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what ever world dir en grey is from
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a somewhat hard working student
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I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers
Anime Fan Since
preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child
Favorite Anime
I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth
to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?"
chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic
I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh?
| wonderlandchic
Friday, November 3, 2006
hello everybody! It is friday and friday is a good day. Nothing really happended during the morning so I'll just skipp to anime club.
First GB decided to go get food. It was supposed to be just hattie, gar and me. But when we got outside jazz, sandi, jamia, david and kirsa were joining the group. Ok GB's car is a 5 seater so when we got out to the car, first we just kind of stared at it, some people got in the back, everyone got out, this went on until we could fit 9 people in a 5 seater car. Ended up with karisa in the trunk, gar and me in the front and everyone else in the back. David was sprawed out on everyone! XD it was crazy good! lol
Everyone at cookout was looking at us and kirsa was yelling the whole way about how much she hated us and we were fuck up. yeah she's probably right! XD I couldn't even see hattie the whole way and jazz was under everyone nothign but her hand sticking out!
After anime gar was trying to rape jazz again while britt, kirsa, and me ran after daron to get gummies! ^^ I love sugar, I swear it's crack. I molestled TJ's moobs and caroline called hattie a mexican. Then out of no where everyone was looking down each others shirts so see what the color of their bra was! XD it was so random!
So that was a new experience I'll never forget. GB has a crush on gar so he called gar up and asked where he lived and see if he wanted to go to the school play. So I was invited and drove with gar but jsut because gar didn't want to be alone with GB. Wouldn't blame him GB was pining his against the wall the whole way. And being the yaoi fangirl I am, I just watch. XP
When we got there of corse you need money for ticket. I had 1$ gar had a nickel so we couldnt' even get in. Tickets were 7$ for a high school play ticket, wtf?! SO we snuck in through the side door. All GB's idea, and got caught because we walked by the whole aditorium in front of all the teachers! XD so we got kicked out, by our own friend to! Couldn't see that one huh?
So we just walked around the mall for a while not really doing much because we had to money. GB was hitting on every hot guy he saw in the mall. But hey life's a bitch like that. Lunch we all tried to sit in one bench it was crazy you kind of had to be there to see it. Everyoen was pushing and sitting in each other's laps, yeah crazy.

told hattie I would put these up a while ago and never did, so here they are! a few weeks late.
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