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myOtaku.com: X Shadowme X

Friday, July 13, 2012

Well, I'm incredibly worried.

Rob considered asking Josh to buy him cigerettes, and upon realizing he wouldn't do it, asked me. Rob doesn't ask any of us for anything, so that means he must be desperate for nicotin, meaning he'll be extremely irritable and we'll have to put up with it. Oy...

He could also just be too lazy to find someone else. He didn't seem too upset that I said no--then again, he expected me to, so... lol I don't know.

I guess I gotta look on the bright side: at least it's not hard drugs. Still kind of upset he's on drugs at all though. In all honesty, I almost wouldn't mind him doing weed if he gave up the cigs. The weed might make him feel completely unmotivated, but at least his chances of having a heart attack don't go up every time he smokes. My aunt has cancer and my uncle has AIDS. I'd really prefer if my brother didn't get throat/lung cancer. *siiigh* ''''-.-

Been getting A LOT of mixed signals from Rob lately. He's hardly ever home, but when he is he's all nice and cordial to me and I honestly don't know if it's an act or if he's sorry for being a dick before or if he just wants me to know he appreciates me... I guess I'm just not ready to trust him yet.

Stephy, that's great. If you're really going to read the Bible though, skip over Leviticus. Trust me. It's basically just a rule book for Levite priests and doesn't have anything to do with the story. It's where gems such as "Do not have sex with goats" and "do not have sex with your sister" are found.
Definitely look into Hindu texts too, especially the Ramadayana(sp?). It's kind of like the Hindu War of Troy, but better. I've been wanting to find an original, translated copy, but I honestly don't know where to look. :P I did read something called Sita's Ramadayana, though, which is basically the same story, but from Sita's point of view.


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