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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Noooooo!!! I deleted my post!!! T-T Now I have to write it all over again!!!
I'm Back
Well, I'm back from my vacation in Ottawa Canada. Although we went to see various tourist attractions, I think what I enjoyed most was simply getting to see my family again. You should see my baby (well toddler) cousin! She's so cute! ♥
Anyways, now that I'm back I'm going to finally visit your sites like a good friend. Since it's a late post, I doubt anyone is going to see this. It would've been up earlier if I hadn't accidentally X-ed out the tab with my post. >_<
New Layout?
Well, this layout has been up a while, and I'm getting sorta bored of it. It's been up for nearly 2 months (since 6/19), which is long for me, because I create a new layout whenever I get bored. I was thinking of something a bit more... streamlined. Maybe change the theme as well. What do you guys think, shall I keep the Air theme, or change to something else, like maybe an Osaka (Azumanga Daioh) theme?
I'm gonna be sorta sad to let this theme go, I worked so long on it. It was like a landmark in my history of MyO themes. Yes, I'm sorta sentimental about my web-design stuff, silly isn't it? I think that maybe I'll make a gallery consisting of my old MyO layouts, and upload it onto a FreeWebs page, and maybe add a page with layout tips too. What do you guys think?
Just Curious
What does your desktop look like?
If you don't mind, take a screenshot, and upload it onto photobucket, to include with your post reply.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Drunk on Anime & Fruit Juice
Well, it's 11:30 PM, and I'm having a blast. Doing what? Drinking fruit juice and watching anime! XD How am I having so much fun doing something so mundane? I have no clue. ^^" But still, I'm really happy.
The juice is made from guarana berry, with some bubbly fizz, and maybe some caffeine. I don't know what it is about guarana juice that makes me so giddily euphorically happy, so that I can't stop laughing, but it does! Or maybe it's just the fact that I love the juice and can never have it. But JUICE!!! ^___^
The anime is Azumanga Daioh. Just gotta love Osaka! She's so random! (although Yukari and Chiyo are are fun too) I think that out of all the anime characters I've ever seen, Osaka is one of the ones that I associate myself with most. For the past few days I've been deeply enjoying myself re-watching Azumanga Daioh eps, because I finally found a website ( that shows good-quality anime online! No more hunting on YouTube to watch fuzzy images with muffled sound! W00t anime!
Everything Else
- On Thursday I go on vacation to visit my uncle, aunt, and their baby. She's so kawaii! X3
- I attended (my step-bros) all-day 18th birthday party. I'm really happy for him. But I'm not really a party person. My people circuits wear out after the first hour or two. If I'm forced to stay longer I transform from introverted to antisocial. It was rather draining.
- I need more juice. My cup ran out. ^^"
- I appologize for not vising. Just remember that I love you all
- Goes to get more juice, and possibly anime
- Good night!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Good morning! *yawn* Happy weekend everyone! I've having a lazy weekend, and thoroughly enjoying it. I slept until 11:30 yesterday!
Forgot to take my ADHD meds though, which proved for an interesting day. What that means is that I was much more hyperactive, distracted, and impulsive than normal. I made an attempt to re-watch the Air movie, but couldn't sit still and concentrate long enough to finish it. XP
On the plus side, I bought some mint chocolate (on impulse) yesterday. Sooo tasty... I love mint chocolate so much! ♥ I completely gorged, and so far I've eaten about half the box!
Let's see.. what else did I do? I had a nostalgic moment, and re-watched the first few Sailor Moon episodes. I believe sailor moon was my first anime, and was my favorite when I was a little kid. ^///^ Oddly, I decided that it was one of the few anime in existence that actually sounded better with the English voice-overs (the others include InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Cowboy Bebop).
Note: I'm still looking for ideas on what I could do as my Science Research project, involving a survey. Brainstorming help is much appreciated.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Family's on Vacation
Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted since the fourth of July. Where to begin? Well, my younger brother is away on vacation with the other side of my family. I'm still at home though, continuing my volunteer work at the hospital. I'm actually grateful to have a good excuse not to go. I'm not a camping person (they went to Lake George) and I hate being stuck in the trailer/RV. XP Oh well, this works out well. They get their vacation, and I get to hang out without them pestering me all the time. d^^b Besides, I'm enjoying my volunteer work. Although most people probably wouldn't consider hanging out at their house (and still doing volunteer work) a vacation, I'm thoroughly enjoying it while it lasts. -^^-
Other Stuff
I don't have much to report. When I'm not at the hospital, I'm pretty much lazing around the house doing nothing much. Like I said earlier, my idea of vacation is being able to just relax and not really do much. Overall, I'm pretty happy.
I fixed a few very minor things in my layout that have been bugging me for a while. (I got things to align exactly so, because they were slightly off-center before; and fixed positions so that my layout wouldn't scroll in the wrong places) Nothing visible, just pet peeves.
I just finished watching the movie "AI: Artificial Intelligence". OMFG! It was so f---ing sad! I cried buckets during this movie, and I never cry during movies! Just thinking about it makes me feel like crying again. T-T Overall, it was a really really good movie, just one of the saddest I've seen in a long time. I admit, when I watch movies starring cute little kids (with sad puppy-dog eyes), I become a sappy emotional idiot. Sorry, I sorta needed to vent that.
I think there was something else I wanted to say... what was it. Oh yeah, I read the new Harry Potter book. It was okay (not outstanding, sorta cheesy actually), I don't really have much to say about it.
One more thing
I want to create a "science" project for school. I want it to consist of a survey among the students, but I can't really think of any good (and relevant topics)? My original idea was "something about obesity" (really detailed and specific *eyeroll*) and then I remembered most kids in school are just average weight, neither skinny nor fat.
Sorry, I wanted to emphasize that. I just can't think of anything!
Oh well, I'll see you guys!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Friday, July 6, 2007
July Fourth
Happy belated fourth of July. I'm glad you guys liked my card. Angel! I didn't think anyone would recognize Misuzu! O_O Glad you thought it was cool though. We decided not to leave the house and watch fireworks in the rain, so we got to watch it on TV. Not as good as the real thing, but better than being out in the rain....
Volunteer Work
Not much to talk about otherwise. I already started my volunteer work at the hospital. I'm the only high-schooler there. Everyone else has got to be at least a decade older than me. Makes me nervous...I'm scard that I'll make a mistake, and prove myself to be an incompetent idiot who shouldn't have started to begin with... <_<>_> They're nice people though, despite my social cowardice. I suppose I could say that I'm suffering from a case of extreme shyness... stuff...
i'll see if I can visit you guys after I get back, I feel gulity because I haven't been visiting as often as I should, and you guys are always so nice to me.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
I originally had a big long post here, but I cut it out, because, who really wants to read my rambling?? XD
Independence Day
Well, it's the fourth of July again. Time sure flies doesn't it? I'd like to wish all my American friends a very happy independence day. For those or you who don't celebrate, then I hope you have a very happy day anyways. ^_~ I love fireworks. They're so pretty. ♥
For those of you that celebrate, I made a card. In case you're wondering, the person in the silhouette is Misuzu from Air.

Enjoy the card, and happy fourth! To help you all enjoy your day, whether or not you celebrate, I'm giving everyone... POCKY!!!! *throws pocky out* So enjoy the pocky, and your day.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet nisi. In varius sollicitudin nibh. Sed fermentum turpis sed nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus tellus dolor, laoreet eget, facilisis quis, aliquam vitae, turpis. Nam sit amet purus vel lectus sagittis cursus. Donec varius dictum justo. Sed felis. Sed at dolor. Suspendisse pellentesque, leo non auctor gravida, ligula turpis vehicula quam, et eleifend turpis lectus eget arcu. Nulla non sem. Ut vehicula, nibh id tempus porttitor, lectus nibh euismod magna, at cursus nisi neque eget nibh. Proin hendrerit mauris vitae velit. Fusce sodales, nibh placerat fringilla feugiat, nunc diam pulvinar nunc, tincidunt ultrices urna eros in lorem. Aliquam felis. Sed sed eros vitae est gravida congue. Nullam convallis.
Aliquam nonummy imperdiet velit. Integer risus. Duis elit. Curabitur blandit, elit sit amet convallis tempor, nulla orci varius lectus, nec volutpat turpis neque et arcu. Integer posuere, orci eu viverra sagittis, sapien nisi fermentum sapien, non porttitor enim pede in magna. Maecenas suscipit laoreet turpis. Duis lobortis sollicitudin ipsum. Praesent sollicitudin. Nullam auctor feugiat dolor. Ut in pede. Donec consequat metus. Etiam nibh. Donec fringilla, mi sed mollis sagittis, justo nunc commodo augue, vel condimentum neque metus quis magna.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam nulla velit, sagittis ac, sodales sed, scelerisque in, nisl. Proin semper commodo leo. Nullam enim. Duis convallis leo id turpis. Nam luctus sollicitudin nulla. Sed nibh lectus, posuere vel, fermentum a, pharetra vitae, lacus. Pellentesque nulla tellus, posuere at, tempor et, porta at, arcu. Integer in sem vitae sem accumsan viverra. Suspendisse turpis felis, ullamcorper eu, feugiat ut, luctus vel, nibh. Nunc auctor vehicula sem. Aenean cursus lacus nec mi.
Duis massa. Sed in dui ac odio euismod vulputate. Suspendisse enim. Nulla vestibulum, sapien eu tempor dapibus, justo elit congue pede, vitae fermentum risus nunc quis leo. Sed tempor commodo eros. Ut justo nibh, aliquam nec, vulputate sit amet, aliquet sed, ligula. In quis tellus. Duis ornare commodo nibh. Maecenas tellus sem, consequat quis, facilisis nec, dapibus a, erat. Curabitur egestas lacus sed nibh. Pellentesque eget ipsum. Nunc blandit. Phasellus turpis orci, ultricies eu, rutrum non, tempus in, massa. Aenean id turpis. In facilisis, dolor eget vulputate interdum, turpis magna scelerisque dolor, ac mollis urna mauris in ligula. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi eleifend volutpat nisl. Donec eu magna eleifend mauris facilisis dictum.
Aliquam tincidunt fringilla ligula. Curabitur viverra nisi eu lacus. Ut et neque pharetra justo vestibulum malesuada. Sed in libero. In ullamcorper lorem nec velit. Vivamus tristique convallis felis. Quisque euismod pulvinar est. Nunc leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer aliquam sagittis odio. Morbi vulputate, ante at gravida interdum, risus velit rutrum nunc, at posuere nunc diam quis tortor. Donec eros justo, imperdiet quis, hendrerit sed, consequat ut, tortor. Integer turpis erat, ullamcorper et, consequat quis, varius eu, nisi. Proin nibh. Duis eleifend neque in nisi.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm sorry!
I always mean to visit people, and somehow, half the time, I still don't visit. And often, when I visit I somehow end up visiting and not commenting. I'm really a horrible friend. Please forgive me for all my shortcomings! T-T I love you all, even if I'm terrible at showing it.
Volunteer Work
Well, the interview went well. I think I probably got the job, well sorta, its volunteer work. If you didn't read my last post, I'm trying to apply for volunteer work over the summer at the local hospital. Of course, there's still a fair amount of paperwork to do. >_> Stupid bureacracy (sp?)... 99% of the application process is running from one floor to another trying to get all the right forms signed by all the right people. >_< I hate pointeless paperwork, and ineficcient bureacracies (sp?) and unfortunately they go together. XP
Site Changes Since Last Time
- Created a rollover for the banner
- Found a code for the scrolling title
- Got the annoying links to disappear in IE6
I know, I'm obsessed. Hard coding this has become my hobby. XD Added a few minor things to my layout. It's pretty much the same, but I think it's slightly nicer now.
Getting the links to disappear in IE6 was frust rating though. I spent a long time struggling, before I realized I missed an obvious method all along! XD Couldn't see the forest for the trees, as they say.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
No One's Gonna Read This
It's 12:06 PM, Tuesday afternoon. I don't really have much to talk about. I've been spending my time cleaning up the coding for this page. So far, it looks great in Firefox. I can't get the default links to disappear in IE6 though, because it doesn't support the CSS attribute selector. Anyone know a way to get around that with JavaScript or something? I remember I found a way before, but I can't remember what it was... DAMMIT! +_+
Other random news
In about an hour, I have to go leave for an interview with this guy at the local hospital, because I want to sign up for volunteer work over the summer. *sigh* I hope it goes well. It probably won't I'm too much of an idiot.
Scratch that, I gotta leave RIGHT NOW. Bye! I'll visit later, k?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Friday, June 22, 2007
*yawn* =______= I'm tired, and sorta brain-dead. I fell asleep at 12:30 and woke up at 5:00. >_< Stupid insomnia! I'm practically nocturnal these days! So news for today...
- I downloaded Firefox last night. So far, it's being a suck up. XD *Seems* to work great in comparison to IE6. But then again, my particular IE6 is a meanie, and likes to annoy me. +_+ This program will probably start to do that too soon enough. My computer loves to piss me off. *sigh* I love having my own computer too much to really complain much though. ^^"
- I spent yesterday loafing around the house in my pajamas, and playing Phantom Brave. Fun game, I'm getting into again. I've started over from level 1, because I lost my memory card (and I was on chapter 9 too). >_< The game is fun though. -^^- I'm making progress better than on my other account, which of course makes sense because I have more experience now. That reminds me, I was in the middle of playing that, and I came onto the internet to look up a strategy guide. XD Got a little sidetracked... ^^"
- You know, I really have no life. I spend my free time sitting in front of my computer, or in front of the PS2, or watching anime. XD But then again, I thrive in my lifeless-ness. I sorta like my nonexistent life. ^^" I plan on visiting sites later today after that appointment with my Science Research teacher (just when I thought I was done with school T-T).
Does anyone know how I can get my Haloscan to update with my posts? My current strategy is to delete old comments, but I'd prefer not to do that. >_<
Also, despite the fact that I killed my vertical scrollbar, it still scrolls when you click on the links! O_o It's driving me nuts. Any ideas on how to kill that too?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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