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| xanth reborn
Saturday, December 23, 2006
*takes a deep breath* IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, okay, I'm good now. I just needed to get that outta my system. So, you're probably wondering what's been going on in the world of Xanth since I last posted a few days ago.
- Well, I finished that huge article summary for science research. I'm very proud of it too, after staying up till midnight working on it, I think it came out pretty well. So I plan on putting it up online to see what you guys have to say about what I wrote. Maybe not right now though, I'm having trouble uploading my files onto my account. >_<
- Since I've been staying up lately, I've been sorta outta it during the day time. This probably contributed to why I lost my graphing calculator and favorite thermos when I went to school the other day. T-T And the school's all locked up now, so I can't look for them! D*** it! That graphing calculator wasn't cheap either! Sorry, forgive me. I don't normally swear. But I'm a little upste about it right now. +_+
- I signed up to take web design in the second semester. I bought a "Dreamweaver MX 2004 for Dummies" book, since we're going to be using Dreamweaver in the course.
- Christmas is on monday. In all honesty, I'm not sure how I feel: whether I feel happy or sad. In the past I always loved Christmas. But I dunno... It doesn't feel like Christmas this year.
- The other night, I dreamed that it was Christmas. In all the surrounding houses, everyone was celebrating and having a good time. But my house was dark, empty and barren. I was all alone. I sat in the corner of the house and hugged my knees. I felt so sad, I wanted to cry. It was a really a nightmare.
- When I woke up, I felt so scared that my dream could become a reality. I don't know why I'm feeling depressive (maybe its PMS), but I seem to be. I wonder if this seems weird, since I usually try to act all happy when I'm around people. But I dont know... I don't feel like it today. Maybe it's just a dream and I shouldn't let myself be bothered by it. But, it does bother me. It bothers me a lot.
- Somehow this year... no one I know seems to be happy its Christmas. Maybe it's just my perception of things, but I'm not sure. Maybe if no one else seems happy, I can't be either. Maybe other people's sadness seems to rub off on me. Once again. I don't know. Maybe this is all a symptom of stressing over all the essays I've had to write recently (I've really been in deadline hell) and not getting to sleep until like midnight. Maybe I'm just overreacting over everything.
- Wow. It's 11:29 and I got on at like 10:40. We're going to my grandmother's soon. I don't know how soon. I hope I'll have some time to comment on people's site, or at least finish this post. *sigh* I never seem to have quite enough time for anything anymore.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,
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