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• 1989-06-13
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• 2005-10-15
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• Kiwi
• Completing the Mt Cook to Christchurch multisport race with my friends!!
Anime Fan Since
• ive luved anime since i was bout 8!!
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• my frends 'graphic novel' *COUGHcomicCOUGH*
• to beat John an Mason in cross country....
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• listening to frends i spose....
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
I grieve
like the waters flowing from from a waterfall
the tears flow and roll
my body feels as heavy as the lead that killed innocence
and my heart is as heavy as steel
under the moon lit night
i grieve for the children of God
that were taken by their blood brothers
i grieve for the mothers that lost a child or husband
no words can describe a mothers' grief
there are not enough words to heal a broken heart
silently under the moon lit sky
i grieve
as the bright toes of dawn step across the sky
i smile
a new day
a new hope
a new dream
Written after going on the trip 'Sojourn to the Past' and after listening to Phil Collins. Enjoy.
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
lol I know I waited until the last minute to get my dress, so i went shopping on friday after skool to get it and the first one I saw, I fell in LUV with.
Email me if you want pictures of the prom, though i didnt take many, and if you want the story in more detail lol
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Junior Prom
So, tomorrow (22 April, 06) is the PROM!! I'm sooo excited!!!
For those who know me by going to skool with me -- DEFINITELY expect a few pics, as i got my camera from Christmas FINALLY fixed, so i can take some pics of the dance!! YAY!
Not too sure what my dress is like, as it hasnt been bought yet... I havent really had the time to go shopping for it, but now i have some time tonight and Saturday morning LOL
Wow, i'm soooo psyched up for this dance!!!
Yeah, I've gotten a lil slack about keeping up with MyOtaku, as skool is starting to catch up on me and stuff >.< lol
Handling things a lil bit better now though ;P
Yay, thanx to BORING STAR testing (kinda like PATs for the two kiwis) i dont have to go to skool till 12.20 tomorrow, WHOO!!
Question of the day: what is your favourite Disney song??
Mine: Just Can't Wait to be King!! <3
bye bye all!! Much luv to yall!!!!!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Two essays, a term paper and a college paper, and a biology field study project.
This is everything I have to do, and that's not including the petty lil annoying things that we get everyday for homewerk.
So I'm a lil stressed out...
But anywho, I FINALLY went on Sojourn, and it was well worth it!!!
We learned AAALL about the Civil Rights Movement and I met a whole bunch of awesome people!!
Basically, 113 people (including teachers) created a tight bond with each other in a few days. One that cannot be broken or understood except by those few that have been on Sojourn.
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Not Quite...
awww ok so i didnt improve my 1 mile time, but i did improve my 2 mile time at the campolinda meet!! lol
So how are y'all??? I'm good... a lil tired and a teensy bit stressed, but I have sooo muuch happening right now! I'm actually kinda looking forward to everything being over!! O_O
Ha ha, Im watching the three musketeers!! awwww, they are so funny!! ^_^
well, hope everyones weekend is swell!!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
OoOo my bad people!!
Ive been so busy at skool that i havent really had the time to go on the net!! skool has now blocked the site (idiots) so that sux!
Track is getting sooo much better!! My mile time is 6:26 mins and im going to improve it at the campolinda meet we have tomorrow!!!
I talked to my sister on the fone for the first time since April 05 so im totally psyched up now (plus ive had some mountain dew!!)
im going away for a few weeks on a civil rights trip, so thats gonna be awesome!!
Lately Ive just been spending time with friendz and getting ready for Diversity week, which is happening this week at skool!! (third day tomorrow!!)
Oh yeah, and my hair went from blonde to.... PURPLE!!!!!!
~ka kite
Kiwi xoxoxo
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Yesterday at the track meet, it was soooo freakin awesome!!!!!!
I broke my 1 and 2 mile time records!!!!!!!!
My 1 mile time WAS 7.45 (I know, it was a slow time lol) and NOW its 6.40
My 2 mile time WAS 16.27, and NOW its 14.21!!!
OoOoOoh yeah, I rock!! Lol I'm having a dam good gloat, because now I have a good goal to reach, so YAY!!!!
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
5 Hours and counting...
11.52 pm Friday March 03 2006
In approximately 5 hours and 38 minutes I have to get up for a track meet (again!! ^_^)
Hmmm.... considering I told Jon (Zero) not to go online so late, I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing... Lol
Goodnight ladies and gentle-boys!!!
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
What's in a name?! LOL
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The Weekend....
10.00 pm Monday 27 February 2006
Got up at 5 am for a track scrimmage, which was pretty dam awesome!
Our track coach's wife gave birth to two healthy twins -- a boy, Noah, and a girl, Olivia.
They are 11 weeks premature, but they are healthy and in an incubator until May 10. Then they come out!!!
Mrs track coach is back at home, resting up and recovering -- the babies were delivered via c-section -- so thats pretty darn amazing!!!!
Later on that night I was at a friends house, and we accidently set off the panic button. Yeah, NOT a good thing to do when you are alone!!! Four cops cars pulled up outside the house and this guy came to see if we were ok. So that was fine, but then my friend got so freaked out that I ended up staying.
On Sunday, met up with a friend at the BART station at we went in search of some blue hair dye. Didn't find any, but I bleached his hair and WAS gonna dye it orange, but then he chickened out...
And thats my weekend! Apart from my mum being a bitch right now, I'm fine -- anyone else?? ^_^
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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