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Saturday, May 15, 2004

I love the smell of a sulfur cloud...dancing over my head,,,
Today's OCRemix: "Just Chill" Chrono Cross Remix by The Pancake Chef. As I said before, I have the damndest times trying to remember music from Chrono Cross, as I have not played the game in so long, However, this newest piece is unquestionably familliar. I think it's the theme from one of the Dragon Isles or something of the like...definetely an "outdoor dungeon" situation (feel free to correct me on tihs if you recognize it.) In any case, this music is definetely worth a listen, as it possesses a sort of mystique which I simply love featuring low bass, a simple drum pattern, and an awseome array of wind and exotic string instruments. Also, by visiting the page, you can enjoy djpretzels constant attempts at humour using The Pancake Chef's name. Otherwise, just download the song, and sit back with a cool drink and a relaxed attitude for full enjoyment.

For those of you who have never smelled sulfur before, it reeks, but in small amouts, it actually is a pretty cool smell to wake you up and keep you sharp, at least in my experience.

Why do I bring this up?

Our final Cadets practices are coming soon, and for the next whole week, our entire school is somewhat crazy about it, and now, we decided to start going into full-dress rehearsals, complete with uniform, entire band, and drill team halftime show.

However, you will notice that I continue to avoid explaining the reference to sulfur.

Our QM (still not sure what that stands for) provides our school with the full military uniform "blues" and also provides practice rifles and equipment for our "halftime show"...That equipment includes small fanfare cannons, which are fired in repetition during the colour parade and the Honour Guards presentation. Loud, and leave that nice refreshing sulfur aftertaste to blow over the rest of us during the show.

I'm not complaining, though. I made the drill team, for one thing, which is a huge blast, as I get to be the spectators highlight "halftime show" and posibly improving my chances of getting some kind of recognition for being a drill team member in my first year, which is sort of a rarity.

As for the rest of the week, Friday turned out to be a blast, as I got several good results back from each of my classes, including a great Science mark and some excellent feedback in English class, despite the fact that I seem to be having a bit of a war of tastes going on between our teacher and some of my friends. (We seriously hate the books and authors that he likes, so, in order to get good marks, we first write down exactly what we thought of the book, then went back and wrote another copy, stating exactly the opposite of our views, so we are guaranteed good marks. Cynical and contemptuous, maybe, but undeniably effective.)

As for the weekend, I have now found some newer tastes in anime, as, thanks to my new capabilities of cable internet, I started downloading video to watch some of the more interesting series I like. (Which is legal in Canada now, don't forget!) Anyway, I downloaded episodes of FLCL and Love Hina. FLCL made very little sense at the beginning, sure, and we only caught a few glimpses of a storyline near the end without actually understanding all the parties involved, but it leaves some things to the imagination. In any case, one of the most memorable things about the series was the music, and so, I went online and got some of my favorite pieces from the series, and, lucky me, they were all made by the same artist, a J-Rock band known as The Pillows. Some of my favorites from the series include "Stalker", "Crazy Sunshine", "One Life", "Sleepy Head" and "Blues Drive Monster." I even found a couple of other good Pillows songs not from the soundtrack, one of which included "White Ash", which I plan to use in my movie, and "Flame", which is a cool song, but for some reason gets me really depressed, which is weird, as only orchestral music tends to do that to me.

In other news, I need some help for this movie I'm making, as I still might need some suggestions for music to add for the scenes. Picture, for a second, a spoof of Kill Bill where all the characters fight with wooden weapons, and tell me what you thing would be good music to add to it.

Oh, and I do have the Kill Bill soundtrack, too.

Well, that's about all I can talk about to stay awake this long, so I think I'll watch a bit more anime, then fall asleep before my mom gets on my case for staying up late. By the way, our final Cadet inspection is next Friday, so, on the off chance that anyone comes to Canada, ask about it! Come on down, wear lots of sunblock, and savour the smell of sulfur hanging in the air!


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