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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

take 1 step forward and 2 steps back
yay! I just got back from the mall with may-may! we originally just went to meet her bf but we couldn't find him. we looked around wishing we had enogh money to actually buy something. May-may bought her dad a cd since it's his b-day tonite, so I couldn't come over to her house ;_;

We went to the guitar center looking for her bf but he wasn't there. I looked for an affordable bass guitar. May-may coulnd't say bass she said bass like the fish so I had to ask the guy if they had any. I found and one that is only like 200$! there was also one that looked a lot like toshiya's.

On the way out we saw drew her bf, but he was leavign and this girl was with him, we think was his sister. I called his name since may-may was to shy to and he turned around then looked away and started to yell about they were already down with the mash pit. O_o I had no clue what he was talkign about and may-may didn't either.

Later she started to yell about how he has another girlfriend and is worried who that girl was. I tried to convince her that it must of been his sister then dragged her into a photobooth! I love those things but they take forever the print.><

We saw sean, ashley and erika and talked to them. Sean is getting a job and areo I feel like such a hobo now. I have no job and no cash. Then we had to pick up jimmy at band camp and I saw troy and adam. Oh sweet hide! adam has cut off his hippie hair!

We passed by this weird house that has 3 doors on it, I want that house! I would probably take the wrong door and fall off the roof though -_-

Wow now I am like a betty crocker. I had to make dinner, clea the house and then baked brownies. What is happening to me so glad school is starting soon. I got my bookbag set up I jsut don't think I can fit a text book in there though. i have to go eat now see ya!


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*sigh* oh dear what has happened

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