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| X Sesshomaru X
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Ok, this place is really starting to piss me off. No matter what I do, I'm not able to upload a picture onto this site. I tried many times when I started, and I just tried about 10 different ways in the past 20 minutes. Why the hell can't I get a single fuckin' picture onto this damn site!? If you actually want to help me, then please help me.
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Today's word of the day is:
Gore - see "funny" (September 2, 2004)
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Well, MrsTaraYuyMaxwell wanted me to advertise her site because she advertised mine (I wanted visitors), so here it is.
Hey everybody, go to MrsTaraYuyMaxwell's site. It's not dark like mine and she's nice, so you'll actually like her site. Go to it or, if you're a man, I'll kill your all future children, then castrate you. If you're a woman, I'll kill all your future children, and then castrate their fathers. So go to her site, and you won't have to hear these threats.
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Well, I'm going to start having a word of the day. I am going to give the name of the word and my own definition (and they won't always be good). Today's word of the day is:
Funny - something that is humerous and is worth laughing at
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
People like me? Wow, that's surprising.
 Grey: You can often be very sad. Quiet and reserved you hold yourself back, not because you want to, but because you feel no one will like you. The truth is that lots of people will like you. Your personality is creative and daring. You have a poetic mind, but sometimes your poetry turns into depression. Poetry is meant to be beautiful so keep it that way. You are a wonderful person even if you don't see it, others do.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!What colour is your spirit?(with great pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

yes, infact you will die.
Find out what anime villan you are.
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 I've come to take you. What character from a creepy anime are you?
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Well, my first day as a freshman just ended. Luckily it was only a half day, though. But I can already tell that these four years aren't going to be as short as everybody says.
On another note, I hate my brother. He was supposed to pick me up from school so that I wouldn't have to walk, but, like the lazy bastard he is, he didn't. It's kinda a long walk so that made me even more pissed at him, especially seeing as how I was wearing dark clothes and walking in the hot sun. That's not exactly a good combination.
So anyways, I'm a freshman now. Oh yeah, I'm one of the weakest of the all powerful of the High School (Did that sound as stupid to you as it did to me? Cause it should have. Otherwise, you're stupid)
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Monday, August 30, 2004
At the bottom of the quiz a site is given. This is it right here, only for me instead. If you don't like vampires, then don't bother.
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 Shadow. You are an angel made from shadows. Your wings are powerful beyond mortal understanding. You love to hide in shadows, and are a natural at night. You enjoy showing mortals whose in control, and won't hesitate to hurt someone if they really start to bug you. You are old, and will continue to live for many years more. Longer than any given person. You are agile, quick witted and sharp. You enjoy putting people down, and can communicate with the nights soul, as you do the shadows.
You are an angel that has been cast out of heaven, and thrown to the earth. Almost being killed in the process. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? And the same rule applies to you. When you suffer, it only makes you more vicious, and powerful. You are an impressive being. One never to be trifled with. You hate all normal angels for this. You drink their blood, to get back at the heavens that rejected you.
Congrats, you are very smooth.
Wanna be a vampire? Become one here.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
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