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what ever world dir en grey is from
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a somewhat hard working student
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I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers
Anime Fan Since
preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child
Favorite Anime
I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth
to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?"
chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic
I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh?
| wonderlandchic
Monday, October 23, 2006
your just taco bell food!
Wow finally I'm getting around to posting. It's been a busy weekend yet not much happened worth mentioning. This morning I got sugar high off of cinnomon rolls while watching my dog eat her vomit. I had a good morning. THe dog would throw up, eat it, then throw it up again then eat it again! I told hattie and he called me a dog abuser. Britt made thunderstorm cookies and put laxitives in them saying she did it so she could rape thunderstorm. O_o turns out he didnt' even eat them, he gave them to G.B then gave the rest to Ashley. She got her belt off at lunch and started to whip people being mad because her plan didn't follow through.
Friday was the prep ralley! And it sucked so much! First the cheerleaders where dancing like hookers. When they cheered like normal no one even payed attention to them, when they danced like hookers that's when everyone payed attention. And I dont' even want to get into the cannon, god knows where we actually got one for out ghetto school. But we won the game unlilke last year where we lost miserably when we were all like "yeah we're going to kick your ass! oh wait we just lost, never mind"
The dance sucked though. Gar went and said there wasn't even any food or drinks there. THere was one bottle of soda and a bag of cheese doodles which were gone before the dance even started. What's the point of going, since I only go for the food.
It was cold today! Being our smart selves we decided that we were going to stay outside with the freezing wind blowing on us, even though we were all shivering. But we warmed up after we jumped up ad down on the bleachers, because the bleechers are uneven it bounces and catipults people off. Then we just made disgusting jokes about suckers. Later my mom said "I thought all teenage girls liked suckers" >_> no comment.
GB brought out another condom and blew it up and stated to play ball with it. While I got hit with a stick because Alex picked I fight with this ADHD guy, threw a stick at Alex, it bounced off of him and hit me in the chest, because I was sitting behind Alex. He and Gar then started to joust with traffic cones it was just one of those Kodak moments. Alex drives with a lead foot he almost made up crash by runnign into a black cat running across the road, bad luck. But nothing happened. Silly witches, and they thought that was a superstition. That reminds me! I got my halloween outfit, I'm going as a gothic bo peep. What is everyone else going as? g2g I have to visit my neighbor how just broke her arm so gotta make her feel better!

Seasme Street can be misleading I mean come on they lived in the ghettos of the city
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