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¤In the Clouds¤
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¤She Who Must Not Be Named¤
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¤Forever..Anime Rocks! ^_^¤
¤To get great grades in school, and to be successful at the guitar¤
¤Playing Guitar, collecting key-chains..bwahahaha, listening to music¤
¤Playing Guitar?¤

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Hay Hay yall! Sup homie G's you Foo. Hahahaha...just kidding. I'm not turning "gangsta".'s kind of an inside joke. Well..not really..but still. Yeah...well I had fun, Devons party rocked my socks! I have a bunch of Lays! (whatever those neck thingies are called) It was awesome! I found out a couple of things I didn't know. Yay! It was so0o much fun. Me and Devon were the only ones that did not sleep at all that night. Well.....Devon slept for like 10 min. (hahahaha) at like 9 or 10 something A.M., once everyone was awake. I think it was because 1)she was tired, and 2)we were playing with her dance game. Bwahahaha. That was awesome. I want that game...Well, monday is Ashley's birthday, so I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!! MY SPECIALEST COUSIN IN THE WORLD! YAY! Go Ashley, Go, Go, Go Ashley, It's ya birthday, we gunna party like it's ya birthday. That was weird. But, yeah Happy Early Birthday! My feet and calves and legs hurt from walking so much today. Me and my dad were walking around the mall so I can get clothes, and we were looking at motorcycles (yay my daddy is gettin a motorcycle! bwahaha), and we went to finish getting my school supplies (haha), and also I had to go to Owen's Ski and Sport to get my shoes since Pacsun didn't have my shoe size. Gosh darnit, just my luck. I never have luck. But that's alright. Well..actually..sometimes I do have luck! Ok?!?! Ok. Good. Devon, your party was fun. Bwahahaha! I was the only normal person there! I'm the only one who didn't kill my dog! Aren't I so nice? I spared the poor wittle puppies life! JUST THINK OF THE WIDDLE BLUE PUPPY YOU SICK BASTARDS! THINK OF HOW HE WOULD FEEL! WHAT IF IT WAS YOUR PUPPY AND YOU SQUISHED ITS EYEBALLS AND MADE ITS GUTS COME OUT OF ITS BOTTOM!??!?!?! AAAAARGH!! HMPH!
I still can't believe it..I mean..sheesh! Goodness Gracious! My god! I need sleep, seriously. I'm going to go take a bath after I sort out my binders and school crap. I feel beat. Literally. AHAHAHA no not literally. But yeah I feel broken. My arms and legs feel broken. Stupid shopping bags weighed a ton. I'm mad at them too. I'm also mad at the stores I went to for not being close together. Hmph!
Anyways-when I was at the mall, I saw Shane, CC, and Rachel twice. Haha I don't think any of them saw me! Well..except for Rachel we were both in Pacsun. She was looking at shoes and..well so was I..and I looked to my left and I'm like Rachel? And I'm thinking...SWUDE!! Nice Glasses! And then after we left I saw her in Hechts..Hecks..however the HECK it's spelled. Hahahaha..we were both cracking up. It was funny because it's like....stalker!!!! AAH! So..yeah. I have to go now..buh bye...
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Wow..when was the last time I posted? I dunno, I've been busy with my livejournal, and a bunch of crap. But I'm back!
Well...uh..I'm listening to the radio. Oh yeah I just cleaned off my desk. How wonderful! ^_^
Yay! I feel so special now. Haha..I wish. Yay Devon I will see if I can find a chainsaw for you..VROOM VROOM! hahaha...Weird thing is..I have $12 in dollars, and $7.03 in change. Quarters, dimes, nickels, and lots of pennies. Hahaha...I seriously need one of those things where you put in a dollar in change and they give it to you in dollars. Bwahahahaha. Kat/Grandfunk Master is joining. Yay!! WoopWoop! ^_^
Well...that will be all for now..I am trying to finish my poem. It's sad...I'm going to make another sad one too. It's related to something that I consider sad. So..yeah. later!! XD
Love, x-Sofie (aka Luna)
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Someone deleted the kingdom hearts memory from my memory card. But no worry, I wasn't that far in the first place. I just finished Wonderland today...
I love that accent you do Ashley! It's so awesome and it makes me laugh. Hahahaha! It's so cool! I have about 9 chapters left to read of the 5th Harry Potter book, The Order of The Pheonix. I have to go watch InuYasha in a little bit, so I better hurry up. I don't have much to say besides today was boring and pathetic. If you want to read about it because I am not explaining it again, go to
Well, that's about it. I'll post some other time because I am too lazy to type more lol. >_<
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