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| xanth reborn
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Someone stole my purse. One minute it was hanging on the chair 2 inches behind me. The next it was gone. How could someone steal it from under my nose like that? How did I not notice? How did no one else I was sitting with notice? In one swell foop I'm missing:
- Cell Phone
- iPod Video
- House Keys (who needs to get into their house anyways?)
- Thumb Drive
- ID Card
- $42
- Wallet
- Toothbrush (now the theif has a used toothbrush! X3)
- My favorite purse
- Other stuff I can't remember
I feel terrible. I'd freak if any one of these went missing, let alone all of them at once. I carry my life in my purse. I don't know how to put into words what a disaster this is, but I think you get the picture. How could I let this happen? I'm seriously freaking out right now.
On one hand, it's not like I'm dying. But on the other hand, I had all my valuable posessions in that purse, and it's not like I can just brush this off like it's nothing! T-T
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Theme Change and Contest
Theme changes are the result of my extreme boredom. Here's how this boredom came about. I had sat down to watch the infamous "Brokeback Mountain" movie. Half an hour and several seemingly random lemons later, I was like "Who are these guys again? what's the plot? I can't remember!" Yeah, I found it really boring, and almost plotless. But then again, I only saw half and hour before becoming inspired to re-watch Gravitation. (It put me in a shonen-ai mood) Now my new official theme is Gravitation. I'll finish it up when I get home.
I have a contest for Science Research class tomorrow, called the Envirothon. I hate ecology. I'm so nervous, I could vomit. I wish I could be conveniently sick. Yeah, it's tomorrow.
I have to go. Bell rang. (It's first period)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Monday, April 23, 2007
Good Morning
Alrighty. I'm back home again now. *sigh* Career day was nice, in the sense that I got to miss class for it. ^^" It feels sorta odd though, since I haven't had a "career day" since I was a little kid. It wasn't too bad though.
I wonder... what is that makes me different? I know I'm sorta off somehow from the norm. Only, I don't know what it is that makes me so. It's not that I mind, I love my weirdness. But what is it about me that's so odd?
I got to hang out with my best friend Ambi-chan earlier today! It made me so happy. It feels like it's been so long since we've hung out oustide of school!
Isn't life weird? Most of the time, there's nothing going on, and everything is so normal. Yet that nothing can make you so happy or so sad. Just little things, like seeing a friend, or getting a good test grade.
It seems I'm in one my weird "I'm speculating random things" moods. XD I'll see you guys.
I finally get to visit people today, since my computer, unlike Dad's, does not have cookie problems. -^^- So yeah. I bid you farewell.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
*falls asleep on keyboard*
Uuugghhh.... I'm soo tiired... =____= I got 3 hours of sleep last night. No reason why, my body just refused to sleep. I'm feeling pretty far from happy right now. Mostly due to said lack of sleep. Cursed insomnia. +_+
I'm sorry I forgot to visit you all the other day, but thank you so much for all of you that have been visiting. ¢¾ I appreciate that, and I should probably say it more often.
I have a paper due next period, and naturally, I forgot to write it. >< I'm supposed to be working on it right now (study hall), but my brain died, and refuses to function enough for me to right anything that's not pure garbage.
Sorry, I've written better posts, I'm sure. I better go back to making bad attempts at writing that paper. >_< *curses under breath*
I just got back home. I'm feeling a little less crabby now, although I'm still really tired. I added an Air video from YouTube into my profile to replace the mp3 player that was there before. *sigh* I love Air. -^^-
I'll see if I can visit you guys after I finish writing my paper.... that is, if I manage to finish writing my paper. I hate essays. T-T
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Monday, April 16, 2007
w00t! No school!
Hehe. I have no school today. Makes me so happy. ¢¾ It's for a fundraiser though, not the rain. I walked all the way to the building, to have a janitor tell me it was closed. Apparently I was one of the only people who was too oblivious to realize school was going to be out today. ^^" It was sorta funny though.
Man, is it raining though! The people across the street from us practically have a lake in their backyard. It's amazing! O_o I wish I had a photo to show you guys!
By the way, I'm glad you guys all liked my Easter card. ¢¾ Although it's just Misuzu (from Air) pasted onto a nice photo of the sky, plus some nice effects, it actually took some time to make. Makes me happy to know that my work is appreciated. ^///^
If you haven't seen it yet, here it is. Click on the pic to see the full-size version. -^^-
I don't really have anything else to report. Nothing that I can think of anyways. Since I spent my weekend doing nothing. I'll see you guys!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Hey peoples!
Sorry for posting late today. ^^" I'm trying to shape up about my irregular poting habits, although it hasn't improved much.
So... what's happened lately in the mundane life of Xanth?
I bought a new Fruits Basket manga, #16! I am now finally up to date with the series. ^___^ I want to buy #15. I had just enough money to buy 1 manga, and I hadn't finished 16 yet, so I bought that. #15 was really hilarious though. I liked when they put on the play Sorta Cinderalla XD
Casting for Sorta Cinderalla:
Cinderella: Saki Hanajima
Evil Stepmom: Arisa Uotani
Evil Stepsister: Tohru Honda
Fairy Godmother: Yuki Sohma (I laughed so hard at this! XD)
Prince Charming: Kyo Sohma
If you follow furuba, you realize what a wacky play that produces.
Other random news:
I joined the Dungeons and Dragons club at mys chool. But... I don't know how to play. XD They tell me I can easily learn as I go along.
We made plans to go down to Washington DC, where my grandparents live, next month around mother's day to celebrate:
- Family Reunion
- My uncle coming down from Canada to visit, with his baby (she's so cute :3)
- Mother's day
- My birthday
I wonder if my family has something for living next to big cities? I have an uncle near Ottawa, Canada, grandparents near Washington DC, we live nearby (but unfortunately not in) New York City, and we have family in Sao Paolo, Brazil. It's sorta weird, now that I think about it. Quite convenient for when we want to go on vacation though. ^^"
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
It's my lunch period right now, so I'm using it to post.
Obviously, I'm back in school again. This is going to sound really weird, but it's sorta nice to have work to do again. ^^" Over the vacation, I thought I'd die from sheer boredom! XD
Happy belated Easter everyone! I'm going to create a card, using my bad computer graphics skills, the second I find some time, and post it on here. -^^- I'm going to use MS Digital Image Pro. It's a long way from Photoshop, but it's much better than using MS Paint. *hates Paint*
Guess what? My birthday's coming up! -^^- Okay, it's still an entire month away. But still, I'm excited! I can't decide what to do in celebration though. Do you guys have any ideas?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Don't know who's gonna read this, but might as well give it a shot ^^
It's about 3:58 right now. I got a late start, and didn't have time to post this morning. ^^" So I'm posting after school.
Before I forget, Happy Belated Easter everyone! -^^- I'm attempting to create an easter card, although I suck at computer graphics. I'm using MS Digital Image Pro. It's a long shot from Photoshop, but it's still way better than MS Paint.
Guess what? My birthday's coming up! Okay, it's more than a month away, but I'm still excited! *sweatdrop* I can't decide what to do for my party though. I'm planning to invite somewhere between 10-20 friends. That's actually big for me, since I usually only have my 3 closest friends come.
Anyways, do you guys have any ideas what I could do for my birthday party (next month)?
In other news, I'm in an extremely good and optimistic mood today for no apparent reason. ^^"
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Theme Change and other random news -^^-
**update: I have finally finished the changes to my site layout. It looks a little simpler than before, but it's nice. Do you guys hear the music that's supposed be in the background? No matter what I do, it refuses to play. >< Well, it's finally done. My theme has officially been changed to Air.
Long time no see. I am officially on vacation. Although "vacation" means hanging around the house doing nothing, I enjoy it.
*sigh* I seem to be coming here less and less often. I don't know. I just never seem to be in the mood to post or read posts lately.
Good news: today is that long awaited day I change my theme. -^^- It's been so long, and I keep procrastinating. But I already started gathering my stuff to change it.
My latest obsession has been playing on 
^My info. It actually updates itself with my status!
Lotsa stuff happening in the house lately. Eventually we're supposed to sell it and move to another neighborhood. But of course, no one will buy it if we don't make it look extra-nice. I think we're supposed to be repainting some of the walls today. It should be somewhat entertaining.
My ears are ringing. I don't know why. It's sorta like when you go up in an airplane. It's really annoying. >< I hope this doesn't mean that I have an ear infection.
I want my last sentence in my post here to be a thanks to all of you who keep coming to my site, even though I've been so bad about visiting and updating. So, Thanks! -^^- *gives everyone an uber huge hug*
I have an annoying nuisance of a problem. Basically: when I open to the comment window, there's no text-field for me to submit my comment. I don't think I had this problem until I updated to IE7. It's not a big issue since I can just send a PM (although not everyone checks it), but I'd rather fix it if I can. Does anyone know how/if I can fix this problem?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Tired, Air, Urinetown
I didn't sleep very well last night. I must've only gotten a few hours of sleep, but I'm too tired to really think it out. I'm a little brain dead right now.
Today is the day I had planned for changing my site theme to Air. I don't know if I'll go on as planned or not though, since I feel so tired. If not today, then I plan to do it tomorrow.
I spent yesterday re-watching my Air DVDs. It's a really good series, and I really love it. The ending of the series was both sad and happy, because although one of the characters dies, she she dies happy.
On Friday, I went to go see the musical put on by the school drama club. This year they performed "Urinetown". I think it was the best they ever did. Better than when they did "The Sound of Music" or "Fiddler on the Roof", which were some of their better ones. I think what I liked best about this musical, was that they didn't ruin the plot by giving it an everything-is-so-perfect ending.
Basic plot (based on the school version, which was probably edited): There's a drought in town. The poor are unhappy because of rising prices, and that people who can't pay are arrested and killed by the police. So the people are led by an inspiring leader to revolt against their government for better conditions. The leader gets arrested and killed. So the people then form an angry mob, kill the government leaders (most of whom were corrupt), and create a new government led by the people. Unfortunately, although they're all happy they got rid of a corrupt government, the people can't properly govern themselves, so they all die because the necessary functions (such as the hydraulics system to ease the drought) were left unattended. The end.
Quote from the eding scene
Full Lyrics for this Scene
"Officer Lockstock [Narrator]:
Well, as you guessed, Hope [the heroine and main character] took over her father's business, instituting a series of reforms....
Of course, it wasn't long before the water turned silty, brackish and then disappeared altogether. As cruel as Caldwell B. Cladwell [corrupt governor] was, his measures effectively regulated water consumption, sparing the town the same fate as the phantom Urinetown. Hope chose to ignore the warning signs, however, preferring to bask in the people's love for as long as
it lasted."
Well, I'm going to eat now.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you always
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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