Drunk on Anime & Fruit Juice
Well, it's 11:30 PM, and I'm having a blast. Doing what? Drinking fruit juice and watching anime! XD How am I having so much fun doing something so mundane? I have no clue. ^^" But still, I'm really happy.
The juice is made from guarana berry, with some bubbly fizz, and maybe some caffeine. I don't know what it is about guarana juice that makes me so giddily euphorically happy, so that I can't stop laughing, but it does! Or maybe it's just the fact that I love the juice and can never have it. But JUICE!!! ^___^
The anime is Azumanga Daioh. Just gotta love Osaka! She's so random! (although Yukari and Chiyo are are fun too) I think that out of all the anime characters I've ever seen, Osaka is one of the ones that I associate myself with most. For the past few days I've been deeply enjoying myself re-watching Azumanga Daioh eps, because I finally found a website (ninjanime.com) that shows good-quality anime online! No more hunting on YouTube to watch fuzzy images with muffled sound! W00t anime!
Everything Else
- On Thursday I go on vacation to visit my uncle, aunt, and their baby. She's so kawaii! X3
- I attended (my step-bros) all-day 18th birthday party. I'm really happy for him. But I'm not really a party person. My people circuits wear out after the first hour or two. If I'm forced to stay longer I transform from introverted to antisocial. It was rather draining.
- I need more juice. My cup ran out. ^^"
- I appologize for not vising. Just remember that I love you all
- Goes to get more juice, and possibly anime
- Good night!
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,