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myOtaku.com: XbangXbangX

Monday, December 10, 2007

Good Afternoon!

Random Icon Of The Day:: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Song Of The Day:: No Song Of The Day

Days Left Until Christmas:: 14

I sold my crappy little car! It's about damn time too! I was sick of that thing, but now I have a giant truck!! *laughs* I feel so manly!^.^ It's a green Dodge Ram from like '96 or something like that. I love it though!^.^ It's so 'effin huge though! It sucks to park, but for some reason I drive my new truck better than I drove my old car.

Josh told me that I looked sexy in my new truck. What a dork!^.^ But he loves it as well!^.^

I took my subs out and everything from my car, so now they're just chillin' in the living room, collecting dust (damn dust) and not being used! I love my subs. I paid so much for them. I would hate to have something happen to them.

Enough about my subs. Christmas is almost here! I'm getting excited!^.^ Only about another week and it's Christmas break!^.^ I still haven't finished my shopping yet (yikes!) so I think I might take a day off of school and go while Josh is in classes.

Josh hates the fact that I leave. For anything, classes, work, when I go to raves with Duzell. He absolutely hates it. He's always by me and follows me as much as he can. Even in the shower. Yes, I don't think I've ever had a shower to myself since we've been dating. We sleep together, eat, go to classes, sometimes even work. He's always by my side. I love him to death, but sometimes I just wish I could be alone for at least an hour or something. But whatever, I'll put up with it^.^ I love him to much to give him up for only a few measly hours of solitude!^.^




Alexander and Josh

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