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Saturday, October 1, 2005
The theme change will hopefully happen 2mmrw.
Cause today meh family is goin' to Knott's.
And since I was the 1st one ready, I only have a lil' time to be on the comp.
Okay, then.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Teeth >.>
Yeah, today I had to pull my last 2 baby teeth so the adult ones can come out. I got a lotta numb and its still workin'!! But It is fadin' away so now I can kinda feel pain from where the teeth were yanked out.
Tommorow I go back to school with 2 big gaps. >_<
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Wow. More braces. And other!O.O
Today I finally got the bottom of my braaces. But, The front teeth are now buggin' me. I already got a big ol' cut on my lip so I had to but this wax on to keep it from irritatin' me. And, that was like the 1st time I had to.^^
Also, like 2 weeks from now their gonna have to pull my last baby teeth out because they were supposed to be gone already by age 11. So, yeah. It's gonna hurt and I'm gonna probably have to get a nummin' shot. >.>
Ouch!!! >_<
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Yuu Watase Series Pictures!^^

Ceres:The Celestial Legend

Fushigi Yuugi

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
New Theme!!
Hiya! Like it? Yuu Watase all the way! Okay the background is Frey from Alice 19th and the music is from Fushigi Yuugi, the ending.
Soon I'll have a different avi of a Yuu Watase character! ^__^
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Next Month's Theme!
The Them will be Yuu Watase. I'll post some pictures of her books and anime. And I'll find some cool music and bg of one of her anime/monga's! ^__^
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Hiya. Feelin' much better about my braces. Except for the talkin' bit. It does hurt still but not as much. Also I got use to my routin of brushin' my teeth with all those items the doctor give you to clean 'em.
I just wanted to say thanke to all the people helped me through it. Like Saying the don't hurt and don't worry about it. Thank you!!! ^__^

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
OKay I have my braces on. And they FREAKIN' HURT!!! Ok. Lemme tell ya about it. But in how I sound, kay.^^
Okay. The dentisst that was pudding on my bracses had a real trouble tryin' to put on my bottom bracses. Because she said that on one side it woudn't stay down. So I had to do a nother model of my teeth and put on new spacsers. When they actually started to put on my bracses they shaid that my teeth were to little. Yeah, so when they finisshed puddin' on my braces I got to choose what color I wanted. I chose Black.
Now at home on thish day my bottom teeth hurt. and I can't really eat because on the top teeth they gave me a retainer thingy.~__~
(Okay. So that's what happened and that's how I talk now. Because of that stupid retainer thingy!! ~__~)
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Todays The Day.^^
Okay. At 2 o'clock Pacific Time I get my braces!^^ When I get home I'll write to you guys. Oh, unless my sis wants to go on because she didn't have a chance when we got home from her appoinment. So if that happens I'll tell y'all in the mornin'! Ttyl!^^
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Okay the day has finally come. Tomorrow is my dentist appointment for my braces. Today is my sister's appointment for 'em. Well, I'm nervous and happy becuase they'll be taken care of finally.^^ But also on Friday my dad has to fix his broken tooth or his crown. I'm not sure which one. But they both are extremelly painful. O.O 'Til later!
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