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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Friday, February 16, 2007

But I don't even know you!
whoot! got me computer back! so yep here I am just getting back from ice skating with some friends. Met a nice guy named Clint other then that just the same people. Rob I think was the only black man out there that couldn't stay on his feet ;p! NOt to much to say. How has everyone else been? Oh and I hope people didn't get to hard in the face with over sized heart balloons and teddy's on valentines day. I almost did. I swear Valentine's day gets worse and worse for me sometimes. This time I got invovled in a drama with manwhore and his sister. So I think I just lost 2 friends. I didn't even know what was happening.

In the mean time I'm looking for a job. I think I am thinking about working in a toy store but I don't know. Better then wal mart or McDonalds. lol! but then I could glare while handing out smiley face stickers. That could be fun. Gots to go scrap the blisters off my feet. God and who said ice skating is easier then roller blading. Roller blading is much easier!

ps: on the way out there was a whole group of asians at the rink. May-may being her unsubtle self yells out (with this right there) "Look at all the cute asians!" nice may-may.

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