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myOtaku.com: xanth reborn

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hello Peoples!!!!!! -^^-

I'm writing this at 7:42PM and I feel HYPER!!!!!!! Hehe, I guess I'm in a weird mood tonight? ...You know what? My friend Ambi-Chan (Chibi Koneko Girl) Her birthday party is on Sunday!!!!!!!! -^^- I gotta make her a card... That'll be fun!!!! Hehe, it's werid that I'm in a ultra-good mood right now, b/c I've been so stressed lately since I've been fighting with my Dad a lot. Well, anyways, I feel hyper, and I'm in a good mood, and SPORKS!!!!!!! Yeah... I'm feeling weird. Unfortunately... I don't think I have anything else to say today (sorta bored in my hyper way) So I think I'll spend my time asking you halfway random questions

What anime do you think has the best music?
I like the music from AIR

What anime character do you think looks best on wallpapers?
That's a tough one... I have 7 AIR wallpapers, most of which show the main character, Misuzu (the characters from AIR are just so beautifully drawn). Then again, I do like these Sasuske wallpapers a lot. ^///^

Do you have a favorite artist (like drawing type artist, not music)?
I think Yukirin's pics are d^^b I have a collection of them on my photobucket account.

If you had to have an anime boyfriend/girlfriend what character would you pick?
I have dibs on Roy Mustang! -^^- Ed's cool too, but unfortunately, Ambi-chan claimed him before I could. I also like Yuki and Kyo from Furuba!

Do you like techno music?
I LOVE techno!!! It fits in with my DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) obsession!


May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,

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