Well, I don't know who will read this since it's past 3:30, but I'll give it a shot.
I just got back from my grandparents a few minutes ago. It feels nice to finally be out of the car. *sigh* =____= I hate being cramped in the car for long periods of time! >_<
On the first day at my grandparents, we went window shopping at the mall. It was sorta nice, but I didn't find anything I really felt like buying. One thing that I thought was funny at the mall though. I stopped at this store called Teavana, looking for free samples of tea since they usually serve some (I'm a little bit of a free loader ^^") but unfortunately they were out this time. So I decided to poke around the store a little. I saw this box labeled
"Perfect Tea Maker", so I asked one of the store guys what it does.
Store guy: Well, you put hot water and tea leaves in this machine. You let it steep for a while, and then press this button, and it pours out perfect tea! -^^- I sell more of this machine than anything else in the store. *gives a free demo using water* Isn't it great?
Me: *thinking*
A machine that does nothing except pour the drink is selling better than anything else in the store? I mean, it doesn't even heat the water or stir the tea or something. Besides, tea isn't even hard to make. The only useful thing in this is the wire mesh that strains the leaves, which I can buy for about $1, and this machine costs $20. Wow... people are truly suckers.
After that, it was more or less a little family reunion. Not much to say about that. It was nice to see my family, but we mostly just sat around and talked.
The highlight of the second day was probably going to the Chinese grocery store. Usually, it's not much of a whoop going out to buy food, but this place near my grandmother's house was HUGE! Well, we bought a bunch of stuff for our New Year's dinner that we don't know the name for (written in chinese) but looked fairly appetizing. Something I thought was funny though was that among all the Chinese food, there was a little aisle labeled
"American Food". I was sorta curious what a foreigners idea of typical American food would be, so I walked into the aisle. I was sorta impressed. It was like a Stop n Shop compressed into a single aisle. All the major brands and products were in there. I was like "Wow..." ^^" They were definitely right on target.
Not much more to my visit that would make good conversation. I sat around the house, read, watched TV, played video games, nothing much. So, therefore I'll end my rambling now, and hope that people will read my post.
PS: Happy New Years! I plan on finishing that card sometime today.
May the gods of sporks and insanity be with you,