Birthday • 1991-01-28 Gender •
Female Location • what ever world dir en grey is from Member Since • 2006-05-26 Occupation • a somewhat hard working student Real Name • Alyse
Achievements • I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers Anime Fan Since • preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child Favorite Anime • I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth Goals • to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?" Hobbies • chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic Talents • I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh? wonderlandchic
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
bob's gone amish and moving out to the wild.
Music: Slide- plastic tree
blah it's raining, I dont like the rain makes me sad and bored. I fought with my computer because it wouldn't let me burn gar a diru cd. But in the end I won!
Ok what to say today. Um well jared is offically a dork. He learned the lauguage of mandilorian. That is a language from star wars. I Think it's time to find him a new hobby, he seriously wrote me this note in mandolorian. THen he started to talk about how they clean the bathrooms where he works, food lion. It was so sick I don't think I ever want to go back. the just take a normal broom, poor chemicals on the floor and sweep that around all over the bathrooms. They even use that same broom to clean the walls. That cannot be legal.
Finally Chi Wan made me my guitar pick! I'm so happy! But I have to go and study the latin. It's so much fun in that class now we just hang out the whole time in that class.
I liked the part when he stopped moving!
hello! sorry skipped out on my updating yesterday but I was to lazy to turn the computer back on when someone turned it off. Just shows what a lazy bum I am. so here is the diru new pv screaming maggots.
I love the animation of it it's very different.
Anyway! I went to a book store and got new shouen-ai manga to turn gar on at shool. we're in a group in latin together now along with hattie so fun times in teh mornings.
Ok so I went to a bookstore last nite and my om picked up this devoping book shoing graphic pics of the fetus and all. everytime someone walked by it ws a guy and everytime he looked at the pictures and started to gag. This one guy came up and went "eewww gross!" and made gagging noises all the way to the bathroom. XD there's a reason guy's don't get pregnant.
So the party was fun stayed up watching scary movies. Final destination is sick and just so many images to make you squirm. So it was kind of a gross movie. THey're dog is possessed I know it it. It came running into the room with these dog PJ's on adn runing in circles and it had red eyes. That dog was a little freaky.
At school Corey and all his dumbass self broke a glass bottle on teh road so when a truck came by glass went everywhere. I kicked him and justin popped him with a stirofoam cup about 7 times. And for later news hannah has become a poser dying her hair purple adn acting all punk when she is nothing near it. Good god they annoy me so much. But I won't get into that.
OMG Adam came into the room with a huge hicky and bruised lips. Know him and his gf had a fun time. XD And even better there was a sub today! and I passed all my classes with A's and B's so I'm happy. But I have to go dig up my eye liner crazy asian and me are going to turn B lunch into a mash pit because that is how boring it it out there. see ya around!
shott me if you want but for some reason I like this song even if it sounds like a stoner song. Comments (2) |
Saturday, November 4, 2006
if I stick a pencil through your head will it come out the other side?
Music: a dir en grey dvd no keeping track of the songs
Hye to all. I am sooo bored I have to wait until hattie can pick me up at 5:30 to go over the amber and ashley's for a party. It is going to be a deep south time one of their niehgbors at one time was trying to kill the other neighbors with a gun. Plus it's out by our old ghetto school with the chicken farm across the street. That's what I say everytime someone ask what school I went to. I say "the ghetto school with the chicken farms and the gangsters down the street" kind of a long title but it sums it up pretty good! XP lol
I finally finished this anime I have been watching. And I have come to a conclusion. Japanese can not plan a good time for a love scene. They can be in a burning down buildign with this evil scientist that has a gun gettign ready for bloody murder, and the lovers will still be saying how much they love each other and sucking face.
OK so I don't think we are in to much trouble with the whole car thing after Krisa let the whole thing out to hattie's mom on the way to her house. SO I think we're ok. I told gar and he was going to kill that girl. I think we're all about to.
Well I have to get ready to go and my brother is behind me yelling for me to get off. so see yall around!
I don't even know why I post these things I don't even watch either of the shows really. But I find them funny! ^^ Comments (1) |
Friday, November 3, 2006
hello everybody! It is friday and friday is a good day. Nothing really happended during the morning so I'll just skipp to anime club.
First GB decided to go get food. It was supposed to be just hattie, gar and me. But when we got outside jazz, sandi, jamia, david and kirsa were joining the group. Ok GB's car is a 5 seater so when we got out to the car, first we just kind of stared at it, some people got in the back, everyone got out, this went on until we could fit 9 people in a 5 seater car. Ended up with karisa in the trunk, gar and me in the front and everyone else in the back. David was sprawed out on everyone! XD it was crazy good! lol
Everyone at cookout was looking at us and kirsa was yelling the whole way about how much she hated us and we were fuck up. yeah she's probably right! XD I couldn't even see hattie the whole way and jazz was under everyone nothign but her hand sticking out!
After anime gar was trying to rape jazz again while britt, kirsa, and me ran after daron to get gummies! ^^ I love sugar, I swear it's crack. I molestled TJ's moobs and caroline called hattie a mexican. Then out of no where everyone was looking down each others shirts so see what the color of their bra was! XD it was so random!
So that was a new experience I'll never forget. GB has a crush on gar so he called gar up and asked where he lived and see if he wanted to go to the school play. So I was invited and drove with gar but jsut because gar didn't want to be alone with GB. Wouldn't blame him GB was pining his against the wall the whole way. And being the yaoi fangirl I am, I just watch. XP
When we got there of corse you need money for ticket. I had 1$ gar had a nickel so we couldnt' even get in. Tickets were 7$ for a high school play ticket, wtf?! SO we snuck in through the side door. All GB's idea, and got caught because we walked by the whole aditorium in front of all the teachers! XD so we got kicked out, by our own friend to! Couldn't see that one huh?
So we just walked around the mall for a while not really doing much because we had to money. GB was hitting on every hot guy he saw in the mall. But hey life's a bitch like that. Lunch we all tried to sit in one bench it was crazy you kind of had to be there to see it. Everyoen was pushing and sitting in each other's laps, yeah crazy.
told hattie I would put these up a while ago and never did, so here they are! a few weeks late.
um.. tacos are good. Ok I'm not good with subjects.
hello! kind of have to study for latin but I thought I wouldn't be a slacker today and update like a good otaku nerd would do, even though my post really don't have to do with anime more then jrock.
The second part of the latin test was easy but during the test Gar was called to his car in teh parking lot. Don't really want to go in detail since he wants to keep in on the low but it is kind of a bad situation. Th elatin teacher turned to me and asked if she should be worried. Probably ^^ gar makes enemies with a lot of people, but he also makes friends. When we got to his car the person who he's in the argument with threw candy at his car. We got free candy out of it at least. That's a waste of good candy though!
I was talking to this stoner in my civics class. He is so weird but our school is just filled with druggies. That's why I advoid the woods. ^^ one guy said he saw 2 guys naked and making out back there! I wouldn't be walking away I would be video taping! Sorry yaoi fangirlism is coming through.
Guess that's it see yall later, and have a good nite!
This just made me giggle! It just matches with them so much! Comments (2) |
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
jeepers creepers!
hey! sorry I haven't post in awhile! But I still lvoe everyone I'm just busy with test at teh moment. I really shouldn't be on right now but hey that's how much I love you guys. ok first off did you know it's rude for dogs to stare at other dogs. True true this was taught in obedience school. I think that getting them to stop is the mystery of it all.
OK so halloween was great! Got lots of candy, finally met up with gar and MR. Candy muffin (why gar nicknamed his friends this I don't know) yeah so we did some things like scared little kids and yelled things at them like "your mom doesn't love you!" and "don't do drugs!" one time while we were at one house these little kids were behidn us and gar turned around and said "get out of our territory or we'll kill you!" I thought that was kind of mean but hey it's gar not the first time he's done anything like that. Afterwards he and Mr. CM took air soft guns and shot at houses until the people came out and to top it off gar made out with a pumpkin. Yep, and it was Emma's house to and she was standing in the door the whole time.
I think we are just overly bored at lunch now. Corey lyes in the middle of the road in front of cars. Some don't stop so he jumps out of the way (darn it). and others stop and honk at him. he's such a dumbass I hope someone comes and runs him over someday. Then April and michelle won't stop talking about having a group orgy in the soccer field!>_< good god you go out in the woods to do that!
Then this other scary kid is stalking me and wants to ask me out. Get the hell away from me! I dont' even really know who this kid really is. Only talked to him about 2 times.
The whole school is PMSing on me. No one is in a good mood latley and they have to be! we get 2 4 day weeks! Be happy people! But no! Some are sad, some angry with halloween and having is blow, and some are just bitches! SO now I'm a little pissed.
I was in civics the other day and this guy just turns around and stares at me. and he keeps on doing that. Finally I ask why he's staring at me. He's an oreo kind of guy (black on teh outside and white in the inside) and says "I'm drawing! that's what I do! you got a problem with that?!" okie just a little. This guy I don't even know is drawing me but that's cool. I got to color in taht class tough! that rocks my world! Coloring books make the world smile to pick up your closest jumbo activity book and start coloring today you could save a life! Yeah so I was happy, and just sugar high.
Now there is this new kid in that class and is also staring at me and doesn't even know where the bathroom is. I wanted to see how strong conner is and he's not very. last time he told me he was going to lift me "ok" and he did but then dropped me and then fell on me. then today he was doing pushups and I sat on his back and he just fell right over. Good god this guy is in the air force too!
OK I"m goign to stop now and sorry for not updating but hey I got test and a jrock mag to read. OH and we got our name in the mag hattie ane me for the haiku contest. so happy! so anyway hop eeveryone had a good halloween and a good nite!
kiss my eyes lay me to sleep
hi I"m back from hattie's. I went there for a halloween party with some friends and spent the nite, now I'm back. And having troubel breathing because my asthma is going off on me. I should probably dig out my inhalers but I'm to lazy and just got done making pumpkin pie.
Hattie's was fun just played around with a video camera and made fun of lord of the rings because it's just so easy to do. Jenna couldn't come though because she had to do a project and her mom was mad at her, nothing new to her. THen we met up with gar who started to chase cars, one car actually stopped and drove off after him! lol XD what a silly man.
Anime was boring we just watched reruns of hellsing. The supervisor just stood there and looked at it the whole time but thankfully went back in the storage room (whatever he does in there) when the girl was being molestled by ghouls.
Gar and me had to take Kierri to cookout with us because she was going to blackmail TJ if we didn't. Kind of sad when your being blackmailed by a freshman. But anyway! she talked a little too much and wouldn't stop yelling about how she wanted cheescake. Gar almost crashed us 2 time. First he almost T boned us then we almost merged into this car while was switching lanes. And I thought men were good drivers. -_- I blame it on Kierri she was driving us mad. But what did I care was in my own world listening to AFI.
While watching fantasia in Latin, well first the teacher started to cuss out the VCR then we had to watch the movie clip. It's almost more of a drug trip then alice in wonderland. But during the movie, Jeff, this drugg addict, popped speed during class. Now I've known people to do drugs after school or in the woods, but not during class. That's just sad. OK I have to make dinner soon so I leave. And will be back later.
THis is a clip that someone recorded that day when jimmy went to school in a penis suit XP you gotta love ADHD kids!
But now I'm back home and hopfully going to be going to the movie's tonite with hattie, and gar. Comments (4) |
Thursday, October 26, 2006
There will be no help!!!
hi all! I seem to have no time lately so I'm going to update now so I don't get destracted again. Gosh so much that really means nothign to anyone, has happened. We were leavign school today and this girl got out of her car and yelled at this girl behind lady/mom person to "stop fucking honking at me!" The lady did anyway to get on teh girls nerves so when the girl left she flicked off the whole car line.
The latin teacher was sick so today she took a guy's bookbag for a pillow and fell asleep on the floor. Just proves they should start school later. On the way to latin gar, hattie and me decided to hug all the way there. From the stair case to the classroom. I think we hit a few people but it made us feel special I haven't seen anyone else do a group hug all the way to class before.
Biology Logan was telling me about all the crazy things he did in his life. He's the annoying preppy white wannabe ganster that sits next to me. He was telling me about this time that he helped this guy rob a store. When the police came they ran 3 miles, and sold everythign to the pawn shop but later got caught when the pawn shop dealer realized that everythign that was stolen they gave to him. Now the guy is in jail and Logan is still there. The worse thing I have done was frame this guy in middle school that just makes me look good. He's almost about as fun to laugh at as Corey.
At lunch all the bees are gone finally. I was getting tired of people cussing at the bees. Kindell once said "you fucking bee if you fucking sting me then I will kill every fucking one of you!!" Then April said "you damn bee get off my damn samwitch!" Come on people the bee's don't understand you. For some reason everyone was skipping today and Alex brought hot sauce for everyone to try. Anyone that tried it their eye's waters and their faces turned red. But even after they saw the reactions of the people that did try it they still wanted to try some. Amber was on the ground snot coming out of her nose and water coming out of her mouth. One girl even threw up. In the lunch line GB was behind me and ordered tator tots so I turned aroudn and said "no you can't have tator tots you gay."
"what, you mean because I'm gay I can't have tator tots?"
"yeah, but you can have hot dogs."
lol! we laughed so loud. he was in ISS for skipping. I laugh at him.
There were 4 guys and they all started to beat on their chest and all of their chest are hollow so it was kind of freaky. Even if you hit Sqeaky's hip it would be hollow. He's a walking freak show. THen this one guy got punched in the nuts so he was on the ground. I came up behind him and kicked his ass and yelled "ass rape!" It was right there in front of me what else was I to do?
We got to color in civics class! that made my day! And May-may brought her camera so we took a lot of random videos of us. And Kirisa is still not talkign to us just because we didn't take her to cookout with us. What peppy girl she is. OKie I have to study for this test I really hope I have A lunch but I won't, luck hasn't been going my way lately.
upside down cherry cake
hello everyone! It was so cold today! This morning I actually had to wear a winter jacket, I have never done that to school. We were all standing outside like always waiting for there to be 3 minutes left until we're late then we run to class. But no our faults Mr. Potatoe head doesn't come yell at us anymore to get our asses to class. Probably off looking at more girl's asses he was doing that at lunch one day. No one does so we don't hear the bell and have to run to class. So anyway we were cold and I was attcking darrin's jrock pins when we got the idea that if we all scream then the air it will get warmer so we sat there and screamed for a few minutes and nothing happened. I don't know whose idea that was but I just want to kick them now. We looked more retarded then usual.
I have come to the conclusion that my civics class can't count but we're probably just all to ADHD to realize that we were supposed to be counting off into 5's. One guy was listening to this girls belly trying to hear the baby (she's pregnant I guess) while others were rapping. Seriouly this one guy raps everyday. Before it was "I've been gangbanging since I was a juvinlie" and today it was "I dont listen to the teacher, you can catch me in the bathroom smoking reefer" All the teachers look at him like he's poppin pills and i think he is. At lunch this one girl asked me for somethign to cover up her breathe to she doesn't smell to suspious. hmm.
Amber came up to me and not only stole my last gummie but gave me some disturbing news about her, thunderstorm and GB. OH god so many things I dont' want to hear after lunch.
The rest of the day was boring biology I kept on messing up on the lab and english I just sat there because adam fell asleep, and I think Lexa is PMSing again. So that was no fun. Bye! I have to visit hattie's site!
love this song Darrin was saying that most jrockers are bi so who knows. Comments (3) |
Monday, October 23, 2006
your just taco bell food!
Wow finally I'm getting around to posting. It's been a busy weekend yet not much happened worth mentioning. This morning I got sugar high off of cinnomon rolls while watching my dog eat her vomit. I had a good morning. THe dog would throw up, eat it, then throw it up again then eat it again! I told hattie and he called me a dog abuser. Britt made thunderstorm cookies and put laxitives in them saying she did it so she could rape thunderstorm. O_o turns out he didnt' even eat them, he gave them to G.B then gave the rest to Ashley. She got her belt off at lunch and started to whip people being mad because her plan didn't follow through.
Friday was the prep ralley! And it sucked so much! First the cheerleaders where dancing like hookers. When they cheered like normal no one even payed attention to them, when they danced like hookers that's when everyone payed attention. And I dont' even want to get into the cannon, god knows where we actually got one for out ghetto school. But we won the game unlilke last year where we lost miserably when we were all like "yeah we're going to kick your ass! oh wait we just lost, never mind"
The dance sucked though. Gar went and said there wasn't even any food or drinks there. THere was one bottle of soda and a bag of cheese doodles which were gone before the dance even started. What's the point of going, since I only go for the food.
It was cold today! Being our smart selves we decided that we were going to stay outside with the freezing wind blowing on us, even though we were all shivering. But we warmed up after we jumped up ad down on the bleachers, because the bleechers are uneven it bounces and catipults people off. Then we just made disgusting jokes about suckers. Later my mom said "I thought all teenage girls liked suckers" >_> no comment.
GB brought out another condom and blew it up and stated to play ball with it. While I got hit with a stick because Alex picked I fight with this ADHD guy, threw a stick at Alex, it bounced off of him and hit me in the chest, because I was sitting behind Alex. He and Gar then started to joust with traffic cones it was just one of those Kodak moments. Alex drives with a lead foot he almost made up crash by runnign into a black cat running across the road, bad luck. But nothing happened. Silly witches, and they thought that was a superstition. That reminds me! I got my halloween outfit, I'm going as a gothic bo peep. What is everyone else going as? g2g I have to visit my neighbor how just broke her arm so gotta make her feel better!
Seasme Street can be misleading I mean come on they lived in the ghettos of the city