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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Sunday, June 4, 2006

ok well this is not really all about diru but I did just buy thier cd withering to death. it is awsome with all the screaming included. every time I go and ask the people at teh cd shop they don't understand what I am sayign at all. I always have to reapeat my self over and over until she understood I was saying WITHERING I it that hard to understand?

I went to hot topic and finally got some bondage pants as well as some more buttons to add to the collection that I have on my hat and pocket book. I got so many stares yesterday so like always I stood there and glared at them until they got looked the other way. It's fun to glare at people! ^_^

I got lazy yesterday and decided not to go to saturday academy I was jsut to tired and who really cares only 4 days of school left. I jsut hope my teacher doen't chew me out since I told her I was going.

Last day of anime club was on friday. we were told to dress up to Hattie, may-may, lightening storm, justin, gar somewhat, and me dressed up. everyone like our costumes. We watched howls moving castle really great movie my fav character was turnip head. I want one of those in my yard. ought to keep the chipmunks and foxes and wahtever else out in my big back yard away!

I now have to go finish up a 22 page worksheet packet that is due in 2 days. can I do it? NO I can't!


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