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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Friday, August 25, 2006

Everyone cut their hair!
Music: at the beginning

Today was a day I like to call "the first fuckign day of school!" it was great I finally got to see all of my friends. I brought a camera and got some pictures but most people turned away. I don't see why everyone is so camera phobia!

My homeroom is like way on the other side of the school all the way down the art hall in the band room. When I got there no one was there but like these gossipy girls so I sat by sticky. We caught up we haven't see each other since middle school.

My schedule changed! so glad but that still didn't change my lunch. First I was going to have B lunch but they changed the lunch schedule by departments so I still got B lunch. Sucks and I thought no one was going to be in it but acutally a lot of people were in it so happy!^^ I thought I would have to be anti social and eat in the classroom. hattie had to do that once and these guys were throwing a tennis ball around and talking about gang history. Then they hit her with the ball, nice =_=;

I have latin with hattie and gar! it was so much fun we just goofed the whole time since it is the first day and you do nothing on the first day. Plus a sub was there I don't know how they find subs for highschool students no wonder there is a teacher shortage. we had to translate these greek storys from latin to english. IT was easy but took a while. The whole time gar behind he was distracting me by showing pics of greek art. One was a pic of this guy sleeping with all these animals. I shouted to hattie who was a few seats away and said "look it's an ALE! (Animal Lover to the Extreme) must be shinya's ansetor!" we call shinay an ALE I mean he stuffs the dog down his shrit and sleeps with her you can't get that guy away form his dog! he's an ALE. XD lol

I think we freaked all the freshman in the latin class by just acting stupid. I pointed to one of the greek pics on the wall and shouted "hey isn't that considered prono?!" I'm sure hattie was sitting away from us XD lol! Hattie had to sit in a chair since out school is over crowded and there was a desk shortage.

Next was biology with hattie but we had assigned seats and she sits all the way over on the other side of the room. It is freezing in that room and the teacher is overly annoying and strict. I sit next to a preppy white gangster if there is such thing as one. I think there is and I am sitting next to the only one known to man. he talks the whole time even after the teacher told him to shut the fuck up. Ok well she didn't really say that but you know she wanted to. I wanted to. on the way out the teacher asked up if we wanted our hair to match, no if we wanted to then why are they different shades of pink god I wish people woudl stop asking us that same question! >O sorry I get annoyed easily ^^;

English Lexa is in my class! seh sits behind me. We had to introduce ourselves and had to tell something embaressing tath happened to us. I told about the time I was tubign and my bikini bottom flew off. It was pretty bad.

Oh god and then in C&E I didn't take honors for this class because I dont' know a thing about the goverment for the life of me. So I took standard and all the gangsters are in that class. They didn't even know what the 1st presdient of the USA was. They said BIll cliton. I was laughign so hard I think I was about to fall out of my seat. Then they didn't even know was they guy looked like and called a picture of george washigton bill cliton. Finally conner said the right answer. ONce again notice the teacher shortage. I can't imagine why. Even hattie was WTF?! But she's always like that ;p

One gangster guy was talkign about G's some gangster talk I don't know and him and the teacher were talkign about that. Meanwhile me and conner were talking and I nearly flipped over my desk leanign over to far. he calls him PP little ireland O_o ok conner.

That was my day of uneventfulness but it ws great. I was walkign around everywhere with my camera and black britt was saying how much I must of been waiting for this day since I was 3. Nope she's wrong since I was 4. ;) I have to go to bed really tired and got no sleep last nite I was sick all nite and morning. see yall!


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