I'm sorry!
I always mean to visit people, and somehow, half the time, I still don't visit. And often, when I visit I somehow end up visiting and not commenting. I'm really a horrible friend. Please forgive me for all my shortcomings! T-T I love you all, even if I'm terrible at showing it.
Volunteer Work
Well, the interview went well. I think I probably got the job, well sorta, its volunteer work. If you didn't read my last post, I'm trying to apply for volunteer work over the summer at the local hospital. Of course, there's still a fair amount of paperwork to do. >_> Stupid bureacracy (sp?)... 99% of the application process is running from one floor to another trying to get all the right forms signed by all the right people. >_< I hate pointeless paperwork, and ineficcient bureacracies (sp?) and unfortunately they go together. XP
Site Changes Since Last Time
- Created a rollover for the banner
- Found a code for the scrolling title
- Got the annoying links to disappear in IE6
I know, I'm obsessed. Hard coding this has become my hobby. XD Added a few minor things to my layout. It's pretty much the same, but I think it's slightly nicer now.
Getting the links to disappear in IE6 was frust rating though. I spent a long time struggling, before I realized I missed an obvious method all along! XD Couldn't see the forest for the trees, as they say.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,