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myOtaku.com: WyomingSama

Thursday, April 28, 2005

   Noooow I remember what happened today and some days ago!

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I added MOOOORE stuff, but still more stuff coming! I still love ToS, don't worry that I'm abandoning it. XP Well today was the awards assembly, it rained in the morning. So we were on T.V, not outside. My dad came, but he went to the outside stage one. XP Well as usual, we waited outside the computer lab, which is where they film SETV(our school's news and such T.V). Well when we were waiting outside, my friends and I were making Yoshi noises. Then I have discovered that I make good Yoshi noises. Yoooshi! heh.

Two days ago, we moved desks, I'm sooooo happy! Finally I have freedom! But I sit in front of this kid who hates me because I'm friends with my friend Jelly.(this nickname for her) He called me poopy-face.

Today we are making stanzas for our mother and father for mother and father's day. We got into groups by the stick drawing so we could brainstorm together. I got Michael and Jacob. It was funny, our stanza 1:(not the exact theough)
The Adventures of Mommy
Mommy met her boss at work,
Mommy thought that he was a jerk.
The boss was a hippy,
The boss' name was Pippy.
Pippy said hi, then he said bye-bye.
Then he quickly threw a pie so she'll die.
Mommy, Mommy didn't worry.
Mommy didn't scream or scurry.
She ate the pie up.
And killed him with her super galatic, dooms-day vice president guy.
Kinda of weird, but it's funny!

We took the CSTs(the testings) on Tuesday and Wednesday, it was EASY! Some of the questions says:
How do you spell dos'nt in the correct way?

What is the oppostie of difficult?

HOw do you spell the correct way of the underlined word throgh?

Man, it's like kindergarten work.

Today we went to the library, my friends kept doing shockers on me. It tickles so badly. I did it on Jacob and Jelly then. They chased me around for revenge. We speed walked arounf these group of shelves, then they gave up. HA! It was funny.

After school, Jelly squeezed the pressure point on my neck. It hurted and then she tried it on Katherine. She said ow too. She tried on herself. Samething. It hurts. Then Jelly said that if you squeeze the pressure point too long, you might faint. I squeezed the pressure point on my neck and 3 seconds later I pretended to faint like the old fashion way: back of the hand on forehead. She laughed.

BLAHBLAHBLAH. I need to put a song on my site, and also get the background stop to pattern.