X Shadowme X
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Friday, October 1, 2010
Today, I was for some mysterious reason very horny and wrote my very own porno in first period. It turned out pretty well.
Oh. And my mommy said I look like a rock star today. :D yaaaaaaaaay!
And now to finish off them questions.
-What traits would the worst boyfriend?
Well, he would be butt ugly,but extremely arrogant and abusive. Very Destructive. Overall, just a very twisted, callous sonuvabitch.
Kinda like this dude:
-What's your favorite lollipop or Popsicle flavor?
Watermelon. It's one of those things where I dislike the taste of real watermelon, but I like the taste of artificially flavored watermelon stuff.
And I honestly don't feel like answering questions. I got a monster headache.
Today was interesting. I talked to the dude who's been staring at me. I know I posted that his name was Zach, but it's actually Jacob. Apparently, I was misinformed.
We had like a five second conversation about eye-liner. Apparently, he uses the expensive Revlon stuff, which kinda turned me off. I don't have anything against Revlon personally, I could just tell by the way he talked about it that he was kinda vain.
He was pretty friendly though. :/ I don't know.
Maybe I'll be able to find him on facebook.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today we got a hella rain, yo. They let us out of school 3 hours early. :D
Lotsa Pokemon playing and news-auto-tuning up in here.
Now then, for the rest of Stephy's questions.
-Does your house have carpet?
Yes, but not in every room. What is with this sudden interest in my house, you stalker? lol jk
-What is the name of road near you?
Well, even though my address says Meetinghouse road, I actually live on Marilyn rd, as in Marilyn Monroe, which would explain why pretty much every kid on my road is on drugs and obsessed with sex.
-What's a horrible name for a boy?
-What's a horrible name for a girl?
-Ashlee. XD Srlsy, with either one, it's like you're condemning the kid to become this preppy, entitled little brat. I mean, I have friends named Ashlee who aren't like that, but still, I don't like what the name implies.
-What's your favorite animal?
Boys, despite my femi-nazi state of mind.
-Did you notice there were 2 number sevens?
I did after you pointed it out to me. Ha! Stephy, you goof!
-What's your favorite season?
Well, it used to be Summer, but now that I'm older and I know how tedious and boring it can be without anything to do, it's probably Spring-like around May or April, because that means schools about to let out and everything is blooming again and I've survived another year.
-Are you wearing shoes right now?
No, my feet have been nudists for the past five or six hours.
-Do you like socks?
-I ADORE socks! Especially knee-highs. Whenever I see a cute pair, I get a ginormous fashion boner.
-What's your favorite kind of candy?
Starbursts. It used to be Milkyways and Twix bars but now I can't have chocolate without getting a gigantic rash, so yeah.
-What was the last TV show you watched?
The news. I sat there, staring at the tele for about five seconds, but upon realizing this was the boring, original, un-auto-tuned version, I departed from my living room and spent many an hour in amusement savoring the sound of images of schmoyo and his band of unintentional singers and elf-excreting emus.
-What was the last movie you watched?
... I can't remember. The last one I saw at the cinema though was either Eat, Pray, Love or The Karate Kid. Can't remember which happened last.
-Do you like Halloween or New Years better?
Halloween, because I'm not really old enough to party so hard on New Years that I knock off a few years on my life expectancy and because Halloween gives me the excuse to dress like the freaky, loving, creative kid that I am.
-What's your favorite month?
May because it's my birthday month. Hardly anything bad ever happens to me in May, for some reason, but it probably will this year just because I said it wouldn't.
-Are you superstitious?
Yes, EXTRMELY. I mean, I don't believe in throwing salt over my shoulder for good luck or that black cats are any worse luck than any other cat, but I don't wear certain clothes to school because I believe they're bad luck if I wear them out of the house.
-How many restaurants are in your town?
Um... A lot more than I know of. I've got like 5 or 6 within walking distance of my house though.
-Are the leaves changing there yet?
Nope. Nothing but green leaves and gray skies.
-What food do you hate?
Soup. I like stu, but something about soup just disgusts the living hell out of me.Maybe it's the wet, soppy texture. I don't know.
-If you ever snapped and killed how would you do it?
Gunshot to the head, pointblank. Plain and simple.
-And if you did, who would be your unsuspecting victim?
If there was an absolute gurantee that I would get away with it without any punishment or guilt on my conscience, it would probably be Shaun, my ex, because he is the most irritating, self-rightious, arrogant prick you will ever hear me complain about. Only problem is, he's so stupid, he'd think that I'm doing it because I want him back... Although he'd still be dead. Hmmm... Pros and cons.
-Do you think you might snap one day?
In an emotional breakdown way? Yes. In a murderous way? No. I'm simply too nice to ever physically hurt anybody besides myself.
-How many times a day do you want to punch/strangle someone?
Depends on the day. On an average day, I'd say probably two, because that's the number of times I usually pass by Dan in the hallway. On a really bad day, probably 20 because of the unspeakable idiocy I'd probably have to deal with.
-Can you say the althabet backwords?
After working at a library and having to althebetize everything for a Summer, I probably should be able to, but, no, I can't.
-Can you burp the althabet?
-What's your favorite nursery rhyme?
Hickory Dickory Dock simply because it's the first one that popped into my head when I saw this question. XD INTUITION! It's amazing how well I know myself!
-What's your favorite poem?
Umm.. Good question. I have a lot of favorites, but my number one at the moment would have to be "I'm Nobody, Who are You?" by Emily Dickenson. Look it up, yo.
-who's your favorite poet?
ME! Psych. Probably either Benjamin Baker, Heather Manning, or Shakespeare, even though it's completely cliche. I mean, hey, you gotta respect a dude who can write entire plays in iambic pentameter.
-Who's your favorite author?
Again, ME! Umm, at the moment, it's Oscar Wilde, but it's bound to change on any given day.
-What cartoons did you watch as a kid?
Reruns of Bugs Bunny and a bunch of Looney Tune spinoffs. I also recall a great deal of Doug and Hey Arnold viewing, which I deeply miss. Oh, and Pokemon. Can't forget Pokemon. And this show called Arther, about a human Ardvarke who looks like a cross between a bear and a dog... It's complicated.
-What are your favorite colors to wear?
Black and white because I'm classy and because I was a pirate in another life.
-What colors do you not like to wear?
I tend to avoid brown as much as I possibly can. Something about it makes me look really dirty.
-What's your favorite kind of sodapop?
-What traits would the perfect boyfriend have?
Well, he would look like this:
![George Boleyn Pictures, Images and Photos](
Without the nosering, and he would be kind, funny, sensitive, devoutly Catholic, my entire family would love him, he would love them, and, most importently, he would freakin adore me and accept me completely for who I am.
More answers to questions later.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ughhh... '-__- I'm so tired. We got our English textbooks today and they are fckin HUGE! Srlsy. It's a hard cover, a little under half a foot long, with one thousand five hundred something pages. My arms are about to fall off! I had to carry that and my purse and my binder AND this other book I'm reading!
On the bright side, my arms are going to be fcking ginormous by the end of the Summer.
Now then, real quick, responses to comments:
Faroe/Brittany: Yeah, Stephy(alphonse13) has grown very fond of writing me books in comment forn over the years. lol I feel alone because I want a boyfriend. Well, no, that's not right--I want THE boyfriend to end all boyfriends. In other words, I want to meet my soul mate. But according to my therapist, I'm not done growing yet, so it'll probably be awhile.
Lol I didn't really mean for it to be humorous, but I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it.
Stephy: XD.... I love you. Blathering awesomeness forever. <3
1.What was the first pet you had?
A rock. I can't remember what his name was, but, man, that was a really badass rock.
2.What was the last song you listened to?
Falling Down-Space Cowboy.
3.What colors your room?
White. XD I'm boring.
AND I'm going to have to answer the rest of the questions later because I have to go
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I feel unspeakably alone.
Wrote a song a few weeks ago.
Here it is
BUS BOY'S REVENGE? (To the tune of "Note to Self" by From First to LAst)
You're on my bus,
In my friends hair,
In my hallways,
In my mirror,
And in any and every passing strangers face.
Now who's stalking who here?
Who's stalking who here?
I wish my mind could deny as well as yours can but if something's there, I see it,
So I'll guess I'll just have to keep getting abused by the truth.
Keep getting abused by the truth,
Abused by the truth!
Surrounded by so much glitter, I'm blinded, eyes stretched their widest.
It all seems so far away.
Like a black hole, I cannot be filled, no matter how many stars I kill.
Ughhhhhh... Today... I don't know. It's just been one of those really disappointing days. I need to break up the monotony somehow.'-__-
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Monday, September 27, 2010
So the staring has stopped, thank God.
I asked my gay friend, Nick, about what it means when a gay guy stares a straight girl, and he said it was called "detailed description."
I asked him in the middle of my friends birthday party so I never got to ask exactly what, in that context, a "detailed description" is, so I see we urban it.
Ready? Here we go.
Hmm... I don't see "detailed description" anywhere on here. Let's try detailed perception...
"When Memory, thought and action membrane work together the result is a detailed perception."
Nope. That's not it.
Well, anyway, Zach--that's his name--is no longer staring at me anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.
Stephy, it probably isn't your theory about my inadvertently turning him "un-gay," but I kind of wish it was. I've always been a sucker for a boy who knows how to dress and do his hair.:/ Ah, well.
Today is one of those rare days where I don't have much homework, so I'm probably gonna go play with my little sister, read my book, and play some Pokemon.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
'-__- Stupid bugs.
Something about my blood just attracts the damn things like metal to magnets.
On a less itchy note--can notes be itchy?--today was very odd. People were staring at me all day today. Granted, I was wearing a somewhat Gaga-esque feather head band, but still it was THAT bizarre. I wear peculiar, attention-grabbing things on my head every other day and no one ever paid attention before!
There's also been this gay guy in my lunch who's been staring at me every day since Monday from across the cafeteria, and I really wish I knew why. I mean, you've all seen pictures of me. It's pretty damn obvious I'm not a dude.
Dan also looked at me on the bus today with this shit-eating smirk, but that was just him being a jerk and trying to lead me on again. It's nothing new. He does it all the time. Ass hole.
And now it's Friday night and I'm listening to my sisters cry because grandma "ruined" the raman noodles and there is no left over pizza. '-___-
I know I'm gonna miss this when I move out, but right now I just want to leave.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Stephy... "The Bard" is a nickname for Shakespeare.
XD lmao...
Ah. I'm tired and I have therapy in like two minutes so here's some English Language Bloopers for you all to amuse yourselves with:
"A rainstorm reduced attendance at the parade and acted as a detergent to the crowds."
"Our establishment serves tea in a bag like mother!"
"If I had been instilled in the right principles of birth control, I would not be the mother of an unwed baby."
"Discharge status: Alive but without permission."
"Widow, 73, would like to meet gent with a car of similar age."
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Emotionally, I'm feeling better.
Physically, not so much.
I'm sick with a pretty bad cough, and my nostrils have just opened up enough to let me know that I stink. :( That's never fun.
Corn: That's not the Bible, that's the Bard. D:< Wrong B-word! Although, I suppose the Bard is somewhat of a literary Bible... Eh, close enough.
Brittany/Faroe: It wasn't really that things needed to slow down, it was just that everything felt really hopeless-as if all the good that was to happen to me had already happened and all I had ahead of me now was suffering. Also, I've kind of had a feud going with photobucket ever since I tried to use it to show a background image for my MyO page and it turned the entire thing blank.
Stephy: That may be so, Stephy, but regrettably, terrible things often happen to awesome people. And, yes, I know I'm not alone and I am eternally grateful to you for your never-ending love and friendship , but sometimes I just feel as though I am alone.
And now it's time for a new segment on myO that I like to call STUPID THINGS MY EX SAID TO ME AND CLEVER THINGS I SHOULD HAVE SAID BACK.
Stupid thing:[whilest talking in third person] Listen to the insane boy! He knows what he's talking about!
Clever thing: No, he doesn't. The insane boy is insane.
Stupid thing 2: Girl, I can't help it if I'm rough--I'm from the streets!
Clever thing 2: Boy, you live in Whitemarsh. You're within walking distance of the mall. The closest you've ever been to the streets is the Avenue.
(The Avenue, by the way, is sort of like an out-door mall, right across the street from the indoor mall, where bored teenagers of all cliques and ages come to hang out when the in door mall closes at 9. There's a movie theater, a Starbucks, and a bunch of other restaurants and shops I'm too lazy to mention. It's very suburban, very over-priced, very preppy, very Wannabe-L.A. , and very anti-gangsta.)
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Emotionally, I'm feeling better.
Physically, not so much.
I'm sick with a pretty bad cough, and my nostrils have just opened up enough to let me know that I stink. :( That's never fun.
Corn: That's not the Bible, that's the Bard. D:< Wrong B-word! Although, I suppose the Bard is somewhat of a literary Bible... Eh, close enough.
Brittany/Faroe: It wasn't really that things needed to slow down, it was just that everything felt really hopeless-as if all the good that was to happen to me had already happened and all I had ahead of me now was suffering. Also, I've kind of had a feud going with photobucket ever since I tried to use it to show a background image for my MyO page and it turned the entire thing blank.
Stephy: That may be so, Stephy, but regrettably, terrible things often happen to awesome people. And, yes, I know I'm not alone and I am eternally grateful to you for your never-ending love and friendship , but sometimes I just feel as though I am alone.
And now it's time for a new segment on myO that I like to call STUPID THINGS MY EX SAID TO ME AND CLEVER THINGS I SHOULD HAVE SAID BACK.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
I want to share some of the photos I've been taking of myself on facebook, but they won't let me post it here. :(
Urgh. I feel so empty and unsatisfied lately, like I got a gaping hole in the middle of my chest.
Turning into an attention whore again. Insecurity's getting the best of me. I simply cannot trust myself enough to be left to my own devices. To quote Ke$ha: It's a crisis.
I feel unspeakably alone even though I know I'm not. Everybody's leaving, everything's changing.
I just want to stay in my room and cry.
Fuck. All I have are pictures.
Somebody needs to save me. Because I can't reach Jesus at the moment and I definitely can't save myself.
In less dramatic news: I'm hungry. :/
Gonna go shove stuff in my mouth now.
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