Well, my essays were due on Friday, and they're still not done. O_o I've honestly been trying to finish, but... I'm doomed. T-T And it's my own fault. I hope it doesn't affect my grade as much as I think it will. *sigh* I'm an idiot sometimes. I hope I can stay in the course, and won't have to drop it.
School has been rather uneventful, with the exception of my overdue essays. I had my first Latin quiz the other day. I just switched over from Spanish class. My Latin teacher seems really cool. We had the most random conversation about how the plural of "octopus" is not "octopi". "Octopi" he says is based on a misinterpretation of a Latin rule, and that the formal plural should be "Octopodes", but no one uses that so we really can just say "Octopuses" like we originally wanted to before someone decided to incorrectly correct us. XD Isn't that the most random conversation? It makes me laugh.
Other random things about Latin: It doesn't matter what order the words are in, so long as they're conjugated correctly. The Romans obviously did not believe in periods, friends who took the class in the past told me that they'd often read an entire long paragraph with only 1 or 2 periods! Also, there is only 1 form of "to be", and only 1 way to say "you", unlike in spanish class, where we spent an entire unit on "ser vs estar" (the two ways to say "to be").
Sorry I haven't been visiting lately. I've been rather stressed about school. I know that's a bad excuse, but I'll try to see you all when I find the time (and energy, since I have to get up early again XP)
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,