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myOtaku.com: xbreakawayx

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Well, school is finally finishing up... june 9th is the last day, but we have exams after that.. how exciting (o_O)... and then after that i graduate high school :(, and that sucks! i'm really going to miss high school.. it went by too fast to even recap and remember all of the good times!! well, i'm hoping university is a bit better, and i'm able to actually remember the important stuff...

also, my photoshop CS expiry date is in eleven days, and i'm kind of sad, only because these past thirty days have also gone by really fast! urrg. life goes by too fast you don't even have time to catch up with yourself. but other than those two things, life it great.

it was my friends birthday on monday, so we're having a little bit of a get together for him on fiday night which should be a jolly-good time! well, that's all for now! ta-ta

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