Well, I'm having a nostalgic moment right now about my old Game-O-Rama CD. It came with our Windows 95 that we bought when I was a little kid (1996 I think). I remember I really loved that CD... It had like 50 free shareware games. I think they were older than '96 though. Here's how this came about:
I was reading Angel Zakuro's post, and she mentions this mp3/midi site she uses. So I went to the site, and they had game midis for several of the games that were on that CD (there were like 50). I'm like "OMG! I remember those games!"
So then I impulsively go and google the title of one the games that I loved, and I end up on the Apogee/3D realms website. Apogee made a lot of the old games on that CD. Apparently they changed their name to 3D realms at some point. It was sorta fun. I saw that a bunch of the old games I remember are still up for download on their website. I remember my favorites were "Hocus Pocus" and "Commander Keen". It seems that their most popular game was the "Duke Nukem" series. I remember I liked that too.
*sigh* If only I could find that old Game-O-Rama CD. I can't remeber what I did w/ it after we got the XP. =_= It's probably sitting in a box somewhere... I remember I used to be completely addicted to that thing... Actually, I'm not sure if the old MS-DOS games are compatable w/ Windows XP, but we still have the old 98 somewhere. I remember about half the games worked on it...
Well I'm off to go look for that CD

Hocus Pocus by Apogee.
Look at these graphics, they should give you an idea of just how ancient this game is.
I remember this level, I think it was level 3. Yeah... I was really hooked on that CD.
OMG! OMG! I found it! And it works on Windows XP! *about to die from happiness* The old fashioned sound isn't compatible w/ my speakers though... But still, I FOUND IT!!!!!!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,