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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hawhaw. My ear hurts.
I think it's my jaw's fault though. I have jaw problems and that can cause earaches! :O

POOOOOOP I have to make a practice tape for band! I don't even practice! And we don't even have a tape recorder. I mean I can get along without practicing. I haven't practiced since like the 6th grade, I got a 94 on my last playing test and I was 1st chair almost all of last year. >.< Haha I'm afraid our class is going to be like the only class that doesn't win some award at the competition this year, we're such screw ups. Like we're going to be the only class that doesn't play Sleigh Ride and the winter concert cause we haven't even learned it yet. xD

Ok so away from my nerdyness.

My brothers got sick lolz. The day after I stayed home from school because I didn't feel good (actually, I just didn't want to go to school that day. xD) they started getting sick.
I sort of want to get sick though.

I need to draw somethingggggggggggggggggg.

Cameron (ex) still isn't talking to me and it's sort of making me mad. Hawhaw. And he likes my best friend now I'm pretty sure of it. Which really is kind of awkward, don't you think so?

That's it.
Thank you for reading my boring life stories! 8D
You time is much appreciated.

-runs off-


I found a new background but I edited it some... preeze tell me if you think it looks better with the green layer or without it. INEEDOPINIONS.
Thankyou :)

With green layer:

Without green layer:


My visitcounterthing is broked. >.<

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm hyper

Anyway today basically sucked.
My sarcastic little Language Arts teacher made me look like a total idiot today, I failed a science quiz because I forgot my notebook, and I missed the bus for the second day in a row. Yaay!
And uhh... I find this quite hilarious.... my ex went out with this 6th grader and now he likes her older sister... who's in 9th grade xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
-dies laughing-
My friend was talking about how annoying he was on AIM yesterday... haha geez did she have alot to say. And actually I agree with her. He's pretty annoying. >.<
But yeah my friend said he still liked me a little haha and blah blah blah but he can't make up his mind between 2 people blah blahhh... I bet I know who the other person is xD And no, I'm not talking about the 9th grader.
Whatever drama is stupid, I broke up with him anyways so I shouldn't care :)

I'm making another character that's friends with my character Cassie(haha). I'm thinking of calling her Amber unless anyone has any objections to that.

Anyone here watch Project Runway? I love that show x]! I remember I was so psyched when Jeffrey won... he was awesome! Well now I'm for that Christian or Kit... Chris is good too, though.




Oi! I made the featured list :D

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

HALLO! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Did you all eat tons of FOOOD?
I did.

I changed my theme (obviously.) It's Loveless! x]

Sorry for the spamming of my comment box with bickering. I'm actually a flexitarian. Hmph!
(shut up Jenny.)

Whenever I go to post something I forget basically everything I was going to say.

I still need to draw a better picture of my character...
Oh, her name is Cassie, but Cassie (redmoonchick), that was not intentional. xD I just thought the name fit her then I was like whoaa woopsie haha.

Did I tell you I got braces back in October? I don't think I did.
They're rather annoying.
-shoots them-

Oh and everyone wish a happy 3 year anniversary to Cassie! (redmoonchick.) She's been on theO for 3 years now! 8>



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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm oging to go ahead and wish you all a happy EARLY Thanksgiving... because I probably won't be on tomorrow anyway. xD
I think I alredy did that but whatever.

OHMYGAWD I found a free trial of Photoshop CS3! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY. -falls out of chair-

That's it.



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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

OHMAIGAD 5 days off from school! I love Thanksgiving! Except the turkey slaughter. ;^; Though I sort of do eat a bit of it anyway.... OH YES! I'm a vegetarian... as of sometime in October. Haha. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I still eat chicken. And I still eat meat on holidays >]
I don't even like turkey that much.

Oh and yew know that kidddd that I've liked since like uhh. April? Yeah I broke up with him. first of all: he really wasn't the person I thought he was.
Secondly: He was getting a bit.. annoying? Hah
Yeah. I decided I just want to be friends with him. Honestly I don't need a boyfriend right now nor do I want one. So for me it's all good but I feel really bad... D:
That 'skank' that I mentioned a while ago on my other site... he did switch jackets on Friday. >:[ I pretended like I didn't care but deep down inside I know I really did... heh. He kept asking if I was mad about that... because I was planning on breaking up with him like all week. But it wasn't because of that. But I kept saying nooo I'm not! And he kept asking and bothering my friends and blahblahblahomgomgblah
But this won't be like last year and I'll make sure of it! -evil laugh of doooooooooom-

I need to draw something.
Speaking of which after two days I'm up to a total of... ZERO VOTES! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

I... don't know.
I totally forgot everything else about today.

-runs off-


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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Well I'm not really mad at my mom anymore. Haha it turns out my friend's sister was just going Christmas shopping anyway so we wouldn't have been able to go. And my mom says it's cool as long as I start working harder in school and stop talking crap about her on AIM. xD

Yesterday I finished a picture of my new character :) I mean I don't think it's great but it was just a quick ideathing to get my uh... ideas down. But yeah I'll get a better picture. And I didn't have to use a reference for a pose this time! -is proud of self-
Speaking of which I was looking for my pencil sharpener yesterday (I am sharpenerless! I couldn't use the electric one because it was like, 1 am. xD) and I found my old binderthing with all my stuff from like, exactly 1 year ago. They depressed me. But at least I know I've gotten better. I mean all of the stuff in there I can draw now in about 1/32435th of the time and make it look wayy better.

My sister's room smells like rotting hot chocolate.
She left a mug of hot chocolate on her dresser! It's nasty! She needs to clean that place out.

Yeah basically that's it. OH except I went to the park today. Haha Idk why. And I got a Gatorade and now I want some food.
-runs to get takeout-


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Friday, November 16, 2007

Ugh. My mom just got all pissed at me because I told her my friend thinks she hates her. Which she does and it really isn't my fault. My mom never lets me hang out with her because she doesn't like her mom and she doesn't like the way she dresses and blah blah blah blah blah. So yeah she was all like "What did you do to make her think I hate her?" and really I didn't do anything except tell her that I couldn't sleep over at her house.
And then she got mad at me again because I got a B in social studies and she emailed my teacher today because she thinks I'm not taking the class seriously...
She's so annoyhing.

Anyway I was going to go to the mall with my friend today. Well what am I talking about I'm going anyway. Haha I don't care what my mom says about it.

I've been having alot of problems with her lately. Like she doesn't support anything I do unless it's something she wants me to do. I'm not saying she like neglects me or something lol it's just she hates the way I dress and the music I listen to and she's always trying to change it it's so stupid. And she wants me to be like my older brother. She wants me to get straight A's my whole life and go to some awesome college. But what if I told her I wanted to become a hair stylist instead of like... I don't know a doctor or something. She would get so pissed at me. Ughh
I mean I know she's my mom but srsly she doesn't let me do anything and she completely CONTROLS my life. She wants me to be her and of course I don't want to. I want to be me and she won't let me. I hate it.

Okay sorry you had to listen to that. She's probably going to end up reading it and then get even more pissed at me but I don't really care. It's the truth.

I hope I can get ahold of my friend so we can hang out...

La la la.


edit a;lkfja;klsdjfldksjflkasfjlkasdjflkmcadslkfa;lsdkflksadjfklajfck
She's so gay
I just wanted to hang out with my friend
but nooo.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm not the same person I was last year. So this site is just going to be all new stuff.
New playlist (maybe), new themes, new other random things and a new character if I ever get time to draw something. xD
But yes just erase all the stuff you remember from my old site and get out a brand new sheet of paper and a bright randomly colored new pencil!
Because it's all new.
And yeah that was kind of a 'duh' thign but for those of us who are a bit slow in the head...
Wow I'm hyper right now.
I don't like being hyper.
Unless it has something to do with caffeine.
And I'm trying to add some of my old friends back.
That's probably going to be the only not new thing.

On Sunday I will have been on this site for exactly one year.
Exciting, right?
I'm going to try to post often.
Actually I don't have any homework for once so I'm going to go think up some ideas for a new character.
I need to draw something.
And make a new playlist.


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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

From slowness.

blah blah blah
First day with the new site.
I'm kindasorta almost done with it.

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