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myOtaku.com: WW2

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

   Yay Day!
I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I never really had a reason to. But yesterday I learned something that is post worthy.

I learned that one of my paintings is goin' to be put on display at a major art exhibition, in Raleigh.

The director/judge of the show looked over entries from across the state, and decided mine would be one of the few presented.
Hmm...guess there wasn't much to choose from this year.

This is good and all, but I have to pay to get the painting framed and have it shipped to the building in Raleigh.
Plus I won't get it back until next year.

There's always a catch.

WW2's Random Movie Quote:"Kill Whitey!!!!" -(Black Sheep)

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