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myOtaku.com: Wondershot

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Both completely broke and extremely happy.
No OCR plug today, kiddies, I've been doing too much and will probably just weakly compensate with two next time...

...or not.

First of all, though, I might as well start off with a shameless plug. One of my "on the side" works of fiction while I figure out what to do with Senpai sans Godel online.

I hope they find the remains of her computer sometime, they deserve a decent burial.

Regardless, I hope you like my first attempt at a psychological horror story (if that describes it aptly). Otherwise, tell me why it sucks, and I'll see what I can do to fix it. I don't watch horror films or anything of the like, so I'm on alien territory, so to speak.

Today was...well...I know of at least two people who already know how today went, but I'll probably try giving a less abridged version here instead of confronting all of myO's readers and talking about it with them one on one.

Today was good, I got up at 8 a.m. for the first time an almost two weeks so that my dad and I could go to Montreal to pick up a passport for my mom, the newest Canadian in the family. We went early because of the ungodly waiting lines normally at the government bureaus (some aged misanthropist came up with the concept of a waiting room, I just know it.). It turned out to be worth it, as our wait for the passport lasted all of five minutes. Subsequently, it took even less time for my dad and I to figure out what was coming next:

A) We were in Montreal

B) We had time

C) We had money

D) And ample amounts of both

With these variables in check, we prepared our minds and our wallets for a spendthrift tour the likies of which we had never imagined before.

Long story short, I went to the bookstore and bought two volumes of Megatokyo and a Zits collection (read Zits if you haven't, best observation of teenage life ever). Ran me 60$ CDN. However, I was not quite ready to admit defeat at that point, so we went to the music store across the street and I bought The Flaming Lips' "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" plus the greatest album in the world.

Not bad, considering it took us 45 minutes.

Finally, our master plan involved me going to the arcade for an hour or so of DDR to top off the day, but the plan was wrecked when we discovered the arcade had closed down permanently ("indefinetely", so says the sign on the door).

Man, everytime I go to an arcade, a month or so later it closes. If you love your local arcade, don't ever let me go there.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, as though that is hard to remember, but I hope all you guys out there have cool things to do, and that you can all look back at 2004 with laughs and/or tears in your eyes and/or slaps of the forehead with a cry of "what the hell was that?". It was just that cool.

Oh, Finally:

This is the best album in the world.

Buy it sometime, if you can put up with me on a regular basis, you might just like it too.

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