Alright... I just got from my *evil* finals. I had global history, math, and spanish all in the same day! T-T And since they were all back to back I had no time to f---ing eat. So now I'm home, and I'm going to make myself some food. I think I'll be in a better mood once I eat. God though, that spanish test was tough. I think I passed...hopefully. My global test was easy, I just ended up rushing the essay due to time. Yeah I still had like 2 *long* paragraphs to write when I hear "OK, 5 minutes left, if you're ready pass up your test! -^^-" I'm all like O.o 5 minutes!!!!!!! OMG!!! *writes 3 sentences* There... That's one paragraph down. ^^" The math test was alright, not too easy not too hard.
I doubt anyone's gonna read this post, since it's 2:44, but maybe someone will. Sorry if it's sorta boring for you talking bout finals and wutnot, but I have nothing else to talk about. >.<
In other news, I told one of my otaku friends, that he sorta seemed emo. Okay, I only recently learned the word, so I shouldn't be using it. I think I accidently offended him. T-T Y do I always do this? I always seem to offend ppl b/c I speak w/o thinking things through. I feel bad, b/c I offended sum1 again w/o meaning to. Meh... I left him an apology in my comment to his post. I hope he forgives me. T-T
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,