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Emporia Kansas
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student-Emporia State Unviersity
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uhh..I can tie my shoes.
Anime Fan Since
1998, when I frist watched Gundam Wing.
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Gndam wing, Inuyasha, and FLCL
Become a writer
Writing, RPGing, Kendo, and watching animes
Kendo, causing chaos from time to time
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004 What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder?
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Rain falling from the sky
Washing away the blood on the ground
Lighting flashes in the clouded sky
A lone figure stands above a fallen one
Blood dripping of his sword
Emtionless he stares at his fallen enemy
Wiping the blade clean he leaves this living hell.
*Note:* Not sleeping for a couple days is kind of fun. As always please dont steal my work.
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Monday, April 26, 2004
A Cloudless Sky
Wind blowing gentlely through the trees
Friends sharing stories of the past
Flowers in prefect bloom
A man stares at a cloudless sky
His sword lay at his side
With no battles left to fight
Wanting only the peace to never break
He continues to stare at a cloudless sky.
*Note:* As always my work dont steal. Nothing else to say, I'll reply again later.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The sun rises again
With no one left to fight
I look back on to my life
Finding I became the very thing I despise
While hatered grew in my eyes
I tried so hard to kill this pain
There was nothing more they could take from me
All I ever dreamed about was to for them suffer
Sometimes I still wonder if your looking down on me
If you are Im sorry for what you had to see
When I think of giving up memories of you keep me going
In the end I threw away the hate and tried to live with my scars
My night has come to an end as the sun rises again.
*Note:* I saw the Punisher two nights ago and this came to my mind. The ending is not something I believe would ever happen in real life, but I added it. As always my poem please dont steal it. Maybe I should enter this poem in the contest.
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
My anime is...

What Anime is Right for You?
this quiz was made by
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Ok this post is mainly a question I have. I've decided to enter the poetry contest, but I dont know which poems I should enter. Should I enter Reflections, Death I have become or Wandering Aimlessly. Caz, Kyome, and my friends, which should I enter?
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Holy crap I actually used a smilely. Some one help me!
Well hello everyone, sorry I havent really posted anything other than quizes for a while. I dont have much to talk about, Prom is this weekend and I dont know if my date is showing up or not. The school band Im in went to state contest and got a II, for those who dont understand this rating I'll explain. I= Exacelent, II= Above Average, III=Average and IIII= Poor. Im somewhat angry for the rating we got, I thought we did better than that, but still and II is better than III. In truth Im glad thats out of the way, the music we played was driving me insane. Ok I lied I have quite a few things to talk about. I've been watching a show called Witch Hunter Robin on adult swim, its caught my interest but I caught the show half way through the season so Im lost. Im thinking about entering some of my poems in a contest but Im debating weather to do it or not. Well I'll post again later.
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Monday, April 12, 2004
I decided to rewrite my last poem by adding more and changing the form of it.
I've become death, the destroier of worlds.
No longer having to follow sinceless morals.
Emotionless I fight, but what do I fight for?
Im now a shadow of what I was before.
Angels above me
Demons below me
Death I have become
Death I have become
In the realm of dreams Im forever to stay.
Never again to see the light of another day.
Huanted by the dreams and wishes of others.
Never again to feel the love of another.
Angels above me
Demons below me
Death I have become
Death I have become.
*Note:* I decided to redo this poem and change it to song form. I am already working on music for it, as always this is my work so I ask of you not to attempt to steal it, if you wish to post it on your site please ask me frist.
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Monday, April 5, 2004
 You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.
Which Final Fantasy VIII character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Death I have become
I've become death, the destroier of worlds.
No longer having to follow sinceless morals.
Emotionless I fight, but what do I fight for?
My soul is gone, Im now a shadow of what I was before.
*Note:* I decide to try something a little darker than my previce entries. Please tell me what you people think. Also my poem no stealing.
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