Birthday 1992-03-07 Gender
Female Location My own world Member Since 2004-07-27 Occupation Being the freak that I am! Real Name Karolyn
Achievements created a book(school assignment) its in hardcover w/my drawings!YAY!!^^ Anime Fan Since Ever since digimon and/or Pokemon came out Favorite Anime I have lots. Ranging mostly thru shoujos, shounen-ai, and a few action ones. Just ask if you want to know specific ones. =] Goals To be an author or director. Hobbies Watching tv. Computor. Editing/Writing my stories. Talents Amateur writer. I can lick my elbow too! XD wordwok
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Life Good and Bad! Life is good and bad. You know it can never be perfect and that it never have been, and you're fine with that. You still feel it's important to live life since it can end any day and not sulk because of some little failure in life. You are often a happy person, still you don't laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm aura and most people feel comfortable around you.
Light! Your element is Light. Your heart is pure and shining with love. You believe in the goodness of those around you and give almost everyone a smile. You are not the kind to hide your happiness and tend to smile all day long, both in and out. But when sadness hits you, you become very devastated and may be upset for quite some time. What you need in your life is friends, friends who will love you unconditionally, like you love them. But you have a naive nature and don't always notice when someone is trying to hurt you. Some would say you are oblivious to mean people, which makes you an easy target. However, your true friends will probably be there for you and save you. In school you are either the popular one or the little weird one. It all depends if "the higher people" find your caring side irritating or not. Nevertheless, you have a bubbly personality and are social. Big partys may not be your thing since you want bonding time with your friends, so slumber-partys fit you more. You like the happy things in life and like everyone else to be as happy as you are. Rate and message!
The 5 Winners for the Contests!
The Winners:
Hotaru and Rin
animegurl50000 Comments (7) |
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I'm reallybored! And i kindasucks. Because I'm thinkin' of school. Since tomorrow I finnally go back.~.~ I may be mad about it ,but I'm still glad since I missed so much. Don't wanna miss anymore! And I also miss my friends. Even though I've had one of my bastess friends here, my COMPUTOR!XD Oh well. Later! ^.^ Comments (4) |
Monday, April 11, 2005
Princess Tutu
Hey! Have any heard of the anime or manga Princess Tutu? Well if you haven't you GOTTA borrow it from someone!! Well actually if you don't want to you don't have too! ^.^' Its really good!! It makes me want to take balley AGAIN!! Even though I didn't EXACTLY finish and I even think I may have spelt it wrong XD!!! Well LATA!!!^.^ Comments (4) |
%Okay this if one of the many contests I wil be havin' so lets start!!^.^%
Tammy:"Total weirdness!"
Tammy:"Most definately!"
Danny:"But how!?"
Tammy:"Well...because, like that totally happened to me yesterday too!!"
Danny:"Really!? Wow! I wonder if it happened at the same time!?"
Tammy:"How could it? We went to the same party. We both played the blind fold " & seconds of Heaven", and we couldn't have been kisseed at the same time if there was only one closet."
Danny:"Yeah, I guess your right."
*In school during class*
Tammy: thinky about the total weirdness thing*
Danny:"* thinking about the total weirdness thing*
Tammyy & Danny: *gasp* "NO WAY!"
Q; What could they have been thinking?
# Write your opinion to see if you're right Or write a very detailed answer. WINNERS GET SOMETHING! 1st five winners get the things! ^.^ # Comments (5) |
Thursday, April 7, 2005
HIYA! Sorry for the looong time of not postin! I was kinda too weak ta! And yesterday I went to the hospital sooo yeah. Much better now!
The doctors and my family members sadi I was pale!!O.O I thought I was a bit yellow! ~.~
But that also meant I had to miss this WHOLE week of school! Even tomorrow!! ^^ But I probably missed so much! *freakin out* Tests! Homework! Mekeup! I hate that!! Oh well! Bye now! ^.^ Comments (2) |
Friday, April 1, 2005
The Club Banner of The Month!!!
*drum roll*
Just copy it or comment to get the code ,'kay!
Sorry for smallness the place I had it like did that!~.~ Comments (5) |