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myOtaku.com: XanthiaRose

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Dancing to the beat of my own drum...
Ha ha, so in the weekend, I went to the mall with my friends, Tom, Britneyann, Neysa, Kenzie, Mary-Beth, Janelle, Martig (sp) and Jon. It was LOTSA fun, and I discovered a shop called Hot Topics.
If you already know of this place, dont mock me please?! I'm a foriegnor... lol
And then afterwards, Jon, Janelle, Kenzie and I all headed back to Mary-Beths house where I danced for two hours straight to random songs from Janelles iPod and singing along lol.
Omg it was sooooo much fun!! Everyone thought I was hella hyped up on Moutain Dew, but I hadn't had any (one can of Safeways moutain dew lol) and then after I got home, I spent 3-4 hours dancing with The Brat and her friend Zane, and even after she went to bed, I was STILL dancing LOL!
And then yesterday (even though I'm not a big fan of V Day) it was really good ^_^. Jon surprised (kinda lol) me with a really nice gift, whereas I only got him a stupid card... >.<
OoOo but now I know how it feels to go AAALL day and not eat anything at all (literally!) and then run (pitifully) for track.
IT SUX! lol.
OoOo and our track coach is gonna be the proud father of twins in a few months, YAY!! His wife is very big and round apparently lol.
How did everyones V. Day go???
Ka kite
~Kiwi xoxoxo

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