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myOtaku.com: XanthiaRose

Thursday, February 2, 2006

   Out of Control!
Have you ever told your friend that they are too controlling??? And if you did, how did they take it?
Well, my nameless friend - lets call this person... 'Alex' - is very controlling, and 'Alex' and partner had issues over control. So, i sorted them out, and then 'Alex'came to me today with a PERFECTLY PLANNED out schedule on Saturday, for MY movie day! 'Alex' had written out movies that they wanted to watch, one after the other, without thinking about the other 7 people that are going to be there.
I luv 'Alex' to bits, but I mean, who does that??
I was really pissed (to be brutally honest, after the hours I've spent talking to 'Alex' about the control issues) and then they come up to me and try to take my day over?!
I'm sorry to rant, but it just kinda really pissed me off more than I thought, I spose...
So, now I'm asking for advice:
How do I tell 'Alex' that they need to stop being so controlling, while keeping my friendship intact?
Ka Kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo
Ps. 'Taters? What's Taters, Precious?' is indeed off Lord of the Rings!!!! Yay, go all you people who got it right!!! Everyone else: start brushing up on your LOTR facts!

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