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myOtaku.com: xanth reborn

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hehe, yesterday was sorta embarrasing. As you can see, I am obviously still alive, and there wasn't any tornado. I completely panicked because we got put on tornado alert, even though I knew it probably wouldn't happen. It rained a little, but that's it. ^^"
Also, it's my birthday today! My feelings are still sorta mixed on it, but overall I'm happy. I still want to tape a sign on my back, saying something along the lines of:

"Wow, it's my birthday today.
Please direct me to the nearest secluded corner."

It shows what an oxymoron I am. I'm screaming out to the world that it's my birthday, and calling attention to it, and at the same time, I'm going to go sulk in an abandoned corner. *sweatdrop* Really though, I'm in an uber-good mood today. My friends have taken to screaming out in the hallway:


So I get some random people wishing me happy birthday as a result. ^///^ It's sorta embarrassing, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't actually like it.

Yes, and my allergies are much better since I got that inhalor thing. I used be on half a million different anti-histamines, and still manage to cough up a storm every 30 seconds. (It was a lot like asthma, but I don't have asthma, I have allergies) But yay! My allergies are cured!!! X3

In other random news, I have a bunch of projects coming up. I have to do a lot of work. But it's okay, because they're fun (except for my English essay, that sucks).
One of them is for my Science Research class, my elective AP course. I'm doing something on bird flu vaccines. The idea is that the more similar the RNA from the vaccine virus (flu vaccines use a dead virus) is to the one of whatever strain is attempting to infect you, the better it will work. So I stick the RNA code into a machine, which gives a bunch of numbers for me, and I get to use them for my project. So basically I let the comp do all the work, and then stick in a bunch of fancy words to make it look like I actually did something. *sweatdrop*

The other is a web-design project, where I create a website, and it counts as a final grade. It's fun.

My long lost friend Ambi-chan is here, and making me stop posting, but I'm gonna force her to say something first.

Ambi:Hiya everyone!! Nice to see you all again! n__n I have to make her stop posting cause if I left her here to her own accord she'd forget to eat her birthday lunch and if that happened some puppies might die in the process so it's best that she comes with me *steals Xanth* AND IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!! *throws confettie and forces Xanth to not be in a secluded corner all day* MWAHAHAH YOU ALL BETTER SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY OR I WILL EAT ALL OF YOUR PIECES OF BIRTHDAY CAKE THAT XANTH WILL EVER GET SO ERRR YEA THIS IS QUITE THE EMPTY THREAT BUT DO IT ANY WAY!!!!!! XD I WIN!! Love you all.

May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,

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