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| X Shadowme X
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
You think I wold have learned my lesson after the suger coma...
Hey peoples! suppy sup supness! how are you all? good,I hope.My day was....mixed emotionishy.I got to sleep til 10,until my mom came in and made me laugh so I couldn't go back to sleep...Then I threw stuff at my brother because hes a taddle tale!T.T;;;
My bro: yes i am and I'm glad.
Me:Your gonna be a dead glad taddle tale,when I done with you...
Me:...*mutters somthing incoherently*Well,then I had to go to Challage,its kinda like a youth group,only its only for Catholic girls from 10-16 years of age.So I got to drink cream soda there.Thats when my stomach started to hurt from all the suger that day...My evil mother is making me get off now.''''T_T *throws cookie dough at all of you,then runs away,laughing maniacly*~Shadowme
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
djfkfuencndsuuabhjdufgyucbgudhuiwhwuhdjdnhwajiodhbjuidhn....Okay,I'll stop slamming my head against the keybored now.....Now if only I could remember why I was doing this..............ZZZZZZZZZZZ*calapses*
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Thanks Alphonse13-chan!^^
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Thanks Alphonse13-chan!^^
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I hope this works...
If it does,Thank you,Alphonse13!^^...I'm showing my Valentines day cards 1 at a time.Day by day.Anyway,like my new background?
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Screw avengence...I'M BACK WITH MANGA!
Hi guys....Whats up? I wouldn't know...I've living under a rock the past few days.Well,I got braces on last Friday....They don't hurt anymore.I just rip up things THEN put them in in my mouth,so I can still chew stuff.Which means,JOY!! I don't have to live off soup! because I hate soup...(Of course I'm insane,whats your point?) Anyway,I'd tell you about my day,but I completely forgot everything that happond,except we went to the library and I got manga.Even my brother got out some manga...At first it was only DBZ and Naruto,but hes beginning to be interested in other serieses now.Which is nice....It'l be fun to have another anime/manga fan in the family.~Shadowme
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
I hate today.....I hate tomarrow too....''''''-.-OF COURSE I KNOW WHATS HAPPONING TOMARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty:KONICHI WA,MANTA-SAN! its the whole crew....Say hi to the peeps,guys.
Mac:Hi to the peeps,guys!^^
Ty:In case your wondering why Sha-san isn't here,its because-
Mac:its because she thought it would be fun to type a post while drunk....on suger.*rolls eyes* Brilliant,Sha-san.Just brilliant.''''-___-
Rai:But you have to admit,people do have a better chance to get more comments if the people are all hyper and peppy and fun.
Mac:Yeah,but its usually cause they're that way naturally,not because they gorged themselves on 22 pounds of suger before posting.
Ty:ANYWAY...Now,shes in a suger coma...Shes been out for....1 min. But it was her who typed the title,not us.
Rai:Yeah,Icchan ain't going boom now.*gives Shadowme symathetic look*But I think the title was because she threw up at her basket ball game.Didn't find out she was sick,until she threw up in the game.
Mac:This was before she ate all the suger,mind you.
Kyoto:.....I need food......*exits room*
Ty:......NYHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! SHES GONE! NOW I WILL CONTINUE WITH MY PLANS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! NYHAHAHAHA.....HA!*pulls white lab coat and unnecissary glasses on and goes into mad scientist mode*BUT FIRST.....I must get more porn!
Ty:Corn! part of a healthy diet! bye,now.I gotta go to the convinience store!*leaves*
Rai:*blink,blink*....I didn't know they sold corn at the convinience store.=<
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Yes,I'm very demonic.>:3
nn nWhat Demon Class Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
Tis true,tis true.I'm not the best,but....I'm too lazy to be.*shrug* Laziness is key...Along with Randomness...*eats cookie dough* The hardest part about living in the cookie realm of doom is resisting the urge to eat the furniture...Everythings cookie dough except the walls,the clothes,the floor,the rugs/carpets,and the toilets....So....Tempting....And the worst part is tomarrow is Monday...We're always over worked on Monday.I gotta go get sort somthing out at the police station that Ty caused.Bye!~Shadowme
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Damn quizes that say I'm not an anime character....T.T
Hello,how y'all doing?? today was good....sort of.I took a quiz that said "you are not an anime character." It kinda spoiled my good mood.Yeah,I'm way to sensitive.'-- Well,as usual Ty and Kyoto were argueing about...I don't know,I stopped listening to their conversations years ago,but it looked to the point,were Kyoto would walk out,declaring the topic "pointless" before Ty was even done speaking,so before she could get her final word in,I ran up to them and shouted "SAVE TEH WHALES!!!" then ran off before they could even say "WHAT?????" And they were both so bewildered,they forgot what the topic of their "conversation" was...In other news...Kelly moved out!;__; she was the only other sane 1 of our little group....Yeah,she went to go live with the other characters who refused to live with everyone else at my house....AND NOW I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH MAC AND TY AND A PARANOID EXORCIST ALL BY MYSELF!!!! Curse yooou Kellyyyyyyyy!!....I gotta go blame the toaster now.Enjoy the night of all things anime!~Shadowme
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Rai has pointy ears,doesn't he??
![tyson]( You would date Beyblades 15-year old Ray Kon,
ex-White Tiger (That's him on the left, but
they're both sexy). Ray is shy, gentle and
caring and would definitely make an excellent
boyfriend. Chances are, you wouldn't get to
meet his family as they live along way away
from him, but you might. Hes a good cook so
youd save yourself the trouble of cooking
dinner if you ever got married, plus he'd
take you on a cool first date like to a
restaurant or new cafe.
Which Hot Anime Guy Would you Date? (Pics and tons of Detailed Results) brought to you by Quizilla
I just have to ask,was he an ex-elf or a reincarnation of an imp or somthing?...Thats okay,hes still purdy....Not as sexy as Kai though,but even if Kai was a real person and knew me,he'd never date me,so its not worth worying about.*shrug* I found out somthing horrible today....I HAVE TO GO AN ENTIER WEEK WITHOUT SWEET OR/AND STICKY FOODS!!!!!!!0.0 I hate getting braces.Also,my brother bought a PS2 a week ago and it came today.Right now,he is currently playing kingdom hearts,which we borrowed from his freands.We also borrowed Jak3.So the day kinda evened out,considering,I ALSO found a quiz were you can "do it like the bunnies" with Kai!....And a lemon!*tears of joy* life is good.I mean,its a bitch,but its a good bitch.Annnnnd,right after my appoinment Dad took my out to a restrant called "Freindlys"! It was fun.^^..........But there was 1 other down side to today....My characters abandond me to bug my cousen Dani(lost soal93) so now I'm here all alone with Rai (the 1 from my story,not the Bey Blade 1.)
But its Danis birthday,so pleeeeeease go to her site.*puppy dog pout* I'm to watch more youtube now,so bye peoples!^^~Shadowme
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