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Emporia Kansas
Member Since
student-Emporia State Unviersity
Real Name
uhh..I can tie my shoes.
Anime Fan Since
1998, when I frist watched Gundam Wing.
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Gndam wing, Inuyasha, and FLCL
Become a writer
Writing, RPGing, Kendo, and watching animes
Kendo, causing chaos from time to time
An angel banished from heaven has no choice but to become a demon.

Hello! Welcome to my site!
I'll type more soon since my site is being redone and all.
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Saturday, August 10, 2019
Nearly ten years!?!
I know I just posted, but I took a quick glance at my entries and noticed that my last post was in December of 2009, wow. Okay yeah, it has been quite a while since I last posted here, like holy crap it's been a while. So yah, that's pretty much it for this post, just a startling realization at how much time had passed.
Take care
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Back yet again
Twenty minutes short of doing a twelve hour shift at work. Yeah not the greatest start to a one day weekend. Still makes me quite peeved that our second shift person just upped and quit without notice. I was always told no matter how crappy a job maybe, always, always give notice to your employer. Helps out later in the future when you need that extra reference for work.
I know that its been a very long time since I last posted on this site, but I felt that I needed to add to this site, since this was basically the first social site that I ever joined. I doubt that I will get any kind of traffic or people stopping to read this, but hey, that's not what is important to me. I just want to reignite my desire to write again. So I figured why not start back at the beginning and get the fire going again.
So, expect me to start posting here again, I wont hold myself to any kind schedule for updating, just when I feel the need to write. Poetry may not resume anytime soon or at all really, it's been a very long time since I have even tried to write any, I may just end up treating this a simple journal now that I am quite a bit older, and no longer a silly teen. Well that's it for now, so take care and have a great day. I'll see ya later.
P.S. It feels good to be back.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Another year ends
Again I find myself drawn to this site, even though non of the people I knew on this site remain here, I am still drawn to it. Going through my old posts I see a side of myself that was young and naive. I will be returning to this site once a month in hopes of sparking the muses of my past.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Waffles of Doomy Delight
So much time has passed since I have wrote anything of a decent quality. Alittle over a year has passed since I worked on anything productive towards writing. But to honor this site for the past that it proved for me I will start again.
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Friday, October 31, 2008
. . . A past forgotten
To all that remain within these walls, hello again. To long have I been absent, to long have I been away from something so simple yet so powerful and dear to my past. I can not and will not that I will remain here, but I am back for the time being. I must make up for such a large gap in my posts/time here. Good morning to all and to all hello again.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
I really dont have anything new to say. :~*Sosuke Sagara*~: aka: The trigger-happiest S.O.B. you've ever seen.
XD So you're Sosuke... You've got some serious problems with common sense and always use the logic you've learned as a mercenary your whole life to make decisions in even the most ridiculous of situations. Although you tend to make Kaname angry with you at times and get whacked with that awesome paper fan, you never learn the errors of your actions and often make the same mistake repeatedly. You don't hesitate in firing at any opponent, whether it be a gang of Yakuza or a harmless puppy that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time... Get it through your thick head: guns are not allowed in school. But you do have a good side... you... ehhhh... erm... nevermind ^_^
Which Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Featured Quiz Result:
Very accurete.
 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, my favorite type of sword.
Dominant Personality: Protected
Good Traits: You shelter yourself from anything that's out to hurt you. You don't let people take you lightly.
Bad Traits: You're too distant. You even push people away. You try to blend in with everyone else and follow the crowd.
People see you as: Tense, angry, and careful. You don't take chances, and when someone approaches you, you may lash out at them.
You're Most Like: Solitude. Your greatest desire is for people to leave you alone. The difference is you conform to their ways, while someone who has Solitude will seperate themself.
You Need More: Confusion. Don't just follow the crowd. Question them, and why they are the way they are.
What's your dominant trait? (10 unique results) brought to you by Quizilla