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Friday, February 24, 2006
Stupid NY/CA time diff!!!
Thursday 23 Feb 2006 9.41 PM
Grrr I have to remember to post at a better time! Lol. Aaaah well...
Sooo what happened today??
Not much really.... usually my dayz are filled with something out-of-the-ordinary, but today wasnt really special lol....
OoOo I fell asleep in english for the second day in a row!! Ha ha... not good...:( lol
Oooooooh yeah, and i stole my frendz tennis ball and forgot to give it back to him at lunch lol.
Hmph... thats about it really...
Ka kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
can you say OMIGOD?!
Wednesday 22 Feb 06
Ha ha, my hair went from a very light golden blonde to a very dark purple-red kinda colour!! (burgundy!)
Peoples reactions were soooo funny!!! My frend, Jillie, ignored me TWICE cuz of my hair!! Ha ha lol. I changed it coz I wanted a change of scenery and I was bored of blonde lol. Its sooo wierd now, and my mum keeps thinkin that I'm my older sister, Shannyn, who has similar coloured hair lol.
My bio teacher, Odie, is now ripping into me any chance he has lol.
Well, I had a good day today -- can y'all tell?? lol. OoOo i got my California High Skool Exit Exam results back for my english exam -- i scored 417 out of a possible 450!!!! On the essay part I got a 3.0 out of 4.0 (a B i think).
Ha ha my day just keeps on getting better and better lol.
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
ps. Yes, Di i got your pictures -- very very AWESOME!!! thanks a bunch, i luuuurrrrrve you!!! *high 5!!*
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A lil package...
AND I have my bestestest friend Dianna (XxanimeangelxX) to thank for keeping me warm while up in the snowy moutains!!!
She MADE me a Gryffindor scarf and sent it, along with a towel with the NZ flag on it!!!
It arrived on Thursday afternoon, which was what i was hoping for, cuz I left that night to stay over at a friends house and i wasn't gunna get home till monday lol.
Lotsa hugs and kisses to you and my friend Angela who is going through a really tough time at the moment! I luv you both!!!
Ka Kite!!
ps. O_o I dyed my hair a VERY different colour -- :O and can't wait to see the look on peoples faces at skool later on today!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Well, now thats over...
Over Presidents Day weekend (FOUR DAY WEEKEND YA'LL!!! BOO YA, BABY!) I went to Tahoe with a couple of friends, so that was sooo much fun!!
I went togabogoning (or tobagogganing as I like to call it ^_^) for the first time!! Ha ha, I cant even spell it!!!
It was sooo much fun, and we watched movies, talked, played the PS2 and did girly things lol. (more talking!)
It was awesome to get away from Walnut Creek and just relax!!! OOOOMIGOOOOOSH I wanna do it again with my Mum cuz then we can go to Nevada too!!!
Yay!! ^_^
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Dancing to the beat of my own drum...
Ha ha, so in the weekend, I went to the mall with my friends, Tom, Britneyann, Neysa, Kenzie, Mary-Beth, Janelle, Martig (sp) and Jon. It was LOTSA fun, and I discovered a shop called Hot Topics.
If you already know of this place, dont mock me please?! I'm a foriegnor... lol
And then afterwards, Jon, Janelle, Kenzie and I all headed back to Mary-Beths house where I danced for two hours straight to random songs from Janelles iPod and singing along lol.
Omg it was sooooo much fun!! Everyone thought I was hella hyped up on Moutain Dew, but I hadn't had any (one can of Safeways moutain dew lol) and then after I got home, I spent 3-4 hours dancing with The Brat and her friend Zane, and even after she went to bed, I was STILL dancing LOL!
And then yesterday (even though I'm not a big fan of V Day) it was really good ^_^. Jon surprised (kinda lol) me with a really nice gift, whereas I only got him a stupid card... >.<
OoOo but now I know how it feels to go AAALL day and not eat anything at all (literally!) and then run (pitifully) for track.
IT SUX! lol.
OoOo and our track coach is gonna be the proud father of twins in a few months, YAY!! His wife is very big and round apparently lol.
How did everyones V. Day go???
Ka kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Ha ha, I got high off a caffeine-free Sprite at lunchtime yesterday!! Who does that?!?! lol.
Well, me obviously...>.< YAY I got my phone back!! Mum took it from me on Monday night, and so I got it back last night! WHOO!!!
Hope y'all had a good day!
Ka kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Ok, so I have a small confession to make. I've been extremely moody over the last couple of days, because it was the 4th anniversary of my [step]dad's death on the 7th, and him being millions of miles away makes me feel so incredibly lonely. I know I have friends and mum and stuff, but its so much easier to do this over the net, rather than talk to someone, cuz theres nobody who can really understand what it's like. The only person I could ever talk to is in Australia, and she never answers her email.
So yeah, for the next couple of days I'm gonna be incredibly emo... so sorry guys, but bear with me....
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
And thats that...
How the hell can a bunch of disabled kids make me really happy, after I had a huge argument with my mother at 11.00 monday night and then was in a foul mood AAALL day Tuesday?? Basically (again) I was a total bitch to all my frendz, including zeroGx9 and I have NO idea why I was so bitchy!
But I'm glad the kids in the Special Ed (or whatever the hell its called) managed to cheer me up lol. They are so funny ^_^ (Im a Peer Tutor, 4th period)
Hm well theres another rant on life...
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Ooooh SNAP!!
Question: Who actually likes Valentines Day??
I'm sorry, but I think it's an incredibly stupid cliche in this world of weirdness and clicheness...
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Monday, February 6, 2006
The Weekend...
On Friday, I looked after The Brat until Saturday, and I was too freaked out by the movie "When a Stranger Calls" to sleep, so I lit a candle!! Ha ha how random is that?! And then I woke up at 7.30 to The Brat standing in my room talking/staring at me... Was kinda creeped out...
The party went really badly, to put it bluntly. 'Alex' went overboard in being in charge, that we found the most lame-ass excuses to leave to go out to safeway. My friend and I decided that 'Alex' had to know how much they were pissing off everyone else, so all five of us sat down and we told 'Alex' how much they were upsetting everyone. Of course, I still wanted to be her friend, so we were kinda nice about the way we told 'Alex', but it must have been really hard for 'Alex' to be in the spotlight like that.
Well, at least we told them before they pissed anyone else off, so now 'Alex' is aware, so that's all good.
But, apart from that, it was really good to be able to catch up with my friends, and just hang with them. Lol.
Ha ha, had a grand adventure with XxanimeangelxX when she rung on Saturday!!! The phone rung and I got so excited to answer it, that I almost fell!! And we EASILY talked for 1 1/2 hours, but then I felt that I was being a bad host, so I said I'd call her back the next day. Unfortunately, I was really tired and it slipped my mind after my mum came home... I'M SORRY DI!!!!!
Maybe I'll try after skool today... *evil grin*
Ooooh oooooh and the 3 second delay wasnt that bad!!! Last time I musta had a bad connection or something, but this time there was almost NO delay WHATSOEVER!!!! Yay ^_^ XD XD
But we talked about the most random as crap! Mostly about who we went to skool with and stuff that probably sounds boring to anyone who reads this, but means something to us! Ha ha, our record for talking on the phone about nothing (literally) is about..... 5 hours I think... Dam, it's grrreat to be us!! lol
Oh yeah, I found out on Sunday that Moutain Dew has as big of a kick as Red Bull does, so now I have a NEW addiction!!! *giggles uncontrollably*
Well, on Sunday, I watched a whole bunch of movies coz I was soooo tired. OoOo I HIGHLY reccomend "The Lion King 1 1/2"!!!! It's soooo funny!! Lol. I was laughing for aaages!!
I've seen two different versions to "The Butterfly Effect". Or alternate endings, anyway... On the first one I saw, at the end, the main dude,(Evan) killed himself so he could save other people, him and his mother go to a fortune-teller who tells him he wasn't meant to live, and he finds an old photo album that his father used to talk about.
In this one I saw last night, none of that happened, and at the end, he goes to a party and tells this girl to never come near him again, and then lots of years later, they pass on a random street, but he ignores her and they both end up walking on.
Personally, I liked the first one better ^_^
O_o wow, long post....
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
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