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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Hola! Feliz Navidad!
Or a late one that is!^^
And a Happy New year, soon!^_^
So, wha't did y'all get for X-Mas?
I got:
Beauty is the Beast Vol.1
1-3 of Kodocha(finally I have all 10 books)
and A perfect Day for Love Letters Vol.2 (It's humongous!! O_O)
Princess Tutu Vol.2
Gravitation: Lyrics of Love OVA
A t-shirt sayin' 'I love Anime'
and A sweatshirt with a pic of Inuyasha on the back, the Japanese writin' of it in the front, and the english way on the left arm.
Also, I got 2 DDR Dance Pads. ^^
Also, many gift cards.
that's all ttyl. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Felt like it!^^ Hana-kimi!!!
Hiya! Since I did a Hana-kimi RP on Neopets i feel like writin' down a Fanfic of it. Plz don'tcriticize me!! XD
Here it goes.
Hana-kimi: For You In Full Blossoms
Fan Fic Title: Yume Brothers (?)
This school day of Osaka high-school has just ended. Mizuki and Sano are both walking toward the front gate. "Well, see you at home, Sano."Mizuki said as she was leaving toward the dorms.
"Okay, I'll be home after practice." Sano said as he turned toward the sports practices.
"Oh, shoot!" Mizuki said as she opened up her umbrella because it started to rain. When she was near the dorm it started to rain harder. 'I better hurry up.' Mizuki thought as she began to walk faster. 'Oh! I hope Sano and Nakatsu took their umbrellas!!'
At that moment Mizuki tripped on something. "Gah! W-what the-?" She said as she turned to see what she tripped on. "A-A-A-A LEG!?!?!?!" mizuki yelled in shock. When she got a better look she saw thewhole body."A-A body? W-was it a murder!?" Mizuki came in closer to see if there was any id on the person, but at that moment the person coughed.
Mizuki jumped back in fear. "H-hey, wait! They're alive!!!" Mizuki shouted.
"Ah! I better get you inside."
Mizuki said as she put the person's arm around her neck and began to walk toward her dorm. When she entered no one was in the hallway, so Mizuki thought she should bring the person up to the room to warm up.
I her and Sano's room. "There you are." She said as she laid the person down.
'Uh....what should I do?! What should I do?!' she screamed in her head. "I KNOW!!"
Mizuki ran out of her room, out of the dorm, toward the school, until she finally got to the doctor's office. "DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she screeched to a hault.
"What is it, Ashiya?" Dr. Umeda asked a bit annoyed.
"Th-th-th-there's a person in my room...I think they need medical attention."
*At Mizuki's dorm room*
"They only have a slight fever. Also, I believe they're a bit weak from starvation."Dr.Umeda said as he examined the person.
"STARVATION?!" Mizuki yelled.
"Yes. It's not too serious because it seemed to be only for a few days, but they could get really sick if they don't eat anything. Also, Mizuki, you should change them into some warmer close. Here." Dr. Umeda said as he tossed a soaked black leather sutcase. "It seems they had been holding onto it all this time."
"O-okay." Mizuki responded as she searched the suitcase. "Um, all the things that seem warm enough would seem to be these pajama pants. All the other stuff is leather or looks kind of tight."
"Hmm, okay. Can they borrow a t-shirt of yours? It seems that'l be able to fit in them."
"Sure!" Mizuki said as she went into the closet. "Here's one."
"Okay, then. I'll be going now." Dr.Umeda announced as he headed toward the door.
"Oh! Aren't you going to help me dress him?"
"Sorry, i have to clean up my office and head home. I'll see you tomorrow. And if 'he' does wake up feed him and give him the medicine I left on your desk." He said as he exited the room.
"Wha!? Um, um, okay..."
"There." Mizuki said as she finished putting the clothes on him. "Phew. Sano should be back soon..." Mizuki turned to the boy." Where should you sleep?" @_@
"I'm home." Sano said as he entered their dorm room. "Mizuki, do you want to-" Sano paused as he saw a boy on the floor.
"Oh, welcome home Sano. Um, I found him outside the dorm when I was coming home." Mizuki said when she noticed Sano was looking at him. "I left him there until you came home to discuss where to put him. Because Dr. Umeda said that he should be somewhere comfy. I'll be fne letting him sleep in my bed. I could just sleep oon the ground then you won't have to-"
"No." Sano said." He'll sleep in my bed."
"B-but, where would you sleep. It's okay he could just have mi-"
"no, Mizuki. He'll sleep in mine. I'll just sleep with you then. Since my bed is closer to the ground."
"Ah, o-okay." Mizuki responded.
"Come on, let's get some dinner." Sano smiled.
"Y-yeah." Mizuki smiled back.
W1 *Part2*
The 'boy' woke up in Sano's bed. 'W-where am I?' 'He' asked in 'his mind.
Mizuki poked her head in. "Oh! your awake! Here I brought you some breakfast." Mizuki said as she brought the breakfast over to 'him'.
"Um, t-thank you. but, where ami I?" The boy asked.
"You in my dorm room. I found you outside the dormgates when it was raining so I brought you in. So what is your name? Mine is Mizuki Ashiya." She smiled.
"Um, my name is Momo Hana Yume." the boy responded.
O_O "That's a weird name for a boy." Mizuki chuckled awkwardly.
'BOY!? But, I'm a girl!?' Hana yelled in her mind. Then, she felt her hair. The shortness of it. 'Oh, yeah...That's right. My new school is gonna be an all boy's school.' She saighed. "Yeah, it is. But, it was originally just Hana Yume, and suddenly whemn I got a step mom she thought it would be cute to have it as MOMO Hana Yume."
"Oh, I see." Mizuki smiled.
(Okay, that's it for now. I'll put more up on later days in my Winter break. Also, I'll be putting up infor about the Yume's later on too. ^_^ Thanks for reading. I hope you'll read my sooner to come Fan Fics and my own lil' stories. ^__^ *bows*)
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Christmas! Yay! ^-^
It's a time to be jolly and merry Since it is Christmas time.
Yay!!!! For it!!! ^_____^
It's gonna be SOOOOO FUN this year!!
Merry X-Mas to all and to all a good-night.
(Er...Morning! ^-^)
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hope y'all had a good day today!
Ttyl!! ^___^
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Okay, well..
Droppin' by to say hi!^^
And to thank all of you whom ACTUALLY read this AND comment!
So much! ^_^
Since Thanksgiving Day is on Thurday I'm sayin' it early cause most likely I will not be on. So thank you all!!
ARRIGATO!! (most definately spelt that wrong. -_-)
Kodocha (Kodomo No Omocha)
[Child's Toy] --

Also, I was wonderin' if you guys wanted me to actually start postin' my lil' story I'm writin'?
It's called "Bittersweet", my Myspace blog has it already, and people SAY it's really good...
So I was just wondering...^_^
Thanks! ^_^
Hana-Kimi --

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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Yay!! Woooh!!!
Hiya! Haven't been on for a while!^^
Well, I went to Knott's Berry Farm yesterday. 6pm-12am. It was fun!!^^ I got soaked cause of Paralos Plunge. Went on Silver Bullet, Bumper Cars, Raging Rapids, this kiddy ride, the Dragon Swing, El Revolution!!! ^___^ It was fun, I went w/AVID.
Well, hope y'all like my new theme or the month!!^__^ Hana-kimi and Cyber Idol Mink. AND also, I'll be changin' the video whenever I have time!
Okay, then. TTYL. ^__^
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
On Halloween, Monday. Me and my friends are goin' Trick-Or-Treating. (Yeah, I know. We're too old but still!! With friends it's funner at this age!!! ^___^') Also, we're goin' to McDonald's b4 we start. ANd we're goin' to the Townsquare since they do somethin' for Halloween every year.^^
So, yeah.
Bye now.
P.S. Maybe tell me what your gonna do for Halloween!! ^__^
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v.v Sorry for not posting for A REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY REALLY LONG time.^_^
Well, on 10/28/05, Friday, I went to the Halloween Dance w/my friends. It was boring there. Hip-hop ONLY (some of the songs weren't THAT bad.) I danced to some more JUNPY ones. Took pictures w/my friends.
Also, I saw my crush there!! >__<
But, near the end we danced near 'em(they were sittin'.) But, when they put a slow song on he got up w/ his friends and danced w/this girl!!!! ~__~
So now I believe that that's his girlfriend, since he IS a football player, NOW. >.>
So yeah, that sucks!!
DAMN!!! ~_~
Oh well. ^___^
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
I totally forgot it's October!!!
I changed, the theme!
Halloween theme now!!
I coudn't find any Halloween mp3 songs do I got a midi.
It's one of my fav. Halloween songs too.
It's tradition.^__^
Well, hope ya like the site now!!^^
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
It's Fruits basket again!!^^
On my desktop, in honor of Ritsu's front cover page book comin' out, I have him dressin' Hiro as a girl!!
Well, hope ya like the main 3 bg!
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