Well yesterday afternoon I found one of my long-lost favorite CDs. It's called Game-O-Rama. It came free with our Windows 95 in 1996. So that means I've had this game for 11 years. I love this CD. It has 99 demo games on it. They're really fun though. I was really happy to find this CD. I was also really happy to find out that about a third of the games still work on Windows XP! Considering that these are the really old games that run on MS-DOS, I figured they were too ancient to run on modern computers. I mean, some of them are designed for IBM computers! XD Yeah... Ancient. A lot of these games are made by Epic Megagagames or Apogee (3D Realms now, cuz they changed the company name). This CD has the original 2 Duke Nukem games and the original Wolfenstein 3D. I figured these were some titles people would know since they recently did remakes of these for... XBox I think. Return to Wolfenstein castle or something? I forget. I'm not really crazy about these games myself, but they're the popular ones. My personal favorites are Hocus Pocus and Commander Keen, and have been since I was in like Kindergarden are something! -^^- Yes, I really love this CD! I'm thrilled to have found it! -^^-
In other news I procrastinated about writing that essay that's due on Tuesday... <_< >_> but I'll do it later today... after I play Game-O-
Rama a little more... *a full time addict*
Oh yes, my brother's standing next to me. He wants me to mention that we're gonna buy Duke Nukem Manhattan project and Duke Nukem forever when it comes out. He's a big fan of the Duke Nukem stuff. I don't know why, but he says: "yeah... killing aliens is fun. And mutants too! Woo-hoo! Go mutants!" (no really, he just said that)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you always
Hocus Pocus by Apogee.
Look at these graphics, they should give you an idea of just how ancient this game is. This is actually pretty good graphics for the time.
I remember this level, I think it was level 3. Yeah... I was really hooked on that CD. You know, on my first time playing this again yesterday, I beat the demo game (about 10 levels).
PS: If anyone wants to look at some of these games the Apogee ones are at
http://www.3drealms.com/games.html under "Old Games Still Available For Purchase".
The ones by Epic Megagames are available for download at:
http://www.classicdosgames.com/epic.html (Jazz JackRabbit was the best, but it stopped working once we got a computer more advanced than 95 T-T)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,