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Only Godel should know this
P. Mosh is an achievement, no?
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Monday, April 26, 2004
*dies on spot*
Today's OCRemix: "RadicalPunks" Chrono Cross Remix by Ailsean. Even if you aren't much of a punk rock fan, and even if you didn't really like Chrono Cross very much (or lent copy to a friend...who moved a month later.) I would definetely reccomend this to you. Now, as I said, this is a punk rock, make no mistake, something a la Sum 41 something fierce. However, if you do take the time to listen to this, you'd probably have to appreciate the skill and precision that Ailsean puts into this piece. "Radical Dreamers" from Chrono Cross wasn't even the best song, mind, but Ailsean definetely did his part in rearranging the piece, even adding his own personal few bars at the end. Therefore, I think you should listen to this not necessarily because it's a great song, but because Ailsean knows quite a bit about making music, and you'd probably be at least a bit impressed with his skills in reworking the piece.
So far, the weekend turned out to be pretty cool. I went to the big city in search of a lone copy of Legend of Mana somewhere, but to no luck. However, I did find a wicked army surplus store that sells swords and awesome camouflage pants. (I admit it, I really, really, really like camouflage pants.) So far, I'm still arguing with my dad about the sword thing, but he agrees that If I can manage to find a good katana for about 90 bucks or so (believe me, they were that price) than I can probably do a much better job of convincing him. One of the more ironic sides to this argument is the fact that I saw an episode of CSI with him on the weekend about this guy who bought an ancient military katana from the 19th century for a few hundred grand, only to find out that it was counterfeit, and crafted very cheaply.
Well, it got better. Saturday I saw a friend whom I haven't seen in a few months, the infamous Steve. I went to his place, where we checked out a few funny flash movies off, including an animated Matrix flash, as well as a couple of cheaply made claymation movies and a Matrix: Reloadad and Resident Evil flashes of scenes from the movies, only dubbed with different voices. (Imagine hundreds of nerdy-voiced Agent Smiths, and people dying to Celine Dion music, you get the picture.)
Sunday was cool, but I won't get into that, as really nothing happened, which is cool, how is it cool, though?...well...because nothing happened...and that's cool. (damn teenage paradoxes)
Well, right now I am sitting at my PC, listening to "Vampires" by Godsmack, and feeling mildly amused. you know what that means...
...I'm thinking of my RPG music lists...
...but I won't update now, because my current obsession is with cover and CD art. However, for your viewing pleasure, I think I'll add the quickie work that I've already fixed up for the CD. Mostly, I rely on photography for my CDs, because I could not draw anything good to save my life, for real. The below pics are from Laeth E'Thae
Back Cover:


Well, hope it's not too bad. I like the look, but as soon as I find a beach somewhere I can finish the front cover. Hopefully before I got to Portugal in the summer...who knows, if I can find a lot of sand somewhere I can do the photography in my basement. As for future music, well, I'm working on a compliation for Solo's Digimon: Way of the Worlds, so expect to hear something about that, too.
OK, something else to dream for for the coming weeks. Furthermore, I posted in some of the RPGs I'm in recently, so check those out, and sorry for the delay, all.
-Won-daa-shot |
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