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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Another Day In Xanth's Boring Life
Well, I feel well rested this morning. I got nearly 12 hours of sleep last night! That's very rare for me! -^^-
So, let me think, what did I do yesterday? Not much. I went to the library, and took out the movie Memoirs of a Geisha. Honestly, it wasn't the best movie but it was sorta entertaining. The funniest part was that none of the actors playing the major characters were Japanese or American (it's an American movie taking place in Japan). No, all the main characters were played by Chinese actors! XD Apparently, the director is married to this famous Chinese actress, so that must have something to do with it. The main characters were played by: Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh, and Gong Li. Definitely Chinese names. I ate sushi while watching the movie. I guess you could say that it was pretty appropriate.
While I was at the library, I also ordered the unabridged Count of Monte Cristo. I saw the movie the other day. I enjoyed it a lot, and it inspired me to read the book. The only question is: will I enjoy the unabridged? I remember going through a similar thing with Great Expectations by Dickens (*hiss* Dickens! Hate!). I read an abridged version, loved it, and then attempted to read the real thing. It didn't work very well. I learned that I loathe Dicken's writing style. He has too many details about too many unimportant things. It was almost as bad as Robinson Crusoe, where the author spend an entire chapter talking about planting trees. >_< Hopefully, the unabridged Count of Monte Cristo won't be like that. If it is, I have another Isaac Asimov book (Foundation's Edge) to read as backup (I love Asimov, he's such a good writer). According to the library, since I put the book on Hold, it should arrive withing 3-5 days. So, I look foward to (and dread) reading this book soon.
Since I don't know if I'll be posting next week, I might as well ask now?
What are you guys planning to do for Thanksgiving break? (Darke, since you obviously don't clebrate Thanksgiving, what are you planning to do this weekend?) I'm going to go visit my grandmother. I look foward to the (hopefully edible, since G-ma's not a great cook) feast! -^____^- *licks lips* This talk of food is making me hungry.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you always
Memoirs of a Geisha Japanese Trailer
I liked this trailer better than the American one. Don't worry, the audio is in Enlgish. Only the writing is in Japanese.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,