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myOtaku.com: wonderlandchic

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy birthday seek!
hey! sorry that I couldn't update yesterday my computer is busted some sort of virus, you know the usual problem with this computer. Bout ready to get the baseball bat on it. ANYway so it has been raining and rain makes me sad and tired at the same time so what can I say. Got my hari colored today! then it rained and it got all frizzy so I was in the bathroom trying to comb it down.

I knew that thunderstorm were bad but this is worse. I just found out from britt that his goal as a senior is to sleep with all the virgins in the school! I could almost believe it with that boy! Poor amber is first and she thinks that he loves her is the sad part and she won't listen when you tell her that.

NO! there is no anime right after we got a new girl to join! THen darron stole a pic of tochi that hattie had (I really printed it out for her!) adn ran off with it saying we would never see it again! damn her! jk

I bought a save the duck ticket thing. The thing is you don't save ducks you saving babies so why ducks I don't know -_-

There was a fight in civics. This one mexican girl, black girl and white girl (yeah I know werid) This mexican girl was taring at the black girl and she stood up and asked what she was staring at. THen they said something about a white girl so mecenze stood up. SO they stared to cuss each other out while the mexican girl was tying up her hair getting ready to fight. SO 5 police officers had to drag them away since the teacher couldn't stop them. And they were still fightting XD! lol I jsut sat there like always in that class giving conner looks to make him laugh out loud in class.

We locked sqeaky in the cafeteria by blockign the door but he just went over to the other door and got out XD! lol! That was pointless. THen i had to sew my vest while gar, hattie and me finally figuered out how to do 3 way and were arguing over what movie we are going to see towmorrw. Going to the river for bio towmorrow. hope my computer can stay up that long. lol things goign to crash on me.


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happy b-day seek! I forgot yura-sama's but not yours! ha! well actually your b-day would of bben yesterday but um, happy birthday anyway!

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