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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Saturday, March 3, 2007

kill! Kill them all!
wow, have you ever had something happen to you so late at nite you just do whatever you want? Well I just got back from hattie's from having a muffin party inspired by INvader Zim. It was friggin sweet! IN latin today we watched Jason and the Argonants this time we got to see the skeleton part. It was great! We had to rewind the whole thing and replay the whole thing just for that part when the skeletons scream out even though they don't have mouths, and attack the guys! I love the commander guy because he yells out this random stuff! Like "children of the night!" and "kill! Kill, Kill them all!" it ws funny and so low budget, they even stopped the movie leaving out all this stuff, so it just proves how bad it was.

I'm tired. And darrin was wrestleing with Jordan again something about boobs. We watched Naruto today! never seen that anime and I think there is a reason. It's not bad, more like the voice actors are bad. They make him sound like a 5 year old. Stupid english voice actors. May-may is out to kill gar. But I"m not getting into that one either. so many stories I don't want to share about may-may, not good.


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