Well, I just got back from my midterm. -^^- It wasn't too bad. I think my essay could have been better, but still, not too bad. I'll probably get a relatively good grade on the test.
Well, I went over the HTML and everything again, and made more modifications. The site seems to be working fine now. I'm still not sure exactly what caused all the graphics problems, but either I fixed the problem in my HTML, or some sort of server problem was fixed.
*sigh* Glad that's over. Both the midterm, and the graphics problem. =____= Well, I love my new music! -^^- I also changed my guesbook background (which you see when you first enter the site) to something prettier. It's still by the same artist, just a nicer pic.
My first midterms is today... I think I have a decent chance of passing, considering that I actually studied for real yesterday. I was hanging out with one of my more responsible friends yesterday, so we studied together. Today's midterm is for world history. *sigh* I feel sorta nervous. I have to leave for my midterm in less than an hour. O_O *nervous*
Is anyone else having trouble seeing the graphics on my site? I changed the HTML a little, and it doesn't seem to be working now. T-T When I save my profile as a separate HTML, and open it on explorer, it works fine, but I dunno... Maybe there's a prob with the myO server, or maybe I have to go over my HTML again. T-T It's frustrating. I've been working for like 20 minutes trying to fix this, and I was only meaning to go on here for like 5. *very frustrated* Oh well, if you aren't having trouble with my site, you'll notice that I changed my music. -^^- The song is "exotica" by Banzai. I put some info up about it in my profile.
Well, I'm off
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,