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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Stupid week...
Today's OCRemix: "Forever" Chrono Trigger Remix by Suzumebachi. Now, CT was a really great game (Where do you think I got my name, huh?), and the music, although not one of it's best points, kept me coming back for more, and had a great feeling without being repititious. For that reason, I am a bit confused as to why I have absolutely no recollection of this mix by Suzumebachi appearing in the game. CT and techno really never seemed to be a good combo for me, and I think that although Suzu's work is good, it is also totally unrecognizable as being from the game. The intro is really cool, complete with grand piano and - before you ask if there is something wrong with your speakers - a crackling FX reminiscient of film noir flicks. However, the song starts to get a bit old as it goes on, so you're not missing too much if you just listen to the first minute or so. I say that if you want good techo, get Meteorave instead.
Well, this past week has been sort of up and down with schoolwork and such, as my moods shifted from disappointment (failed a French test) to excitement (went to see a play) to nerves (big Science test on friday) to preparation (Cadets inspection in a month) to boredom (reading a crappy book in English) to relief (got Friday afternoon off) to good times (had an Arts festival on Saturday).
Naturally, I hated the constant pressure of my French and Science, and these days, English is just plain boring. Fortunately for me, one of the things I'm really looking forward to is our Cadets inspection next month.
*goes into black/white film mode*
Cadets has been a tradition at my school since...well...practically when it was founded. One of our schools greatest shining moments was when we were asked by the Quebec Black Watch to guard the border to Vermont from Fenian invasion, and our defense squad spotted movement in the bushes, and fired repeatedly, only to discover that they had shot a cow strayed from its pasture. To this day, there are Battle colors in our school chapel to commemmorate the cow that was our only casualty of war. (Despite what it sounds like, this is a true is.)
Anyway, *flashes back to color* today, we don't really have to go around shooting cows to earn recongition. The inspection in early May is one of our small town's more interesting events, as the band marches down from the school building, and our Colour Party and Guard of Honour (including me) lead and march in the parade, and our drill team supplies a little "halftime show" with some awesome rifle tricks. Sadly, we only get practice rifles with no ammo, but it should still be a cool show. If you can get away for a couple of days in May, come visit and check out the show.
This weekend, however, was kind of slow, as all my friends are busy. (School friends with homework, non-school friends with their own lives.) However, today porobably won't be a total loss, as tonight, I'm going to go watch Kill Bill Vol. 2, which I'd prefer to say I'm not forcing my dad to come see as well, but...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.
On a different note, a friend of mine had a talk with me about musical styles and taste, and I have to admit, even though I don't exactly like his taste in music (black metal) I have to admit he sure knows what he is talking about. Among other things, he introduced me to Tool, and I really like that, but he is very adamant about his idea that one shouldn't listen to the music for any particular reason or meaning, just if it sounds good, listen to it. I like that view, to a point, but I also use some of my music to get ideas for writing, so that's probably my reason for liking what I listen to.
Well, I'm not in the best of moods right this second, as I have some homework to do, but maybe next week I'll feel more up to updating MyO, as right now I feel like I'm just cranking this stuff out by force, instead of just letting loose as usual.
Até ja, é até amanhä.
-Won-daa-shot |
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