xanth reborn
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!! XD (school, Quizilla, DDR sons)
I remember I thought about something to talk about today, but I forgot. ^^" *sweatdrop*
Not too much happened this week. I finally got my report card. I did pretty well. A-/B+ average. I also got a huge pile of college notes, mostly from local colleges, although there were some from well-known colleges. Nothing important though, because they're pretty much just advertising themselves, and I haven't applied for anything yet. It's probably because the school require that I sign up for *sigh* the thought of going off to college, and leaving everything and everyone I know and love, makes me nervous.
In other news, I recently got a Quizilla account. I haven't created any quizzes yet, since it's brand new. I think I might do an element quiz at some point though. One of the things I like is that when I have an account it tells me when the authors update their fanfics. -^^- Right now I'm following: A kakashi fanfic, Shikamaru fanfic, Roy mustang fanfic. The one with Roy Mustang is my absolute favorite. The author (kumioriyukiko) is a really good writer, well as far as fanfiction goes anyways. Her fanfiction is the best I've ever read in all the years I've been going to Quizilla! Unfortunately, she lost interest in FMA, and her inspiration went with it. So she rarely updates the story anymore. *sigh* Yeah, I've gotten back into Quizlla lately. Fanfictions aren't exactly quality literature, but they're fun to read. -^^-
I'm considering going to the arcade today. -^^- I love the arcade. $20 should buy me 10 rounds of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) or In The Groove (ITG), which is 30 songs if I don't fail any. I love DDR so much! It's one of my favorite games to play, and I guess I'm a little obsessed with it. I've also been into ITG lately. I love the music on these games. I've downloaded a bunch of the songs, because they rock. I think some of my favorite songs are:
- A- DJ Amuro (DDR Extreme PS2)
Really awesome techno song. -^^- It goes really slow, and then really fast.
- Habanera 1- Boom Boom Room (ITG 2)
A techno remix of the classic Habanera from the opera Carmen by Bizet
- Da Roots- Mind Reflection (ITG)
Actually traditional Irish music. It has a good beat.
- Candy *Star Symbol*- Luv Unlimited (DDR Max2 arcade)
A techno remix of the j-pop song Candy Y by Riyu Kosaka
- Butterfly (upswing mix)- (DDR Extreme arcade)
Has a very good beat. Yet another techno remix of something done by another artist.
- Gamelon de Couple- Tomosuke (DDR SuperNova arcade)
This is mostly percussion, but it's a really good song.
- Sakura- RevenG (DDR SuperNova arcade)
Really hard song to dance to when it's on level "Heavy" or "Challenge", not that I can dance on those levels, but I have friends who are extremely good at the game
- Burning Heat- Mr.T (ft. Motokai F)(DDR Max2 arcade)
Even people who don't like techno seem to like this song. It's a very catchy tune.
- Mugen- Tarrat (DDR SuperNova arcade)
J-pop! -^^- So pretty!
- Xenon (Extreme Version)- Mr.T
Very happy bubbly techno. Did you know that Xenon is actually the name of a metal?
- Kakumei- DJ Taka (ft. Naoki) (DDR Max2 ps2)
Another techno remix of an old classic.
Wow... that list came out longer than I intended. on my iTunes, I have a list of 44 of my favorite DDR/ITG songs. It used to be longer, but deleted a bunch that I don't like anymore. I was just noticing that a lot of DDR songs are techno remixes of things that have been done before, but a lot of them are original too. Do you people like to play games like Dance Dance Revolution?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Saturday, February 3, 2007
Can't Visit Sites, Food, Midterms, Quizlla
Sorry guys, I don't think I'll be able to visit your sites this weekend. We're visiting a friend of the family for a Superbowl party. *sigh* Since I don't follow football it's going to be pretty boring for me. >_<
On the bright side, I'm going to get to experiment with cooking, and I'm going to make the desert. I found a recipe called... where is my recipe? *goes off to ransack house* I found it! -^^- What I want to make is called "Rasberry Trifle" it looks really tasty. It's made by layering lady finger, rasberry, jam, and whipped cream with mint and almonds on top. It'll be something different and special. I'm running into some trouble with this idea though. I want to do something special and nice to celebrate, even if I don't follow football.
But what desert does popular demand want? Brownies, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies... Something you can just buy at the store, and is just so common, unoriginal, and stereotypical! They just never appreciate it when I try to do something special. How is it that every time I try to do something nice, they complain about it? T-T Everything (meaning not just food) they want is so stereotypical! Oh well, I'll make them a chocolate cake if they really want it.
In other news, I got my midterms back. From memory, here are my grades in order from lowest to highest (we don't get to keep the test)
- English: 96% Highest grade in the class. But then again most of the kids in my particular class of maybe 20 kids either really suck at English, or don't care. So maybe it's not so great.
- Chemistry Honors: 94% Mr L said that in the class 94 was the highest grade, and that only 6 people got this grade. I'm not sure if he was talking about my particular class, or class as in all people takign Chem H with Mr L. Either way, I'm really proud of this grade! -^^-
- Spanish: 87% I was happy about this grade, since I suck at spanish. When my teacher said that I was improving.
- Global History: 87% Yeah, same grade as my spanish test. I'm not so happy about this one though, because I'm better at history than that. I think the essay I wrote came out rushed... so maybe that's part of the reason.
- Math: 83% My lowest grade. I was not happy with this grade. For starters, it's curved, so I actually scored lower. I understand math, and I had all my formulas right. But when I looked it over to see what I did wrong, there were all these little typos that throw off my answers by a lot. Like putting a decimal point in the wrong place or misreading my own handwring (XD) by thinking a (+) addition sign was a (x) multiplication cross. Meh... I hate geometry... and algebra... >_<
- Science Research: Haven't gotten my grade for this back yet, but I'm not concerned about this. It was an open note test, so I probably did really well. The midterm was really just a formality.
Well that's more or less it for my post today.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you always.
PS: for anyone who hasn't read this yet, here's something funny I found on quizilla. I think I like the last one the best. XD
20 Ways To Annoy the Living Hell Out of Orochimaru
By Pinupgirl54
- Sing "He's a cold hearted snake, look into his eyes...uh oh, he's been tellin' lies." Every time he enters a room.
- Every time he summons a snake, scream, kill it, and claim that you just saved his life.
- Ask him awkward questions like "Sooo...since you're possessing a chick's body do you no longer have a wang?"
- Kill sasuke
- Ask him if he wants to possess sasuke's body so he can get with sakura and ino.
- Make him wear cover-up.
- Stare at him with a mesmerized look...constantly.
- Dye his hair pink while he's asleep.
- Remind him of the noises he made from the pain he was in when sandaime hokage sealed his arms. Be sure to say the lines in a high squeaky voice.
- Make him hold hands with you while watching the ring.
- Ask him if he's related to micheal jackson.
- Constantly refer to him as "Mr.grumpy snakey-kins"
- Insist that kabuto and him are gay lovers...tell EVERYONE.
- Tattoo a hindu symbol on his forehead.
- Freak dance on him in public.
- Transform into a koala, and keep him in a death grip hug for a week straight.
- Hum the darth vader theme every time he is making evil plans.
- Tell him he needs to work on his evil laugh.
- Scream at the top of your lungs for thirty seconds, then glare at him suspiciously. Repeat until you lose your voice. Wait until your voice is back, then start doing it again.
- Should he ever write a letter to anyone, steal it, and decorate it with hearts and glitter. Then, somewhere in the middle, erase a sentence and put something like "I am ghandi." or "The mongeese shall rise again."
PSS: Another funny one I found on Quizilla
Ways To Annoy People In An Elevator
by Starflower666
Ways to annoy people in an eleveator:
- Act like a dog, growl at people.
- Announce in a demonic voice, "I must find a more suitable host body...."
- Apply dripping red paint around the edge of the roof hatch. When someone enters, look upwards and whisper, "I think they want in..."
- Bring easy math flash cards on the elevator and ask the person next to you to help you study them (get them wrong).
- Call out, Group hug! and enforce it.
- Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively.
- Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: Got enough air in there?
- Frown and mutter "gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "oops!"
- Give people lectures about the periodic table of elements
- Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!" (love this one... heh heh heh....)
- Have a picnic in the elevator.
- Hold the elevator door open and say youre waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, Hi John, hows your day been?
- Hum the theme from Mission Impossible with yours eyes darting around the elevator. (this one works ANYWHERE)
- Hum the theme to Jeopardy
- Meow occasionally.
- Place police tape (CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS) on the inside of the doors.
- Play dead.
- Preach about the end of the world.
- Read a book upside down.
- Say, while holding a paper with OUT OF ORDER written on it, I wonder why this was glued on the door when I came in.
- Scribble furiously on a notepad while looking at each passenger. When they try to look, hide the pad.
- Shadow box.
- Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce Youre one of THEM! and move to the far corner of the elevator.
- When the elevator is silent, look around and ask, "Is that your beeper?"
- When theres only one other person on the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasnt you.
- Whistle the first seven notes of Its a Small World incessantly. (works beautifully, plus people are normally too polite to say anything)
- Sing: "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerve's, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, i know a song that gets on everybody's nerves and it goes like this!" to the tune of "camp town lady".....pause.....repeat....continually.
Me and my friend ambi-chan agreed we have to try some of these out. Ambi-chan said that what she'd most likely do is "meow" at people. I would either do the "mission impossible" one or enforce a group hug. XD
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Xanth's Arcade Adventures (we worship you almighty free card)
Gomen! I'm so sorry I didn't visit sites yesterday. I ended up spending the entire day out with my friends.
As I said in my post yesterday, my grade level more or less didn't have any midterms arranged for Friday. So my friends and I all met up at the local arcade to celebrate! -^^- It was so much fun! Especially since my social life sorta died over the past month with all the essays and studying for midterms I've had to do. But now that midterms are over, I'm going to regain my social life!
*back on topic* What made the arcade adventure even more fun, is that these two ladies decided to give us their free cards. Okay, to understand how the free card operates, I have to explain how the money system works at the arcade. Basically, you hand the people at the front desk cash, and they transfer that onto a card that can be used to pay for the various games. It's sorta like a debit card for the arcade.
While we were playing these two ladies walked up to us and handed us their cards, saying "we don't need these anymore, do you guys want them?" So we got their cards. When we inserted them into the machine, we found out they were free cards. The way a free card operates is that for a couple hours it lets you play all the arcade games for free. Since the Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) and In The Groove (ITG) machines all cost $2 a play (expensive for an arcade game, especially since I've seen 50c DDR machines) we were really happy to get these cards. We figured out that instead of putting in the card everytime someone started to play, we could insert it like a million times over, so that the machine had all these free plays stored on it. -^^- So even after the card expired from time limit, we still had a lot of plays left that we didn't have to pay for.
In other news one of my friends won a Nintendo Game Cube off one of the arcade machines. It sorta got stuck when it was supposed to drop down for us though. We then had to convince the arcade people that we'd actually won the impossible arcade game, and that they have to manually give us the Game Cube because it's stuck. It took a while, but we convinced them in the end.
After our limitless free fun at the arcade, we all pooled our money together to pay for dinner at the Applebees resteraunt which is next to the arcade. In total we had $149. At first we're like "Woot! We're rich!" but then "No wait, we have a lot of people so maybe it's not that much money after all". I ended up eating a pesto-chicken-wrap (or something like that) and a brownie. It was more fun just sorta hanging out with my friends. I enjoyed myself a lot.
PS: Lookie what I found on Quizilla! -^^-
20 Ways To Annoy the Living Hell Out of Orochimaru
By Pinupgirl54
1)Sing "He's a cold hearted snake, look into his eyes...uh oh, he's been tellin' lies." Every time he enters a room.
2)Every time he summons a snake, scream, kill it, and claim that you just saved his life.
3)Ask him awkward questions like "Sooo...since you're possessing a chick's body do you no longer have a wang?"
4)Kill sasuke
5)Ask him if he wants to possess sasuke's body so he can get with sakura and ino.
6)Make him wear cover-up.
7)Stare at him with a mesmerized look...constantly.
8)Dye his hair pink while he's asleep.
9)Remind him of the noises he made from the pain he was in when sandaime hokage sealed his arms. Be sure to say the lines in a high squeaky voice.
10)Make him hold hands with you while watching the ring.
11)Ask him if he's related to micheal jackson.
12)Constantly refer to him as "Mr.grumpy snakey-kins"
13)Insist that kabuto and him are gay lovers...tell EVERYONE.
14)Tattoo a hindu symbol on his forehead.
15)Freak dance on him in public.
16)Transform into a koala, and keep him in a death grip hug for a week straight.
17)Hum the darth vader theme every time he is making evil plans.
18)Tell him he needs to work on his evil laugh.
19)Scream at the top of your lungs for thirty seconds, then glare at him suspiciously. Repeat until you lose your voice. Wait until your voice is back, then start doing it again.
20)Should he ever write a letter to anyone, steal it, and decorate it with hearts and glitter. Then, somewhere in the middle, erase a sentence and put something like "I am ghandi." or "The mongeese shall rise again."
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Well, it's about noon right now. Yeah, this is a relatively late post.
Well, my midterms are finally over!!! -^^- I think I actually might have passed!!! I was worried about spanish, but I think I did alright!
My last two midterms were yesterday, so therefore I have today off. Me and my friends are planning to go to the local arcade to celebrate.
I was thinking of maybe uploading some of my music for sharing onto the site. Do you guys think this is a good idea? I don't know if people are able to hotlink with this thing, but I hope not. So to test, I put on some of the crappy sample music that came with the PC. What do you guys think? Can people hotlink? Is this a good idea?
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
More midterms
Well, it's 12:00 arcording to my comp clock. I just got back from my math and english midterms. I think I did ok, but I pretty much used up my brain. It feels sorta dead right now. Hopefully it'll be working again tomorrow. I have my two hardest midterms, chemistry, and spanish tomorrow. I'm conifident I'll do relatively good on my chem midterm, but I'm really nervous about my spanish. For starters, I suck at spanish. And second of all, my spanish binder with all my notes in it disappeared right before midterms started! T-T To look on the bright side, at least I have my spanish textbook, but it's not as good as my notes. And there were grammar notes that I don't think are in my textbook. *sigh* I'm gonna fail! T-T
Sorry, I know that you guys could probably care less about my midterms, but I feel stressed, and stuff...
Nothing other than midterms going on in my life now.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
*Sigh* It's here. Midterms and Graphics Problems
Well, I just got back from my midterm. -^^- It wasn't too bad. I think my essay could have been better, but still, not too bad. I'll probably get a relatively good grade on the test.
Well, I went over the HTML and everything again, and made more modifications. The site seems to be working fine now. I'm still not sure exactly what caused all the graphics problems, but either I fixed the problem in my HTML, or some sort of server problem was fixed.
*sigh* Glad that's over. Both the midterm, and the graphics problem. =____= Well, I love my new music! -^^- I also changed my guesbook background (which you see when you first enter the site) to something prettier. It's still by the same artist, just a nicer pic.
My first midterms is today... I think I have a decent chance of passing, considering that I actually studied for real yesterday. I was hanging out with one of my more responsible friends yesterday, so we studied together. Today's midterm is for world history. *sigh* I feel sorta nervous. I have to leave for my midterm in less than an hour. O_O *nervous*
Is anyone else having trouble seeing the graphics on my site? I changed the HTML a little, and it doesn't seem to be working now. T-T When I save my profile as a separate HTML, and open it on explorer, it works fine, but I dunno... Maybe there's a prob with the myO server, or maybe I have to go over my HTML again. T-T It's frustrating. I've been working for like 20 minutes trying to fix this, and I was only meaning to go on here for like 5. *very frustrated* Oh well, if you aren't having trouble with my site, you'll notice that I changed my music. -^^- The song is "exotica" by Banzai. I put some info up about it in my profile.
Well, I'm off
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Monday, January 22, 2007
"Studying" Hard
Well, it's officially midterm week now. Thankfully, none of my midterms are today, so therefore I don't have to go to school, so I can "study" (meaning play video games and watch naruto)! XD
I've been spending my weekend "studying" very hard. Well actually, I did go over my history notes a little. There was a time, when I would actually put a lot of effort into this sorta thing, but I've been slacking off lately.
My Concoction
Yesterday, out of boredom, I picked up a cookbook and started looking through it. One of the things about this particular cookbook is that it has really nice photos of all the food.
Anyways, I see this really nice picture next to a recipie labeled "Brazilian Coffee Banannas". Basically, this is a mix of bananna, plain yogur, coffee and sugar. The picture shows a food that's chestnut colored with swirls of creamy white. I'm like "That looks sooooo tasty!" So, I decide to try the recipie out for myself.
Result: A mucky brown goop that's sorta spilling over the sides of the bowl.
It looked REALLY unappetizing. >_< I wish I had one of those comparison photos like in the commercials: what the book made, and what I made. XD It was tasty though. -^^- I think the trick to making it LOOK tasty is not the mix the ingredients so much that the colors blend together. It still tasted good though. I think maybe I'll make it again today.
In Other News
Not much other news. I went to the local arcade day before yesterday with my friend Rini. That was definitely fun. -^^-
I also went through an online CSS tutorial (googled "interactive CSS tutorial). It was interesting. To test my newfound skills, I created a webpage (sorta) where a lot of the major formatting was done CSS style. It was fun! -^^- I also found a way to make the scrollbars "disappear" using CSS. The trick is to set all their properties to be the same color as the background.
To see what I made, click on the link here. A pop up will appear asking you whether you want to open or save the file. Click "OPEN" to veiw it online.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
sitting around in my pjs
yeah... lazy day... hopefully. Cuz guess what I have next week? Midterms!!!! -^^- *mock happiness* And also guess what rocks? My Spanish/Math binder with all my notes mysteriously disappeared on friday, the last school day before midterm week! Isn't it great! -^^- *more mock happiness*
*sigh* I'm dead. I suck at spanish, and I don't have my notes. X_X Math I think I can pass, but I relly suck at spanish. I swear I woke up at like 5am, and it's like SPANISH MIDTERM!!! O_O Yeah, I'm finally feeling some stress over my midterms. I'm posting about it b/c I need to let off a little steam about it. *really dead*
Well, right now I'm bored, and I'm procrastinating any form of studying. I'm having my firend Rini over later and we're going to go to the local arcade. Other than that, there's not much to talk about. *sigh* Midterms... X_X
*looks at friends list* Somehow, only 1 person on my list has updated today, and according to my clock it's 11:20. That's sorta weird.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Well yesterday afternoon I found one of my long-lost favorite CDs. It's called Game-O-Rama. It came free with our Windows 95 in 1996. So that means I've had this game for 11 years. I love this CD. It has 99 demo games on it. They're really fun though. I was really happy to find this CD. I was also really happy to find out that about a third of the games still work on Windows XP! Considering that these are the really old games that run on MS-DOS, I figured they were too ancient to run on modern computers. I mean, some of them are designed for IBM computers! XD Yeah... Ancient. A lot of these games are made by Epic Megagagames or Apogee (3D Realms now, cuz they changed the company name). This CD has the original 2 Duke Nukem games and the original Wolfenstein 3D. I figured these were some titles people would know since they recently did remakes of these for... XBox I think. Return to Wolfenstein castle or something? I forget. I'm not really crazy about these games myself, but they're the popular ones. My personal favorites are Hocus Pocus and Commander Keen, and have been since I was in like Kindergarden are something! -^^- Yes, I really love this CD! I'm thrilled to have found it! -^^-
In other news I procrastinated about writing that essay that's due on Tuesday... <_< >_> but I'll do it later today... after I play Game-O-
Rama a little more... *a full time addict*
Oh yes, my brother's standing next to me. He wants me to mention that we're gonna buy Duke Nukem Manhattan project and Duke Nukem forever when it comes out. He's a big fan of the Duke Nukem stuff. I don't know why, but he says: "yeah... killing aliens is fun. And mutants too! Woo-hoo! Go mutants!" (no really, he just said that)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you always

Hocus Pocus by Apogee.
Look at these graphics, they should give you an idea of just how ancient this game is. This is actually pretty good graphics for the time.
I remember this level, I think it was level 3. Yeah... I was really hooked on that CD. You know, on my first time playing this again yesterday, I beat the demo game (about 10 levels).
PS: If anyone wants to look at some of these games the Apogee ones are at under "Old Games Still Available For Purchase".
The ones by Epic Megagames are available for download at: (Jazz JackRabbit was the best, but it stopped working once we got a computer more advanced than 95 T-T)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
Having a nostalgic moment
Well, I'm having a nostalgic moment right now about my old Game-O-Rama CD. It came with our Windows 95 that we bought when I was a little kid (1996 I think). I remember I really loved that CD... It had like 50 free shareware games. I think they were older than '96 though. Here's how this came about:
I was reading Angel Zakuro's post, and she mentions this mp3/midi site she uses. So I went to the site, and they had game midis for several of the games that were on that CD (there were like 50). I'm like "OMG! I remember those games!"
So then I impulsively go and google the title of one the games that I loved, and I end up on the Apogee/3D realms website. Apogee made a lot of the old games on that CD. Apparently they changed their name to 3D realms at some point. It was sorta fun. I saw that a bunch of the old games I remember are still up for download on their website. I remember my favorites were "Hocus Pocus" and "Commander Keen". It seems that their most popular game was the "Duke Nukem" series. I remember I liked that too.
*sigh* If only I could find that old Game-O-Rama CD. I can't remeber what I did w/ it after we got the XP. =_= It's probably sitting in a box somewhere... I remember I used to be completely addicted to that thing... Actually, I'm not sure if the old MS-DOS games are compatable w/ Windows XP, but we still have the old 98 somewhere. I remember about half the games worked on it...
Well I'm off to go look for that CD

Hocus Pocus by Apogee.
Look at these graphics, they should give you an idea of just how ancient this game is.
I remember this level, I think it was level 3. Yeah... I was really hooked on that CD.
OMG! OMG! I found it! And it works on Windows XP! *about to die from happiness* The old fashioned sound isn't compatible w/ my speakers though... But still, I FOUND IT!!!!!!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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