime Fan Since • preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child Favorite Anime • I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth Goals • to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?" Hobbies • chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic Talents • I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh? wonderlandchic
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
if it's raining then it's your imagination
hey! just got back from spending the nite out with gar. we had a lot of fun mostly we just did a bunch of random crap. Like we went to the well spring grocery store and walked around eating all the free samples. Then there was a asign that said "grind your nuts here" that just made us crack up. Everyone was grumpy there but this one old guy that kept on laughing at us I dont' know if that was good or bad though >_> THis one guy even glared at me! that made me sad no one glares at me everyone loves me! jk! I have friends and enemies.
THen for like an hour we just went to gar's quacker church and ran around on the playground. blah now I have to go to latin and bio tomorrow not somethign I want to do. Gar adm me made a lame ass excuse why we were playing with ech other's hands. Hattie just looked at us and said "nice comeback guys." I love hattie!
For the mornign all I did was laugh at foot ball players, I swear they do the dumest things like this one guy just fell on the ground and started to wave around his legs. And went to the park with my dogs. The puppy one brought in a dirty daiper this morning. First road kill now diapers. What will happen next? Okie I gotts to go so everyone have a good nite.
it's all in the lipse
Music: Jesus christ RnR- dir en grey
hi! I"m cold and tired but that's kind of going to happen since winter is approaching. Everyone in my family is fighting so it's kind of annoying so I"M blasting out diru right now! ^^ Kyo's voice is good for that kind of thing.
I had to babysit tonite it was ok but once again I didnt' get paid until tomorrow so I'm kind of pissed abotu that. I want my money! I had to chase a 3 year old around after ge was having a fit about dominos, make farie with a 7 year old that even a 16 year old couldnt' make and the other one was on the phone while baking with the easy bake oven. I used to have one of those! But now they are fancier and come with a cook book. I never had that ;_;
he's homegrown!
hey! it's late so I have to write fast! once again the guys at lunch were asking donations to strip but this time for latino monkeys. And once again everyone just turned their heads and went back to eating. Then corey the suck at life person jumped in from of a police officer and the police officers stopped and told him he was calling he parents and givign him some kind of detion reocrd blah blah blah police officer thing. Basicly he's in huge trouble with the law now. What a dumbass not even I would jump out in front of a police officer.
And in the soccer feild some guys were trying to dig a mote out of planks of wood. XD don't know how far they were getting. lol!
Gar won't stop scaring the little freshmen. It's so mean I dont know why he's doing it! But it's so funny that I laugh. I guess it's one of those indecive kind of things.
Diru tickets went on sale today! And they're probaly sold out but I"m happy for them even if I can go. I bet they don't even realize how popular they are.
We are making Gar a fan of dir en grey so we went to hattie's house and watched a diru dvd and then some funny vids on youtube. I think gar was gettign a little turned on my the geisha whores in the Obscure PV. XD I dont' know anyone that can get turned on by that vid. Our latin teacher is gone tomorrow! yay!
This is the dir en grey obscure vid for those that haven't seen it. Comments (1) |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
ne step forward and 2 steps back
hi to all! I thought I would post early so I don't rush leave out stuff like I always do. First off Gar! turn on your profile no one can get into your site!
okie! um well like always the gangsters are throwing shit at us. This time it was a soda bottle and almost hit lizzy and hannah and then 2 freshman came up to us and said "you there are starvign children in Africa, give us a dollar to help them and I'll strip for you." I think people would of payed them to keep their pants on XD lol!
But none the less this mexican guy yelled "yeah I"ll pay you!" XD I'm starting to like this lunch. He really did start to take off his pants to. And I think he was evan masterbating in a corner. o_O Menawhile Kim was talkign about a time this girl shoved a paint brushin her eye and the 2 rednecks talked about guns. asian boy was writing on the table in ketchup but kept misspelling words. XD
Then while workign a a project, I was doing it on animal rights and found an article that said this gay women wanted to make we pet gay. and was paying all this money to see it done. good god what is the world coming to?
Wow I guess I really didn't have much to say. Latin we were looking at the Shoxx mag and the latin teacher yelled at us and threatened to take it away and Mirella drew more diru fanart. I love her fanart. So yeah I guess that's all.
I like this song but seeing a bunch of middle age men in bikini bottoms just kind of kills it! XP
hi! I just want to start off it you have a hickey then please hide it I have seen to many in the past week. First adam (I'm tellign you it's the silent ones!) then karen came up to me and shoved her neck into my face and told be about how her bf gave her a hickey. Then I had to see it again during lunch. so if you have a hicky cover it, turtle necks are back in style you know.
ok now that that's over with hi there all! hope your doing great. I"m about as bored as hell and supposed to be studing my latin but screw that she's not going to be there friday or monday and I'm dancing on the inside.
I was reading through the paper and saw some things I didn't want to see. First off people at our school have sex in the locker rooms and under the stair wells. Not something I really needed to hear. Even though this shouldn't shock me.
Ok then once again I hope I haven't lost you guys! I really wanted to stay after school to get free food from around the world but we had to go and catch a ride and gar had guitar practice. so I didn't get my free food ;_; that made me very sad. But also the gossip queens of the school found out about my little secret that I'm open about I just didn't want them to know, so now I'm kind of mad. But knew this would happen some day.
Um I dont' really have much else to say to I guess bye!
why is the rum always gone?
well like always there is always something new at our school. First off they spent more of the budget on this chain link fence that has no purpose at all. I dont' know what they are trying to keep in but it's not working. If that doens't keep the hobos out then I guess the moat that is around the other side of the entrance will. Then there was a birthday sign that said "happy birthday 21st birthday Jen!" um that's no somethign I would advertise to the whole school that your a high schooler that is 21.
I was getting sick throughout the day with some kind of stomach virus. I blame it on the deer I was eating (Like I have said I'm nt a redneck) but the guy in our bio class is. He spent 5 minutes repeating and syaing outloud hattie's last name. Hattie was giving him the WTF look that she always gives. XD lol!
I had to go to the guidance counselor today. HE never gets my name right! >< it's always something different each day. Today he said my middle name adn Lexa had to poke me to tell me he was talking to me. I just don't respond to my middle name. No one's called me kathrine since 1st grade.
Then I found out that I am behind on math so I have to take 2 math's next year. Quite a bummer for me I can't do math worth anything math usually does me. Diru is coming back! I told may-may adn she's planing on ways to jump them so I don't think I'll be going with her. And even better I made gar a fan of diru so he also wants to see them. So I leave you on that note.
What the hell is ADD? oh a birdy!
Alright I"m back! I've had kind of a busy weekend. First there was a party on saturday and gar taught me some guitar. But he strap was broken so I couldn't keep it on! ^^ Then may-may came over and we went to the mall and shopped around. Out of nowhere may-may shoved all this clothes in my hands and told me to try them on. THe lady working there was the grumpyess almost more so then the old man in the man's department. I was attacked my her because I had over 3 garments and the limit is 3. THen gar was attacked my these little mexican kids running around while humping a chair. I honestly didn't really know what he was doing.
When we got out of Macy's we went to get pizza and the guy there must of been high or something because he started to sing then we all jioned in! we got so many looks! lol! XD
May-may complained how hot she was but said she couldn't take off her jacket. I asked we why and she said "because then I'll get in trouble" WHne we were in the car she unzipped her jacket and there was a shirt she was trying on underneth. I've known may-may to shop lift but for chirst sakes! She's from a christen family! Gar's face was just priceless it when from O_O to >_> in seconds.
Then today we went to see this overly long and boring movie but it was fun in it's own ways! But now I"m so tired but happy hattie is back! She went to a japanese book store that even had lolita in it and jrock cd's! so lucky! I want to go! But I'm stuck here writing depressing poems for a bio project. sometimes it's better if you don't ask.
ho shit Kozi's gone mexican!
Music: honey vanity- kozi
COme on have you heard this song! sounds like he's gone mexican! Just saying though.
hey! Thought I would update now since I bored and have nothign to really do. I just got off the phone with bunny and we were so bored and wanted to see each other but no ride. Can't wait until I get my own cement block on wheels, but I"ll be lucky to get even that.
I went on Myspace for the first time in a month. And I still can't figure the thing out. I"m about as computer iliterate as president Bush. Oh! Bunny was telling me that the democrats are taking over and one of the last names of the people (I really do pay attention in civics just most of the time I'm sleeping) is Dick. How fitting for politics.
Ok so hattie is out of town in NY city. Damn her leaving me here all weekend! I hope she gets run over by a taxi! jk! I would never want that for one of my friends! hehehe..he...he >_>
So I went to Rosses with may-may and looked at things. THey actually have some alright stuff there I'm going to have to go back! Then went to Pizza Inn and drew all over the menus with sharpie markers. Yay sharpies! May-may and me wanted to go to staples and get a whole pack of them! All the colors of the rainbow! Which reminds me I found this online!
I kind of liked it but I found if on one of my enemies my spaces.
Blah I'm so bored I can't wait until tomorrow when may-may maybe her bf and gar are coming over and we may go see a movie.
We may have as much fun as the time when we did the hockey pockey in the mob. Darron and April started it then from there is was a chain reaction and soon the whole circle (we all stand in a circle) was doing it! Everyoen just stopped and stared at us! Noting new! ^^
okie I'm startign to get a head ache from being on the computer to long so I will catch yall later! But not with a net, that's cruelty to animals.
no school!
hi! so happy there is no school tomorrow! but of corse I'm having a great start to a long weekend by working on the bio project, just can't escape school. But I did go to teh movies with gar and hattie. That was great. We saw flushed away. I love the snails! I kept yelling (we were the only ones that were really in the movie theature)"bring back the snails!" I love them! they kept on singing and popping up out of no where! sounds kidn of like me.
Gar has proved just how ADHD he is today. There is a foutain made of just marble blocks so he was jumping on those like a monkey. Then when we went to hattie's house after the movie and he was running around the house banging on her drums, going back and forth on computers then would jump around the yard all in 20 minutes. That kid needs to get some meds pretty soon, surprised he hasn't been tested yet.
Kim is Ok! And so is everyone else now there are police officers out now. Mr. potatoe head was out and sent Alex to teh office for popping cups on Corey's head. Don't see what the big deal is, everyone does it even teh ROTC did it. And I'm doign great got the highest mark on my test in english with a 98% that kind of made my day.
Where is the love?
hello! today was a kind of off and on day. Godd because a girl at my mom's work was nice enough to make cookies so we got this huge bag of cookies and a movie day in english about some odessey and the main character looks like Jesus. Bad because I have yet another bio project I have to present in front of the class by singing or reading poetry and for some reason there is a racial war going on.
I don't know how it started but for some reason the gangsters and the anime/outcast/open minded/weirdos (I have no clue what you would call our group) are fighting. In A lunch they were throwing molch and our group was cussing them out. Then in B lunch (my lunch) They were gathered in this group on the other side of the road, there is a road in between the outside are. We're on the side of the picnic tables and bleachers while the gangsters gathered around in the bushes. Kindle has already been hit with sticks and rocks but then Kindle and me were talking all the of the sudden this huge rock hits Kim sqare in the face, bounces off he head and flys between kindle and me.
It got kind of quite of a bit and kim was crying but so would I if I was hit, actually I was in the 7th grade with the same kind of rock, but anway, Kindle is getting ready to start a war, everyone is glaring at one another. The gangsters get up and leave (bastards) and the rest of us go to the principle to get them suspended. But of corse the camera is pointing the other way so none of it was caught and no one knew anyone over there. Feel for Kim though. Wonder what they threw in C lunch? This just proves how ghetto the school is.
In bio we made babies. Not like that, no one got down with it. But we got paired up. There are more girls then guys, I got paired with a girl so we were a lesbian couple. Hattie got stuck with the geek in the class that wanted to make the name spell out something.
Our baby was so ugly. He was fat, looked mexican and had an afro. I don't think he was going to survive high school, should of gone with Tim's name: 10 inches. Then he would be popular in teh school. XP
Our latin teacher was on drugs again. First she comes into the room singing then went on about how driving in Rome was. Kind of intersting that they didn't hae guard rails while driving on the Alps even when it was snowing and fog. That has got to be pretty scary.
And the hilight of the day: a 4 foot asian kid being chased around by this 6 foot gangster. Once again where is the love?