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| X Shadowme X
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'm too sexy for my lack-of-car!
Thats right,I'm too sexy for my nothing!(I'll alert you the moment I start making sense.) So,are you all in the mood for a story? And when I say "story",I mean,like,3/4 paragraphs of words.So,its actually more of a preview,to see your reaction(s) to my latest thing/story.And it has nothing to with Sword Hearts,which I'm still working on.Anyway,I hope I don't regret this,but-here it is,my excuse for a project....
Am I strange? Of course I am.There shouldn't be a doubt about it,yet there is.I have no idea why there is.Everyone assures me I'm "strange".And I know they're right,I never rebled against the "EMO freak/cynical Basket Case" lable.And I honestly couldn't care less about all the other kids talking behind my back.Why? Because it is just such a riot that they think they're doing something "sneaky",something melicious.They think they're getting away with such a cruel,hurtful crime,that they're hurting me,that they're just SO powerful-when,in fact,the entier reason they do it,is because they're afraid of me; a mentally and physically ill,fragile six-teen-year-old girl.And the best part is,they think I don't know! Then again,it could just be my paranoia.I'm not completely sure.But there are deffinately people who gossip about me.I mean,I'm in high-school,therefore-gossip involving me in some embarassing,horrid way is unavoidable.
They probably call me things like "freak",and "psycho".Just because I know they're intentions,they're fears,they're motives-EVERYTHING.And that scares them beyond belief.Insults and fake indifferance are their only defence.They recongnize my ability,and they hate me for it.But I can't help it;I can't remember a time when I didn't have this ability.This ability to "read" people,just by looking at their eyes.Even when they don't show any out-ward sign at all,I know exactly what they're feeling,and what they intend to do about it.In fact,I can find out anything,except their exact thoughts.So,the idea that, in some strange way,I'm "normal",is probably only there,because my mind is playing tricks on me again.
And my mind playing tricks on me is proof that I'm strange,a regular BasketCase.Just as everyone else assumes.But I sappose you've heard that before,right? I mean,every teenager and young adult on the internet claims to be insane and/or world-dominating.But I'm one of the few who actually means it.And this "book",as it someday might be called,is nothing more then an explaination in the form of a story.So,don't worry.It shouldn't be too long.You'll be able to get back to reading your precious Harry Potter soon.But before that,I suppose you want me to tell you my name,right? Well,I'll use an alias,seeing as there are going to be secrets reveiled in this story that should never be told.And,I hate my real name,anyway.Its such a flashy,arogant name.I don't know why,but I find something very wrong with being named after a city/state.But don't be offended if your named after a place,as well.No doubt your name is still far better then mine.Really,why couldn't they have named me something normal,like "Paris",or "Londen"? I'd even settle for Marylynn or York.But,no,they just HAD to be original,didn't they! Oh well...I sappose it doesn't matter.
My alias,what should it be...? Let's see,what am I? Smart....Eloquent....Masochistic...Decieving....Oh,I know.Here it is,my alias-Mask.Yes,so very fitting of my personality.Or,at least,the one the rest of the world allows themselvs to see.Its actually more of a mood then a personality. Being insane can do that to you.The truth is,everything on the outside,not just the looks,but the lable(s),is just a mask,a shield to protect whatever is left of me thats real.Protect whatevers left of thats real from drowning in the remnents of "the Sickness."As a very wise lyricist once wrote,"We were meant to live for so much more.Have we lost ourselves? Someware we live inside." Thats me.Almost lost.Living someware inside.
Well,ummmmmmm,that wasn't SO bad,was it? Please say "yes,it was okay." I know it was filled with drama,but...ALL NON-COMEDIES INVOLVING TEEENAGERS ARE DRAMATIC!!! I'm going to stop talking before...Well,May the awesomeness of anime be with you in a world of Care Bears..~Shadowme(Yuki Cold)~
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
![Quiz Result Provided By:](
What Pink-Haired Anime Girl Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Oh,yeah,thats me all right.Well,it turns out I have Read Ryuns Story now,because its the next book in the Degrees of Betrayal series.*rolls eyes* And knowing what Sierra's about to do to him,I'm beside myself with suspense and intrigue.I simply can't stop going,"BWAHAHAHHAHAHA!! DIE,RYUN,DIIIIIE!!", every 10 minutes.Yeah,in case you haven't figured it out yet,I really hate Ryun.I started to feel alittle sorry for him,but...C'MON! The dude ran around with his girl-friends best-friend,even AFTER he put her in a coma!(Of course,she woke up from the coma,but...) I mean,anything that happons to him now is pure Karma.But I can't hate Kenzie half as much as I did before.I mean,the chicks deep,and at least she feels remorse for what shes doing.
But Sierra will always be my favorite character.And even though I feel sorry for her,I like the effacts the betrayal had on her.I mean the whole deceptive,manipulating mistress of torture thing,not the pain.But I hate how Jeff Nesbit changed the original "script" around to make Sierra look shallow,and make Ryun look good! But its impossible to make Ryun look good.He's such a conceited jock!
Well,lets see...Mikey deleted his old account,and created ANOTHER new one.This is his 3rd account...*sigh* I miss him.He's almost completely vanished from my life,and I don't know what to do about it.I swear if you look up "loneliness" in the dictionary,it'll say "see long distance relationship." And with that Oh-so-cheery look into my almost-lack-of-a-love-life,I leave you! I love y'all! *hugs to everyone* G'night!~Shadowme(Yuki_c0ld)~
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Hello,all...I have a tiny announcement to make I'VE FOUND TEH 9TH VOLUME OF THE EVA MANGA!!!! I've been waiting FOREVER for it! Oh,and I've also found vol.1 of Bakuten/Bey Blade.The Japanese version sounded way cooler,man! I mean they changed "Takao" to Tyson." Now I expected that in the anime,but in the manga,they usually have the decency to at least keep all the original names.Oh well,its still fun.Well,sorry I haven't been coming to your sites lately.I'm afraid I won't have as much time to do that anymore.V.V*bow* Gomen nai sai.I'm really sorry!
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
This part of the site,(the "add post" part), is now my sanctuary! My blessed,blessed sanctuary!Now then,a poem,just because it seems that some comfort would be welcome right about now.
Darling,what can I say,they're both to blame.
And you have every rite to feel torn apart.
But I can't get over that all I can do is Attempt to pick up the shards of your broken Heart.
I can't say I can relate to this situation in any way,but theres a ray of hope.
There has to be-there always is.
The closest I can get to giving you advice is "Close your eyes,pretend to be all right,go to sleep,and,maybe,when you wake up you will be."
Well,my "mother dearest" is forcing me off the computer.School sucks,MyO rules,you guys rule.I love y'all! G'night/day!~Shadowme~
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
"Were're ya gonna go,were're ya gonna go? Salvation is here."-Switchfoot
Oy...I have learned 2 things in my absence.1:Ginger ale and chamomile are Heaven-sent.
2.James Howe rules!
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
When The Nightmare no one dared to dream happons...
I've got nothing for y'all in this section of the site but pain and a poem.
Once again I loosen your grip on my arm with a kiss.
I know what your thinking-"how could it be anyones intention for this to happon?"
But although this was no improvement,
It isn't a mistake either.
Its just another unwanted part of the intricate tapestry.
There's no right way to deal with this,just as you said.
We're all finding our own process to accept this.
Well,other then writing poems that were inspired by John Ritters' death on 8 Simple Rules,I haven't been up to much.HE still hasn't messaged me yet.Because HE is too busy on myspace.I get the feeling I'm the only teen in America without a cell phone,or an MP3 player,or a myspace.In other news,my WONDERFUL brother has discovered the shinyness of Limewire.So,thats it.Bye...
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
"In the end,there are no damsels,no villains,and no heros.There are only the saved and the condemned."-Kyo
HELLO,WORLD!!!!*jump of joy*Now,I don't know if you noticed,but I'm feeling rather hyper today...HAHAHAHHAHA,I HAVE FINELLY BEATEN THE DEMAN LORD AND HIS INFERNAL STOMACH FLU!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Now my explaination for not being on the computer for the past 3/4 days is very simple and commen-I was sick.Not just the commen-cold sick.Nooo,I threw up,I had a fever,constant stomach pain that kept me up all night...-Yeah,it hurt.ALOT.ALOT,ALOT.And it still hasn't completely passed either. *curses under breath* Well,for most of you,it seems that it is that tragic time once again- school. I honestly nearly burst into tears when "mother dearest" dragged me along for back-to-school shopping.And I'm not saying that just to be melo-dramatic.I wanted to throw-up just so mom would take me home early.
Well,other then that...I went to a base-ball game today.I hate base-ball,but I actually enjoyed this.Probably all the sugery snacks and time-off from being home alone.Really,I get tired of it after a while.Oh,and I wanted to choke my little sister to death today...But thats nothing new.I just hate how she makes these weird faces and sticks her lip out all the time,and everyone gushes about.They're like "Awww,such a cute li'l angel!" Its not that I'm jealous of all her attention-I just hate her whole haughty(sp?) and sassy attitude.(can't spell) Well,with that warm out-look on my family life,I guess I'll leave you now!*hugs all* Bai!MAY THE AWESOMENESS OF SUGER BE WITH YOU IN A DE-CAFFINATED WORLD~Shadowme(DIEEEEEEE,DEMON LORD!!!)~
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
ITS A LOVELY DAY IN PARADIIIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bounces around room*
Ello,ello.*gives you all hugs* I'm back.....WITH MANGA!!!....And vengence...BUT MOSTLY WITH MANGA!!! (Please ignore those sound effacts in the background.) *grrrrr* *CHOMP*....Not to worry,that was just my cousin.'^^
Dani(the sound effects giving cousin): yo.....
Me: Well,in case any of you still care,I got lost in the woods 2 days ago.It was fun,actually.
dani: it wasn't my fault!! was fun?? okay then it WAS my fault....
Me:And I'm about to be very melo-dramatic,so prepare to roll your eyes!...I'LL NEVER GET TO HEAR HIS VOICE AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!....;__; I'm depressed now.T_T
Dani: i'm lost now...did i miss something while i was using a rubber crocidile to eat beads randomly for entertainment.....?
Me:Basically,Mikeys' forbidden from calling me.So now I'M ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!...Ooooooh,Air Hostess! I'm deffinately addicted to that song now,man."Walking through the Terminal,I saw something beautiful.You left for your duty call.Next time,getting on the plane-thats when I see you again.I can't get you off my brain...." *singing song under breath*
Dani:*doing battle with the rubber croc in the background*AH,IT GOT MY FINGER!!!...No,wait...I'M FREE! and...i need a hobby...
Me:....XD.....Wellll...Hmmm,what is there to rant about..? Oh,uh,Weird Al! Do you like Weird Al? Yeah,I like Weird Al.^^ The Only thing worth mentioning is,I might be previewing another story soon.Its name is My Alias and I have no idea if your gonna like it,but...I dunno.Anyway,now Dani's playing with a race car in the background,so..I'll just go visit sites now.O_o
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Uhhhh,IGNORE THAT PREVIOUS,EMPTY POST WITH THE SAME NAME!! THATS AN IMPERSONATOR!!(sp?) Anyway,Dani is here...And people keep trying to force me to go to the park for some sort of dumbass gathering.T-T Other then that,theres nothing to report.Well,bai!I hate my mum!~Shadowme(Yuki)~
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Sophmore Slump or Comeback of The Year (Witness the poetic talent of Pete Wents once again)
Are we growing up,or going down? its just a matter of time until we're all found out.
Take our tears,put them on ice,because I swear,I'd burn the city down to show you the light.
We're the therapists,pumping through your speaker,
Delivering just what you need.
Well-read and poised,we're the best boys.
We're the chemists who've found the formula to make your heart swell and burst.
No matter what they say,don't believe a word.
Because I'll keep singing this lie if you'll keep believing it.
We traveled like gypsies only with worse luck and far less gold.
We're the kids you used to love,then we grew old.
We're the lifers here 'til the bitter end.
Condemned from the start.
Ashamed of the way the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts.
Are we growing up,or just going down? Its just a matter of time until we're all found out.
Take our tears,put 'em on ice.
Because I swear,I'd burn this city down to show you the light.
And theres a drug in the thermostat to warm the room up.
And another around to help us bend your trust.
Got a sun-set in my veins,and I need to take a pill to make this town feel okay.
The best part of "believe" is the "lie." I hope you song along and steal a line.I need to keep you like this in my mind,so give in or just give up.
Not the best Fallout Boy song,but I like it.I hope you didn't try to understand the lyrics.Your head'll implode.o_O Well,Friday was fun.My uncle and his friend came over.Yeah,my uncles "friend"...*shifty eyes* 0_-,-_0 And,uhhh,Dani/Anii-chan(lost_soal93) is coming over at 6 today.Huzzzzzaaaaaah! I haven't seen her in a year,man.Welp,for once I'll spare you the rant,and leave you with a qoute. "Was this party a total disaster?? Nonesense! You've discovered the perfact cure to fun!"-David Spade,8 Simple Rules~Shadowme(Yuki-less)~
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